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Everything posted by Tangerine

  1. Yeah. I don't much get it either. But I get irritated by what to me seem like they should be private declarations of love. It's like weird skywriting to me. So I try to understand how other people are perceiving selfies and the like, since obviously other people view the public love letters differently than I do. I guess I look at it like this. Your FB page or IG feed is your scrapbook. If you love Pyrex, or lost gloves, or nail art then post it. I have a friend who takes pictures of partial bicycles in the city and posts them with song lyrics. Weird, right? But it is SO EASY to unfollow someone if they irritate you. You are basically a subscriber. Unsubscribe if you don't like their content. If seeing other people do things that make them happy bothers you, maybe you're not doing enough things that make you happy. I truly think it hurts people sometimes, and that seems sad. But I've had those periods in my life for sure.
  2. http://mcmansionhell.com/post/153307815291/naperville-il Well. It looks like my town is one of her "most requested locations." I am not shocked. The issue that irritates me the most in my town is the purchase of tiny downtown lots that are completely filled with house. Literally no natural space or grass or a freaking bush. Downtown is quaint no more.
  3. It wasn't. It was in The States. But I wouldn't do well at that party. I much prefer to ghost, and I don't mind if others do. I prefer it. Everyone just leave at your leisure!
  4. I think the bragging vs. sharing can be based entirely on your perspective. I grew up on government assistance, so my perception of vacations is (admittedly) probably very skewed. Someone who came from means, or just a comfortable background, probably would never think they were bragging because they get to do what they have always gotten to do. It's just a normal part of life. I also try to keep the perspective that I have chosen to have 5 kids. And so as a trade off, I have more chaos and way less money. I try to remember that when someone with one child gets to take all sorts of adventures that would just be impossibly cost prohibitive with a bunch.
  5. Yes, I think this is a giant "depends" scenario. When I was a young adult, I lived with a family who, I eventually realized, considered it the height of rude behavior if I went to bed without finding each household member and telling them goodnight. I had no clue. That was their family culture. We literally have one hallway in my house and definitely don't converse every time we pass.
  6. Because I'm cavalier and sarcastic, I mostly post mishaps and self-critique and unflattering pictures. Honestly I just find it more entertaining than people sending anniversary public love missives to their spouse, who I assume is in the same room with them or will be home shortly and could just be told in person. There have been several articles written about "Pinterest stress" and the like, where people feel inadequate in comparison to the curated highlight reels of other people's lives. The constant bombardment, if you're choosing to engage in social media with that frequency, can probably cause an unconscious bias. I think the social parts of our brains, and the tendency toward confirmation bias, naturally lend themselves to being influenced that way.
  7. We are closing on a new house in a week. The shopping process here was infuriating to me, because while I need room for 7 people, I don't want the mass produced enormity on a postage stamp. And that's what we have in droves. They are so much form over function, and weird faux fanciness.
  8. I was nodding nodding nodding nodding...agreeing with everyone. And then came the black licorice. But I agree with everything else! (Except I've never had alligator.)
  9. Eep. That's intense. My favorite feature of Facebook is "Turn off notifications for this post." I don't get notifications when I'm quoted, so I can happily just be in the dark. I tried out the Tapatalk thing, but it was too much with the likey likey and the quotey quotey.
  10. I could get on board with this! Zillow's new tactic should be "As featured on McMansion Hell" icons for the houses. I'd totally buy one, would I could I afford a McMansion.
  11. Do I just not understand how debate works? Someone had a minority opinion, argued that opinion to the best of her ability. Continued to do so through opposition. Then (seemingly) decided she was done debating. The discussion continued. Unless people are going ad hominem or something, isn't this how this works? Wouldn't all discussion just die if people didn't go back and forth on the topic expressing their opinions?
  12. The other day, elsewhere, someone asked for reviews of a series of books on composers that had cartoon illustrations. And someone said that they thought it was very disrespectful that a book on a serious topic (music?) had cartoon drawings. And then I decided I do not understand the world anymore. I find her humorous and educational on a topic I know little about. I'm glad the internet did its work. ETA: Not humerus, autocorrect. Seriously.
  13. How the carrots thing evolved is talked about in this article: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/a-wwii-propaganda-campaign-popularized-the-myth-that-carrots-help-you-see-in-the-dark-28812484/ I had always heard the "carrots improve your vision" thing, but I was unfamiliar with the "night vision" claims.
  14. The last time I went to the optometrist with DD, when she got bifocals, I was like "Doc! What is the deal?" She said "you need to limit her reading." And then I tried not to make a face. I'm pretty sure I made a face. I mean, I get it. But it was kind of like saying, if you don't want her vision to get worse, your family will need to change religions.
  15. A sudden overnight guest would be difficult for me too. I can't really give great reasons that couldn't be easily overcome beyond "I'm weird and twitchy," or "I have issues with spontaneity." I'd still DO it, but I'd feel weird. Can't help that part.
  16. I think this is an interesting intersection of the real vs. perceived risk topic. How dangerous is it to drive tired? (Very) How dangerous is it to sleep in your car at a rest stop. (Probably not very). But to be honest, I probably perceive them in reverse. Brains are weird.
  17. This is what we are trying for my kids. Their father and I have nearly perfect and perfect vision, and my first two have significant vision issues. My 12 year old is in bifocals. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/21/opinion/21wang.html?mcubz=1
  18. I once ripped off a wiper blade trying to scrape ice off my window when leaving my boyfriend's house. It was a Chicago snowstorm and everyone arranged for me to stay. I'm glad nobody on either side thought I was (please forgive me) pulling a snow job.
  19. I grew up super (super) fundie. The avoidance of the appearance of evil was hammered into us. To the people around me, the evil appeared to be EVERYWHERE. No culottes for bike riding (makes the boy stumble to see you in pants), need a ride home? Sit in the back seat by yourself so people don't think things. Yes, technically your skin IS covered up, but the thing it is covered by draws my attention, and is therefore not acceptable. I eventually realized that none of it was evil. Or appeared to be evil to any reasonable person. And then I realized I got to choose for myself. So I would rather demonstrate avoiding the appearance of the evil of unkindness and possibly danger by letting a young lady stay the night when she wasn't feeling well, than avoid the appearance of the evil of condoning nearby sleeping of unmarried individuals by sending her home. I experience amazing freedom in that ability now.
  20. My Aunt and Uncle were together as long as I can remember. They may have been together before I was born. I honestly can't ever remember him not being there. She cared for him through Alzheimer's and he died a couple of years ago. Never married. I can't imagine putting my foot down on some sort of moral argument about making one sleep elsewhere. That would not be any sort of moral high ground as far as I'm concerned.
  21. :iagree: And I think Goldberry's grace in a thread that has devolved into speculation that her DD is (possibly, hypothetically, for purposes of discussion) a brazen lying hussy with a breakfast fetish, is probably indicative of how she might reasonably expect others to behave. Unfortunately, they did not.
  22. We put DD into ballet. But she genuinely didn't care that she wasn't good. I will say that I don't think once a week really did a lot. She has low core strength, and focusing on general physical activity, outside time, and she's now doing boxing (that includes an ab workout) with her Dad, have done more for that. I have heard that kinesio taping can be a subtle reminder. There's a specific way to tape for that, but I haven't looked into it further.
  23. I also don't like the soggy either. I used to make tons of espresso for the Italian restaurant next door for their tiramisu. I wanted to like it, but no.
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