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Everything posted by Clarita

  1. I'm reading a used version of this book. Really opening my eyes to the why of literary analysis.
  2. Thanks for this I read/saw some of her stuff and I'm starting some stuff too.
  3. Don't feel like you need to apologize if you don't think you actually have anything to apologize for. I know what I said before but I was also not there so perhaps you did nothing to dismiss his thoughts. You can also just have a conversation about how you could address him when you think he's overreacting or getting too worked up. For example a specific phrase so that you can disengage from a discussion that is turning into a screaming match (and that topic really isn't important).
  4. Yes we do and I do feel like we have a good relationship. I used to get really worked up over these, especially since they are a lot of times over stupid little things that really don't need much resolving or completely unresolvable because it doesn't matter. Usually it's because one or the both of us are under some sort of stress and we are each other's safe person. We've done a lot better since we started communicating more about these fights and we've given each other space to calm down. Before there was a huge subscription to not going to bed angry but... sometimes I don't think it can actually happen. We don't let it fester for weeks though just talk about it as soon as it is feasible. Most of those conversation goes "hey, what happened yesterday?" He might tell me I just felt like my opinion and thoughts were ignored blah blah blah. I may say something like "I'm sorry for making you feel that way. Yes I was a bit dismissive." That's pretty much the end of my part unless he continues to apologize for blowing up at me because really it was because he had a hard day at work or whatever - or this whole policy just triggered him because he has to put up with some stupid policy at work. If there is something he did that hurt you as well after your apology you can wait a few minutes and then talk to him about how he hurt your feelings. I think it's important to take a pause between your apology and telling him about your hurt feelings so there is a feeling that your apology doesn't hinge on his for you.
  5. I stopped using sponges. They feel really gross to me now. I love my swedish dishcloth. It's basically a dishcloth that holds more water, which is great for me because I get water everywhere in my kitchen. For scrubbing I use a nylon brush and for the cast iron I've always used a stainless steel scrubber, even when I was using sponges.
  6. It's the top thing I miss about Hong Kong. I would happily give up my car for Hong Kong's public transportation. It's way more convenient than owning a car. (My mom who moved there doesn't miss having a car at all.) Also, it's a pretty high standard because some say it is the best public transportation system in the world (and it actually makes money on top of being absolutely amazing). In my area decades ago decided they didn't want poor and other people to have quick and easy access to the nice neighborhoods. So, they dead-end east-west going streets so it takes FOREVER to go east-west, enough so that it's faster for me to go to the Costco 3 towns away than to go to the Costco in the same town as me. 🙄
  7. You could see if there's a local wood crafter in your area who can make you an unfinished board. Then you can apply your own "coating" to the board. There are food safe options out there. I bought beeswax from a local maker.
  8. I'm probably going to come back and edit this. My first grader is my second but she feels so different from my first. Language Arts: All About Reading, HWT/D'Nealian (seriously she can't decide so it's whichever she wants to do on any given day), The Secret World of Talking Animals from Thinking Tree, I may also use some stuff from the year of Bravewriter Quill I had got my son. Tag along reading Poodle with older brother. Math: Singapore Math Science: Mystery Science, some The Writing Revolution output. History: Curiosity Chronicles, some The Writing Revolution output.
  9. Well car or no car that guy is a NO!
  10. I make a list of the subjects I need to cover. I put down a thing that I can use for that subject. I use a different color to put down supplements (nice-to-haves) next. Hopefully my budget can cover the one thing I put down for each subject. Our curriculum expenditures tend to happen throughout the year my son is really asynchronous so the purchase all my curriculum for the year at one point in the year has never happened for me. For me though, I need a "free" fall back plan for things, because I go over budget with supplements (mostly books), and self-education stuff. That's why I need my charter school, they make sure I have something for the necessary subjects. Without that option, I think I would keep a list of free (maybe not ideal) things I can use for certain subjects.
  11. I did a lot of the initiating with DH. He made me feel desired by indulging me in being me. I wouldn't be surprised if we tallied up the calling and I did the lion's share of initiating, but he would stay on the phone with me for 2 hours (now that we're married he's a bit more honest about not wanting to listen to me ramble for hours). Then, there were things that made me feel desired, that didn't even inconvenience him, which were the things that ultimately brought us together (because we're compatible). I suggest the leading thing a lot for you only because it seems like the wait really bothers you. Sitting around waiting bothers me too and I need a bit more contact than perhaps the average girl (probably number one complaint of men who don't want to date me). From experience it's always better for me to find out earlier rather than later a guy isn't compatible with me and who I am. It doesn't matter how many guys I can get to date me by me trying to be what some generic theoretical male wants me to be. I'm not going to be happy in those relationships. Of course dating isn't that enjoyable until we happen upon that compatible person. While I don't believe there's only one person that's right for anyone, I do believe there is a lot of not the ones.
  12. I like the plastic ones and DH likes the heavy wood ones. So we have both at our house. Plastic is great because it's light and I can shove them in the dishwasher. Wood is nicer to cut on and looks better, but I hate washing them.
