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Everything posted by Ditto

  1. I'm so sorry you are continuing to worsen. Praying for you and that this finally brings answers and much needed treatment for the diagnosis.
  2. Thank you both! I investigated and it is definitely a corn. This is good info, thank you for sharing it.
  3. Thank you! I have no idea how I got this one. In researching the causes, nothing fits. Were you able to get a pumice stone in the tiny area behind the toe? Tomorrow I am buying corn pads and a pumice stone.
  4. I wish there was a "hug" response because that would have been my choice for this post. The person that doesn't get it right now will in time I bet. When they see how you are thriving and succeeding and how very happy you are with your choice, they will come around. In the meantime, you are doing this for you and that is what matters (even though I understand how it stings a bit to hear this person is not supportive).
  5. Lots of remedies posted on the internet. But has anyone here been successful? If so, what did you do to get rid of the painful thing? I have one on the underside of my 4th toe and it hurts to walk without shoes/socks and is pretty big. I have never had one before so this is new and not fun!
  6. Congratulations on making this change and being selected to speak! Exciting times for you!! I do hope this gives you much more time with your kids and brings you peace and balance to your work/home life.
  7. I like how prepared and on top of things the team is at this hospital.
  8. This is brilliant. Thank you very much.
  9. In addition to needing to learn how to rage nap, I need to learn how to rage exercise. Please teach me how to do this.
  10. Teach me how to do this please.
  11. I can't react with the laughing emoji because I do this too.
  12. I rage eat. I wish I raged clean instead.
  13. I really like how this group of drs is fully explaining rationale to you and giving you solid information and making sure you know what is going on and what they are thinking. It sounds like they are really on top of things.
  14. Just checking on you @Melissa in Australia I hope you are resting and getting good care in the new hospital. Continuing to pray for you and your family.
  15. I am not sure how to "react" to your post, so I chose not to. I am glad you are feeling better than yesterday (to which I would "like") but it stinks you didn't eat your lunch and are still a bit afraid to eat much today (to which I would react with "sad"). Hopefully tomorrow you will feel even better.
  16. That is a dangerous and horrifying combo that leads me to some grave mental illness possibilities. You were extremely smart to keep your boys away from her. She absolutely would have accuse them if given the right circumstances and opportunity. Stay far away. Far, far away.
  17. Continuing to pray for you and your family. I hope clear answers and a successful treatment plan happen very very soon.
  18. This is so well said that I will not try to say it myself but will just second it. I'm glad the transfer has been completed and hope you are getting excellent care and able to rest.
  19. This is the exact one she got. I love the ones you linked too. This one has a super cute sweet face! https://www.squishable.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=mini_squish_earth_7
  20. I am wrapping you in a hug and prayer. Weeping seems to be the most appropriate action and honestly I suspect many of us are either weeping with you or close to it. I desperately wish there was something we could do for you (i say "we" because I know we ALL want to so badly).
  21. Yes! Absolutely. We would take such good care of her and keep her entertained too.
  22. My college freshmen went to get books at the bookstore. Fell in love with a fuzzy adorable "hug a world" and purchased it. Definitely my child!
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