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Pink Fairy

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Everything posted by Pink Fairy

  1. I think she meant one per day, total? That's how I read it.
  2. Carli, I wish I knew you IRL - you seem like such a humble, thoughtful person! :grouphug: Does it rub off on the people around you?
  3. It is 2:20pm here, and I am now drinking a celebratory beer. Apologies to those who are scandalized, but I've earned it! Lunalee, how goes it at your house?
  4. I am so with you! I just sat down with a pile of 6 different subjects to enter into Homeschool Easy Records. Let's celebrate when we're done! :cheers2:
  5. I posted some pics of my school room in this thread: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=40615&page=2 You can't see this in the pics, but we purchased a set of four desks from IKEA that gives each child a cupboard and two drawers. That's where they keep their actual school books and other supplies like pencils/pens/crayons. The rest of the books are in the bookcases we have everywhere. One thing I love is our "Wall of Art," which I covered in chalkboard paint, framed out with molding, and use to corral all of the children's art. This has kept their projects from taking over the rest of the house. Have fun organizing!
  6. If price isn't an issue, I'd go LL Bean. I really love their stuff! My dh even has a leather jacket that he bought from them 20 years ago and it still looks like new. I have lots of Lands End pants, and I they're great for my two slim boys. Cherokee brand at Target usually has the built in adjustable waistband. Quality is lower, but the price is good. My boys blow out their knees in daily wear pants, no matter the brand, so I like them for around the house.
  7. I bought some banker boxes like Laurie, went through EVERYTHING, and now I'm waiting to see if any of the stuff I put in there is missed (I filled up 6 boxes). So far nothing has been, but it's only been about a month. Honestly, I have so much stuff, and a lot of it's good--it makes it really hard for me to part with anything. My problem has been finding books when I do actually need them because--you guessed it--I have too much stuff. I did feel a lot better after I cleaned out and organized everything, and you will too. Go for it, and post updates so you can encourage the rest of us addicts! :001_smile:
  8. I like to put shrimp, bell pepper, fresh parsley, black olives, and garbonzo beans in my pasta salad. Mmm...Now I'm hungry!
  9. Yes, it is difficult to figure out. But not impossible. You just have to read the directions carefully. Now that it's programmed I don't ever change it. If I needed to, I'd have to dig out the directions--it's not intuitive at all. But if you have a timer like this, you are probably desperate enough to spend the time to figure it out--I was!
  10. I want to bring in another possibility, just in case you'd be interested. We hs'ed the first 3 years on our own, but then signed up for one of the local charter schools. In exchange for one meeting per month with a certificated teacher we receive $1500/student to spend on curriculum and extra curricular activities. You can't spend any of it on curriculum of a religious nature, but ballet lessons, karate, and any sort of secular books--Usborne, Kingfisher, etc.--they will pay for.
  11. We used a diaper genie for a while, but our children's poo is too stinky to be contained indoors--we use the garage garbage can now for both #1 and #2, unless it's late night and then we just toss them in the bathroom trash til morning.
  12. Great idea! My bff and I live thousands of miles apart, but when we are able to get together we always watch Pride and Prejudice with the dreamy Colin Firth. :001_wub: Sigh...
  13. My two favorite pick me ups: Waking Ned Divine Napoleon Dynamite The first one is ESPECIALLY funny. The second one depends on your sense of humor--dh and I love it.
  14. I think with Target it depends on the manager at your store, but two years ago I got to mine right after the school supplies went 90% off--needless to say, I may never need to buy pencils/notebooks/erasers/paperclips/folders again!
  15. Wow, that's really a cool website! It even lists Trader Joe's--yay! Thank you for sharing.:001_smile:
  16. I'm not much a fish eater, but last night we had fish tacos and I have discovered that my 12mo ds IS a fish eater. In fact, he is right now giving me unhappy squeaks because I'm not getting the leftovers to his mouth fast enough. Are there any known concerns with young children eating fish? I'm afraid there might be mercury or other chemicals that would make it a bad idea to offer him fish too often. BTW, it's whiting fish, in case that matters. TIA!
  17. Well, you SOUND pregnant, if it's any consolation! :001_smile: Hee hee! I've had the super pale line too, and every time I've definitely been pregnant. So do another one tomorrow, and I'll drink a congratulatory toast for you later with dinner! :hurray:
  18. This is just a guess, so get out your salt shaker and grab some grains--:w00t: Were you maybe repped by some people who lost their post count when that extra large thread was deleated? And when their post count went down, any reps they gave you earlier lost some point power?
  19. I'm tearing up just reading your post--I love The Hiding Place! Have you ever listened to the Focus on the Family Radio Theatre version of that book? It even made my big, strong dh weep.
  20. My dh is a public hs teacher. The stories he brings home from work had me convinced before we even had kids that we'd hs from kindergarten all the way to the bitter, bitter end.
  21. We like this one: http://www.amazon.com/Usborne-Book-Art-Ideas/dp/0794508421/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1216348390&sr=8-1
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