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Mrs Tiggywinkle

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Everything posted by Mrs Tiggywinkle

  1. This is not uncommon in dementia; especially the early stages. I would call adult protective and animal control. Tell them both your concerns about his welfare and the safety of the animals, including the abuse. An aggressive puppy that is being abused is likely to turn on him, and especially with a pit bull that can have devastating consequences for everyone. You need to call the authorities and let them make some determinations.
  2. Scanner listening is a very big hobby here. I see those questions on FB all the time. “I hear lots of sirens; what’s going on?” Hoping someone in Scannerland will listen. We’ve had a rash of fatal motorcycle accidents this last week. NASCAR is is town with god knows how many fans and so that is contributing but we’ve really had a lot(four in five days). What I find abhorrent is people who drive past the scene snapping pictures and then posting them or the details as they think they saw them on Facebook, especially in response to those questions. It’s absolutely disrespectful to the deceased and makes things even worse for their loved ones.
  3. I don’t tell my mom much—and I’m almost 40. She still worries. She was an RN but never worked ER or psych. My dad has been in EMS since the early 1970s and has a pretty good idea what my life is like. He was actually on a call with the fire department once(I was on the ambulance crew) where a patient punched me In the face. He went from EMT mode to Dad mode in 0.25 seconds flat.
  4. I went through a severe depression post Covid and I did call. I was not suicidal at the time and passed their suicide screening, but I was getting close and just needed someone to talk to. They were great. Another resource is the Crisis Text Line. You can text help or home or any word really to 741741. They are great and have resources for anxiety, depression, any crisis you can think of, not just suicidal thoughts.
  5. Hahahaha we have the signs that people will be prosecuted, but the local DA always refuses to file charges. the area I work in as a medic has a state psychiatric center and two prisons, one of which is a Supermax. The stories I could tell….
  6. I do want to add that my kids have all tested positive for antibodies. I had Covid and none showed symptoms but they were certainly not kept separate from me(my oldest did cough for two nights, my daughter said she was more tired than normal during that time too). They mask when we go out to crowded places, but I am probably more open to travel because I think natural immunity is the best we are going to do. If I really thought we could just avoid Covid, I’d do that. But I don’t believe we can. I am just hoping for a combination of vaccines/natural immunity to turn it into the common cold.
  7. Or they may know and have simply come to a different conclusion. I am vaxxed, my kids will be when they are able. My mother and most of my siblings are not going to get the vaccine. I fully understand that Delta is more contagious, but the truth is that the vaccines were only ever to prevent serious illness and death. We had hoped it would prevent spread and it does to a point, because you’re still less likely to catch it and then less likely to spread it. But the CDC has sucked at messaging and was unclear, probably just to get people to vaccinate. There were a lot of people who really believed the vaccine would make them never catch Covid and be unable to spread that, when instead the CDC should have been emphasizing that it would reduce your own personal illness and death. That said, in my mind, there is always going to be another variant. That’s what happens when an illness goes endemic. Eventually there is very likely to be a variant that can weasel itself around the vaccine; the hope is that by then this is no longer a novel virus and natural immunity would help. I am not putting our lives on hold once we are all vaccinated, because there will always be another variant, a bad flu strain, another pandemic. My kids are young and cannot be shut up in the house forever. Even now we are still going to Disneyworld and to movies and other places(granted we are at a 2.4% positivity rate in my whole region and 1 confirmed Covid case in my county) because I’m unwilling to put our lives on hold indefinitely.
  8. I haven’t heard anything since two weeks from the second shot. It’s been 8 months and I got one out of the blue last week.
  9. I never stopped either. But I’m not booking my intended cruise at the end of October because I think things are just too much up in the air and DH can’t go anyway. However—I’m taking DS11 to Universal Studios instead.
  10. Yep, our local school board wants masks, but the vast majority of parents polled(over 95%) do not want any kind of masks required. The state is likely to require them though.
  11. I’m a first responder and get my second Moderna shot in January. I also had Covid. Before going to Florida, I had my kids and I checked for antibodies. DD, who never had Covid that we knew of, was positive. I was not(but I have a history of being vaccine resistant. I’ve done the full Hep B series twice and chickenpox twice and don’t have positive titers for either). It’s anecdotal, of course, but at this point I assume I am not particularly immune.
  12. I think it’s likely that he doesn’t understand the time periods. Most of those type of jobs that I’ve had were delayed paychecks. So if I worked the week of August 1, I didn’t get paid for that week till the week of August 15. I would double check with his manager on that. Natural consequences of using a car without permission and destroying it are either using Uber or paying someone to drive you, if you can find someone willing. I’d tell him he needs to use Uber and then let him figure out whether or not this job is worth keeping.
