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Everything posted by Familia

  1. Hmmm, this is getting me thinking. I prefer the base of my casserole be shredded potatoes. Usually shredding my own the day before (but sometimes frozen commercially packaged potatoes) and allowing all to sit in fridge overnight. But, why couldn’t all other ingredients be prepared and ready to go, then the frozen shredded potatoes be added in or placed in dish as the base while still frozen, then all popped back into freezer right away to bake later. Without a total thaw, they may not decrease in quality and certainly won’t have the problems of freezing fresh potatoes. I am going to try this method. And, the croissants. I want to try that! That sounds better IMO than bread. ETA - for my recipe, I use a different general recipe for hash brown breakfast casserole on Allrecipes.com to get the proportions correct, but vary what I put in it (veggies, cheeses) depending on what I have on hand. To make it super easy, I top mine with frozen sausage patties & a little shredded cheese. The patties give a nice ‘serving size ready’ look to it. At least that’s my justification for streamlining and making it a lazy, easier dish!
  2. Good morning! Hope that photo upload cooperates, Jean. Looking forward to bunnies!
  3. ((Chester)) Looks just like a stuffed animal!! Our doodle is a Newfy.
  4. Hope you’re better today, @Ali in OR And, you feel better, @Jenny in Florida
  5. Done! In same (traveling) location as last night in safer sunlight.
  6. When you said, Slache,that it was November, I took it as a question & kinda thought to myself ...is it?? I’ve never been the best at following dates, but with no school or work going, AND now COVID....my internal calendar is way off!! I’m sorry about your meat Jean. Can I see a picture of this Chester?
  7. Done. In the dark. Around an isolated lake. In an unfamiliar town. The sun dropped so fast. How do I get myself into these pickles?? Don’t do that, girls! As Ma Ingalls would say, “All’s well that ends well!”
  8. Ok, so I had to look to see if that was true or you were being funny....because I had no idea. Thanks for pointing this out to me=) #notdatedependantanymore
  9. Don’t do that to me. I was thinking, has Christmas gone or is it coming?
  10. Another Lynn, I agree, time change is awful...this one awfuller!
  11. Good for your spaghetti arms, Jean (am I supposed to say, Xena?) - they will be stronger and maybe you will motivate me to begin. Mine are spaghetti, too. Really, really limp spaghetti from needing to begin working them! I am here. Was supposed to be there. Got cancelled as I walked to door with my luggage. Disappointed, but took the pup out for a sit on a picnic blanket by a park lake to console myself. That was super weird. Something I would have done with children a decade ago. No...longer than that! Well, I found out it is ok to go out alone and do that kinda stuff. Well, alone with a dog.
  12. Done - yesterday, too! Goood day, everyone!
  13. Done! DH drug our driveway yesterday (gravel), so I had to avoid the driveway hill and only walk along the flat lane. The driveway felt like walking in sand, with the constant threat of twisting an ankle. Hopefully it will be packed down soon! Have a blessed Sunday, everyone!
  14. Pickup has worked great for me, but I always end up going into to store anyway. They said they were out of salami. How can you be out of salami?!? My order was picked at night d/t 8am pickup, so maybe they have no way to get a deli item...that.is.just.weird! Making salami roll ups for the first time ever. Just for us. I've been served them at showers for many many decades. After all these years, and all I have learned to cook, I am devolving into salami rollup territory ha!
  15. I was thinking no, because it just always seemed too grown up, but seeing it on friends' babies made the practice grow on me. Now, reading what@Momto6inIN wrote about the pain of potential rubbing/jabbing of the post while the baby is resting/being squeezed...that makes me say no. Definitely no.
  16. Thanks for all, KrissiK, especially telling me what Afsa is! Do I want to know why? Great that your math makeup day went so awesomely, Servant4Christ!
  17. Is there a tutorial on how to do this thread? I have jumped in in the past and, despite you all making me feel safe here, I have not hung around. While I try to figure it out (I'm an overthinker), I hope that reading along and rooting everyone on is enough. And, liking to look at photos of Issac (cutie!).
  18. Done! May everyone have a productive Saturday - with a little fun thrown in!
  19. Classical stretch by  Miranda  Esmonde-White. Everything I have done is very low impact stretching. I cannot believe the strengthening that I have had just by stretching! On this shop page, there is a workout finder tool, so you can look for the lowest level workouts: https://store-us.essentrics.com/#shopify-section-1560367111063
  20. I would have never considered this - something to consider for the grandchildren. Sorry your ears are not quite right! There were likely no reputable tattoo parlors way back when I got my ears pierced haha (at the popular age of 12=)
  21. I think you are on a very good track, @Xahm IMO. Although I did vote that I took the phrase to be a mix of both child and adult initiated play, I think children need a lot of free creative play to cement things into their brains, so to speak. When it came to ‘formal school time’ that was just get down to business eduction with short lessons in the early grades...nothing fancy or fun, just quick and repetitious lessons. The play was time for them to practice those ideas and skills. As the adult, I made sure they had access to lots of ‘supplies’ from toys to manipulatives, as well as allowance to use most anything they wanted in our home (within reason). Then, I read what @Little Green Leavesleaves said. That she did introduce games as ‘playful ways for them to practice skills”. I guess I did do that, too. Maybe we played Mancala instead of math seatwork on a particular day, but there was, in general, nothing fun about the schoolwork I gave them. Probably I did that more as they got older and the lessons got longer. Maybe I found a board game for chemistry to incorporate once in a while or other along those lines. In general, I believe in old school quick lessons and providing supplies/toys/tools for their ample free time to use however they see fit. If they wanted to build a volcano, I said to go for it, but it stressed me out to direct that type of thing, and they seemed to enjoy it less when I did try to direct it.
  22. Oh, @Slache, don’t mind the extra doses of cuteness at all=) Done here, enjoy my country lane walk each morning without the pup. We cannot take her out of the driveway gate, as that is a psychological barrier for her to keep her from the road...said gate is rarely open when she is outside. She has gotten used to me leaving without her, no more sad face at the door, but the happy dance when I return means she knows her breakfast is a minute away! On my walk, I prop the gate open, walk down the lane a little in both directions, then up the driveway again. Making that loop six times takes just under 20 minutes, which I have always clocked at a mile for me. What beautiful silhouettes of the trees on far hills have greeted me each morning - grateful for the (cold but) beautiful weather lately. It has taken me these past few years to enjoy these types of times alone...so many years viewing the world through the eyes of my children (or the dog=), and the solitude is growing on me. May you all have a peaceful day!
  23. What a beautiful photo, @Ali in OR!!
  24. I agree with this so much!! May all go well with your daughter’s recovery @Ottakee! Rest well, both of you, this evening! Also, I wanted to add re: the Nicholas Brothers, that would have to be so painful. Even after many rehearsals, I cannot imagine the bruising! Wow, just wow! I love this type of entertainment...bring back the dinner club!
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