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Everything posted by frogger

  1. I wouldn't worry too much about the lack of previous science instruction. Most elementary science is information based not skill based so you can jump in later. Any previous vocab is reviewed and if not you can just explain it or show her how to look it up. I would base which level I chose off of her interest level. Will it seem tedious if it is too long or packed with too much info. How abstract is it? If it is abstract do they explain in a way that makes sense to a child? Magic School Bus is a good example of a way to make some fairly abstract stuff fun and at least make a lot of vocab memorable to really young children. Reading level would be the only other important thing if she is expected to read on her own at all. I would have 0 issues though starting at whatever grade level my child is the age for regardless of the fact I've never done science with them before. I would not say the same for math or LA.
  2. I have to confess, I never could teach all that my children learned. I could never in a million years give my children what the community gave my children. The martial arts instructor who gave my son opportunities to lead and teach. The violin teacher who spent 90 minutes on a 30 minute lesson. The harp teacher who battled to get the youth symphonies pedal harp into our home since we can't afford one. The Grandfather who taught building skills to a son while working on his cabin. The Grandmother who taught my daughter to quilt and sew clothes. The homeschooling mom that has more time than me giving rides to swim lessons for some children while I taught older children. The friends who gave rides and brought meals when I had to ditch my immediate family to take care of an elderly grandmother. I do most core classes, well, some have aged out. Well, 3 online classes total so far for 4 kids over 14 years. I also deal with learning disabilities and some therapies and cook and clean from scratch because I'm not wealthy. I know some people on here say they can do everything but personally I guess I'm just not that smart and efficient. That being said the community I'm thinking of is filled with all sorts of people and ages doing all sorts of things. It isn't a business and it isn't filled with people all the same age studying all the same stuff. It's the sales person at the bike shop sharing info. The volunteers on the trail digging sign post holes with us. And the people who come over to work on our house with us after an earthquake does major damage. I don't see how Classical Conversations could provide that. We get lonely at times but I have begun to realize we don't need to find people just like us and honestly, in the old days the community that I'm describing above was supposed to be more real than a fake school community. At least that was what I heard many older homeschoolers argue when told their children weren't socialized.
  3. So I've learned a bit about sports here. I don't have much to add, except for the fact that it really didn't make a pretty picture (actually had me somewhat laughing) when someone's post had me envisioning a male in a female gymnast's leotard. Carry on.
  4. I noticed in more recent olympics suits of both men and women went down the thighs a ways. I was thinking maybe it makes them more streamlined.
  5. I did too. The problem is none of my teens are attached to their phone. I remember being at the store and trying to get ahold of someone at my house to see if we had enough of something. I called all 5 people at my home and didn't get a single answer. They take after me though. They often don't get an answer when they call me so I can't really complain.
  6. I shop around but find that the many places refuse to ship to where I live. They will often charge me something ridiculous like $60 to ship a $20 item that weighs 1-2 lbs. We don't get 2 day shipping but hey, at least they ship here and for free if it's not a third party seller. We have gotten car parts, bicycle parts, and all sorts of stuff online so shipping is definitly worth it. The movie streaming is just a bonus.
  7. I have seen this type of thing constantly which makes me skeptical of the whole "women make less than men" argument. Most of the time women do bargain for benefits or more work life balance while many men (especially with wives who stay home) work a lot. They also put in extra hours because they aren't the ones dropping important work matters to pick up kids at daycare or take days off (sometimes on very important days) for sick kids etc. I think it is fine to negotiate those types of things and people ought to be able to make those choices but don't complain when other people might make more because they are doing your share of the travel. The woman who thinks the wife ought to do errands for the company for free is off her rocker. That is crazy. They would need to hire her or someone else to do them if the employee has other more important work to do.
  8. Perhaps person 1 is just lazy? I don't know but laughter is good medicine so you may enjoy this.
  9. I have appreciated that Alaska Airlines has added premium seating that isn't all out first class and for charging extra for the exit aisle. We don't mind paying if that means there is a better chance of getting an exit row seat. I understand they can fit more people in if things are tight but they should give people the option of paying more for space without the unneeded fancy extras of first class. My son and husband are over 6 foot. My son is pushing 6'5" and has a tiny torso. Of course, manspreading is this evil thing now but where are his legs supposed to go? My husband who is shorter has had bruises on his knees from pushing them in behind the seat so what could my son do. Luckily, the past few trips we have been able to find premium and exit row seats for him so I really don't know how he could or IF he could sit in a middle seat while staying in his own area. He can put his knees in the aisle until a beverage cart passes but a middle seat? It means our family doesn't sit together on a plane which isn't a big deal since my youngest is 11. Most of us fit in regular seats.