  13. I literally have two coworkers who believe this. Neither will get the vaccine because of shedding and fertility concerns. The worst part is that one is an RN-paramedic and works in an ER and the other one is in PA school.
  14. Staying—the PA strongly recommended against flying right now. I also think the medical care there is better than my rural small town. This girl is a fish and loved the ocean and swimming though, but our pool will be installed by the time she gets home and we have a boat and live on one of the Fingerlakes in NY, but it’s not the Gulf of Mexico.
  15. It’s a very infected ruptured ear drum. They are going to do 72 hours of steroid drops and antibiotics, then relook at it. They may need to do some surgical devridement or repair according to the PA. But she can’t swim and is super upset. 😞
  16. DH went back to his construction job today. He owns a really small contracting company and Josh was one of his(four part time very informal) employees, so they worked together a lot. He’s having a hard day working on the project they were at on Friday. It’s just hard all the way around but we are resilient. DD is apparently eating a donut in the ED so the Tylenol must have kicked in. My sister from the west coast is only 23 but is handling this like an experienced mom and I am super proud of her. My other sister’s foster son has had his second negative Covid test so that is good too that he didn’t catch it. And my job is so flexible and if I call and say I need another week off because my daughter needs me they won’t blink an eye about it. I’m focusing on the good.
  17. A flight doesn’t even leave till 7 so I have time to decide. My sister took her to urgent care and just texted me that they’re sending DD to the emergency room via ambulance.
  18. I agree. It’s just not as simple as “people should just get it” or “they just believe in conspiracy theories.” One of my siblings is as far left as they come and she is in no way getting the vaccine because she doesn’t believe in getting vaccines and didn’t before Covid or conspiracy theories or Trump. And she’s well educated and used to work for public health. Another sibling is far more to the right and won’t get vaccinated. She was on the edge until the data just came out, and isn’t worried about getting seriously sick or dying. Why get a vaccine that has crappy side effects if you can still get sick and infect people. She won’t get it now, I’m sure. And there are many, many people, many I personally know, who just don’t spent a lot of time thinking about Covid. This board is not a good cross sectional representation of the population. The vast majority of people I come into contact with IRL just do not spend much time thinking about Covid or vaccine efficiency or precautions at all. There is a wide swath of people who literally, seriously, do not care if they catch Covid, they know the statistics of a mild illness are in their favor, and a lot who just wanted to get it over with. With the data on reinfections and breakthrough illness, I suspect that everyone just assumes they’ll get it at some point, probably more than once, and why bother with the precautions now.
  19. I was in Tampa and Detroit airports last night. It was wall to wall people. No social distancing going on and very few were wearing masks over their nose. I woke up with a sinus infection today and while I’m sure it’s not Covid, I wish I didn’t have to consider it(I have a sinus infection within 24 hours every time I fly, so I am not very concerned, but I still wish I didn’t have to think about it).
  20. I have a relative with myasthenia gravis and she’s been advised by her specialty team not to get the vaccine. She was pretty hopeful that she’d be okay since we have such a low Covid rate(1.6% right now, but truthfully people aren’t testing much) and are inching gradually towards at least 50% of the eligible population being vaccinated. The news that vaccinated people can still transmit and breakthrough cases are more common than we originally hoped is honestly devastating to her. You’re in my thoughts. This is truly a no win for anyone.
  21. I wish I could teach my dogs how to use buttons to talk, but my sweet, loving, wonderful golden retrievers wojld only press the “food” button all. day. Long.
  22. Subway is starting at $16 an hour in my very LCOL area. EMTs make less than that. I do tip around 10%.
  23. I don’t know—if I had two negative tests and mild cold symptoms, I couldn’t stay home from work until all my cold/allergy symptoms are gone. Our current guidance is if you’re fully vaccinated and had an exposure you no longer have to quarantine, but I expect that to change. I don’t have answers at this point. I can’t quarantine every time my allergies kick up.
  24. On the other hand…it’s amazing luck that it just happened to be the one week this year that my other sister was there(she lives on the West Coast) and could stay in a hotel with DD, and still do fun things with DD and her cousins who weren’t exposed. Otherwise DD would have either had to come home with me after looking forward to this for a year or I would have needed to stay in Florida and not be with DH right now. I’m on my layover. I literally cannot wait to get home and give my husband a hug. I was looking at the girlfriend’s FB and she had public photos from the start of the motorcycle ride this morning and was all excited. I literally just want to hug my family right now.
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