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Everything posted by TexasProud

  1. To answer your original question. We are there. Locking down.
  2. I would also like studies on children. He thinks I am too gloom and doom. Not everyone who gets it will die, only the unlucky number. Problem is, he says, you do not know if you will be the unlucky one. He just thinks I am way too gloom and doom. We distance. Wear masks. Are vaccinated. Our community, particularly young people, not so much. I think we are going to have deaths this year in elementary. He disagrees. I think it will be bad. He disagrees. I want facts to back up my claims.
  3. Sorry. I just want to win this argument and he wants me to give him scientific studies to back up my claim and I could have sworn some boardies had some. But maybe I was just making up facts, I don't know. I keep using you guys as facts and he wants scientific data. 🙂
  4. My husband is a doctor, not anti mask. But does say they are much more useful against bacteria than virus. He also thinks that the way the majority of the people wear them make them useless. He thinks our governor is an idiot, but at the same time is saying they are not a magic bullet. He said he would like to see good studies to prove real world effectiveness. He just isn’t sure how truly helpful they are and thinks they give a false sense of security. Not being in crowded environments would be better.
  5. Thank you. I am particularly looking for real life studies, rather than laboratory.
  6. Ok all of you math nerds. Can you cite me some good studies on mask use. Thank you.
  7. Yes. Everyone I know, including a close relative that did this, did it at home. They all had VERY positive experiences. I don't think we have hospitals designated as hospice here. It is what Jean said above and it has worked quite well.
  8. Ughh, that does not make me feel better. I figured immunity would last longer and that is when I was vaccinated with Pfizer.
  9. I guess I don't see anything wrong with the ambulance/fire truck question. They want to know if neighbor Mary had a heart attack or the Smith family had a fire in the attic, but they all made it out. There are tons of posts like that on Next Door. Well, I have asked sometimes rather than Google something. Maybe I am in the middle of something or maybe I want to see what the POSTER thinks it is. For example, I asked what footy was on this board. A quick google said it was soccer, but it seemed like it was more, so I asked and boy, am I glad I did. That was a fun thread.
  10. Yeah my oldest and I were talking about this. Just no words. As I put on the other thread, one of our counties has 13 percent vaccinated in ages 16-55. I am trying to stay positive. But…
  11. It is going to get so incredibly bad in my area. Turns out 75 percent of the people over 55 have the shot, but only 13 percent of 16-55 are vaccinated. Wow. Just wow. The hospital number are really going up.
  12. I am sorry. I will erase. Did not mean to offend. It is just true in rural Texas more often than not. I understand what you are saying that everyone is different, that is just what is playing out statistically. I mean, I am a white Christian woman who supposedly should be for Trump. I hate the man...ok Christians shouldn't hate... I didn't vote for him either time and have been a critic. I don't fit the sterotype in many ways. Now rural California is probably different as is New Jersey. Again. I will erase. Did not mean to offend.
  13. Yeah, school is going to be an absolute disaster AGAIN this fall. The poor kids are losing out on so much education.
  14. Sorry. Never meant to hurt anyone's feelings.
  15. That is exactly what the article I posted said though no one commented on it. And that makes sense. In my community 68 percent of kids are economically disadvantaged and get free lunch. 1/3 of the people are vaccinated. Our church is known as the “rich” church- many doctors, lawyers and professionals. All are vaccinated that I know about.
  16. Actually I meant the second article. He talked about how he worked through the his moral difficulties. But you are right, it is very, very frustrating!!!!!
  17. It breaks my heart!!!! Yes, we have wasted such an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
  18. I know that but just using them is not good. Read the latest article I posted. He feels how I feel. I just don't express myself well.
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