  10. This is definitly law suit material. Beyond ridiculous. I'm sorry that you have had to deal with that.
  11. That sound's familiar. I did lose all the skin on my ear once because the bus got stuck in a ditch and I always walked my 1/3 to 1/2 mile to the bus with no hat and wet hair (frozen solid) to the bus since it was the only way to get my crazy curly hair to school without looking ridiculous due to our very regular 40-60 mph winds. Everything usually went fine but the bus had to get stuck. Yes, I'm smarter now that I'm out of middle school. 😄
  12. All these comments on exposed skin and minutes is reminding me that where I went to school we had the 40 below club. An unofficial thing where students would take their picture in front of the big display sign of the temp. You had to be wearing a bathing suit and it had to be at least -40. I didn't even own a swim suit at the time so I wasn't tempted. I'm also remembering it was -20 when my brother got married. Off the shoulder dress and all; my SIL stood outside for a very long time doing wedding pictures with the beautiful frosty trees.
  13. Well, the previous posts were referring to hiking or bootcamp and needed to drink lots of water (gallons was mentioned) but definitely not needed for sitting by the pool for a couple hours. I concur and should be careful about blanket statements. People don't always take time to figure out what category they fall in. If they showed symptoms though I'd err on the side of extra calories to dying.
  14. But if you only guzzle water you could end up with hyponatremia and you can die from that too. So everyone please remember your electrolytes. 🙂
  15. Yes, sweat can do it's job even when we don't want it too. Also, having a partner is big. The first thing to go is your ability to think straight. Sometimes people make rude comments about how a person got into trouble because they were doing stupid things. Yes, it could be because they were out of their knowledge/experience zone but it could also be they were already losing their ability to think clearly.
  16. The thing about heat for me is it feels like there is nothing you can "do" about it. In fact, that is all you want to do, "nothing". You can't, "just keep moving" or "just put on more layers". Of course, with resources you have cool water, air conditioning, shade or on the other end heat and warm clothing but when you take away those resources things get bad fast. My teen brother actually went unconscience from heat stroke in Alaska. Probably sounds pathetic to everyone else as it was only about 90 degrees but really both can kill you and once you are dead, you are dead. So I'm not sure it's worth arguing which is more deadly.
  17. I'm hoping more and more people will recognize what could have been a great tool for spreading useful information is now a giant gossip chain for drama queens because... humans. I also wouldn't mind lawsuits for people really harmed by it.
  18. True. You don't just sit. Period. Well, unless you made a snow cave/ fire etc. I had a high school buddy we thought died. His snow machine broke down. We were very angry that he didn't have a buddy with him. Walking out without snowshoes or skiies was tortourous. Snow was up to his ribs so it took a long time but he knew he couldn't stop. He made it to the road after 2 days. Lost some toes but survived. When I trained for wilderness rescue that was first concern. Get the body off the ground. We had that drilled into us by experience. We practiced on each other and when your partner forgot you got chilled pretty quick despite being about 20 degrees out in full winter gear. In 20 degrees my children ski in T-shirts. The difference is amazing.
  19. I shouldn't side track the conversation but the record for the US is actually -80F in Prospect Creek Ak. My father had a gold mine a couple hundred miles away from there but temps were similar. I wasn't there that year though. 😉 Barrow actually isn't the coldest part of Alaska. The interior is colder. I think Montana's record is -70F but pretty close. After -50 who cares right? You just stay safe. Sorry. Couldn't help myself. Carry on.
  20. Where I live, music teachers get paid whether you show up or not. My canceling would actually allow them to double book and make more money or take paid time off. We wouldn't be hurting the music teacher.
  21. She already mentioned her fear is car trouble. If her car breaks down her kids can layer up. That won't help the violin. It could easily crack. As someone who has lived in places that were routinely below -40F and who loves when people are told to stay off the roads because of ice because then you don't have to deal with traffic. I would not want to transport my daughter's harp below zero. I actually won't transport it below +20F unless it's for something important. Period. Of course, sneaking a violin quickly into the car is easier than the slow carefully getting a 100+ lb harp down icy stairs and the vehicle cools while the doors are open to load it but still why risk losing an expensive insturment for the cost of one lesson? Diesels are difficult to heat below 0 also. When we traveled through the Candian wilderness the vehicle never really warmed up. We blocked the radiator with cardboard and never once turned it off because we knew it might not start again. It's great you feel so awesome about your ability to deal with weather but it's really irrelevant here. Why would she waste a lovely day at home to do something she doesn't really want to do? It would be different if it were a big concert and an entire orchestra was depending on her but an individual lesson. Nah. Life is short. People need to do what's best for them and not worry about what others will think.
  22. Especially if you have an older or unreliable car this makes sense. Don't feel silly about it. P.S. This is coming from an Alaskan who has traveled the Al-Can in -50F (real temps, not windchill) and lived in a place where we got excited when it got above -40 in the deep winter months. Gear, reliability of vehicles, empty roads with stores closed, and young children are all perfectly valid reasons for skipping lessons. Don't let anyone make you feel silly. It's violin, not losing your chance at a kidney replacement. 🙂 Be free! Enjoy a day off.
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