  13. I was not the only woman pursuing DH when we first met. (Granted I didn't find out until we had be dating for a few years.) DH wasn't the only guy pursuing me. I was majorly interested, I wanted him to be mine. I'm a self confident woman (some have said a bit too much) and I am going to after what I want; I don't care what some random person says in a book. I'll call him when I want to talk to him. I'll make plans to have dinner with him if I have nothing to do Wednesday night and I want to spend time with him. If he can't handle or doesn't like how much I want of him, then we are probably not compatible anyway. To be honest men have rejected me for being as forward and demanding as I am; they were good guys but we wouldn't have made a good couple.
  14. I'll put this out there. I'm a pursuer. I figure any bachelor who's a good mate probably has more than me pursuing him. If he's checking all the boxes of being an amazing person I'm going to take up all his time so he won't have time to entertain anyone else.
  15. I'd definitely take him out of the K-6 class. It doesn't sound very well run right now. I do think maybe you could work with him on the anxiety part of having to change classes and teachers for subjects. Will this be a new experience for all entering students? (I didn't have to change teachers and classes until 6th grade.) Maybe it'd make him more at ease if everyone is learning how to handle changing classes. Also changing teachers does not mean changing students so he can find a buddy and they can try and ask for the same classes to up the chances of being in a lot of classes together. Of course bringing him home can work too. Maybe you could get numbers for his buddies and make a point of staying in touch with them. Honestly though I would have this discussion with my son and see what he wants to do. The K-6 class sounds like a mess so I'd take that option off the table and ask him what he would choose between homeschooling and mainstream classes. Just make it a year commitment type thing (or even shorter if that's possible) so he knows it's not a forever thing if he wants to change his mind.
  16. Cheapy umbrella stroller. If it doesn't fit in the in the plane with you they will take it at the ramp during boarding. I did that for a domestic flight. They stow it away with people's wheelchairs and walkers. You should be able to check out if it's allowed with your airline(s).
  17. The bride and groom need to initiate these conversations, Well bride and groom talk to each other about their visions for the wedding then, they go to their respective parents and talk to them about cost and vision. There is such a blending of cultures in many places a lot of people are just sitting around waiting for direction so they don't offend anyone. DH loves weddings. So ours was big and fancy with 100's of people. A lot of it were these pieces that DH sentimentally wanted at his wedding and pieces there to accommodate that (handbells is one of his things, and he really did know the 100's of people we invited because he's a major extrovert). It doesn't make any sense for our parents to indulge us in that.
  18. FOr the KA issue @cintinativeis talking about.
  19. Perhaps I'm not understanding what you are suggesting, but I'm not quite sure how the pathway through a particular engineering major could be significantly altered due to sequencing issues. Engineering is so inflexible because so much builds on the previous courses and thus going out of sequence is not really possible. Maybe I'm missing something? There is more overlap in the disciplines than you might think actually. For example I specialized in control theory for my masters and they actually had me take courses in mechanical engineering for it because there weren't really enough electrical engineers needing/wanting the course for them to offer the electrical engineering emphasis of the course. The mathematical concepts and procedures are the same, it's just whether you are applying it to electrons or fluid and actuators or even just numbers. So how I read it is perhaps the college figures out which courses are essentially equivalent and then letting students decide whether they want to take the course within their discipline or whether they want to branch out and take it elsewhere.
  20. I totally get it I did think of getting this type of cabinet for my stand mixer. The size and shape ended up not being practical for my space is the only reason I don't have it. Of course now my stand mixer just lives on the countertop. So in my dreams I still like to fit the stand mixer shelf into my kitchen.
  21. I think it would be better if engineering had more female presence. If nothing else they design things for people to use, people of both genders. It's useful to have a voice in there saying "have you considered this?" If there is some doable tweaks to make it more appealing I think it'd be good to consider and I think companies would definitely consider it. There are actually other reasons other than optics that companies have found they don't want to really have 95-100% male (or perhaps even female, I've just never experienced that type of environment) in a workplace. Having a huge skew leads to workplace toxicity because there isn't much to balance out certain traits (like the lack of interpersonal care). Interestingly enough some of the big names in computer science are actually women. Here's a list of some https://www.computerscience.org/resources/most-influential-women-computer-science/. In some respects other industries have made changes too to make the work environment better for women. At one point it was OK to smack our coworker's bottoms or say inappropriate jokes. We discovered it made people uncomfortable and made for bad working environment for some so we made a tweak to that and more women felt comfortable joining the workforce. More of them became lawyers, accountants and doctors. Maybe these thoughts are just the next step. 🤷‍♀️
  22. I'll say a stroller is way easier to push children in than a wagon, especially a bigger child. Thus, I would think if a stroller is going to be hard on this terrain a wagon will be even harder. I haven't tried either on cobblestone but wagon on a gravel path with a large 4 year old was awful and my friend and I said never again.
  23. Hopefully someone has experience with it specifically can chime in.
  24. If it physically fits the space I don't know why a kitchen aid would work and your Bosch wouldn't. The weight? (the specifications on the shelf should tell you if it can handle the weight, but the kitchen aid is pretty heavy).
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