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Pink Fairy

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Everything posted by Pink Fairy

  1. Public school teachers are just like everyone else--some get homeschooling, some don't, and others don't know what to think. My dh is a ps teacher, and his coworkers know our children are hs'ed. No one has ever "confronted" him about it--they are either supportive or keep quiet. Here's the problem. Some people--ps teachers, inlaws, friends, plumbers, pediatricians, etc.--feel that hsing is bad for kids. And they think they are obligated to share that feeling with hsing moms and dads. So I don't think anyone is picking on ps teachers, they're just fed up when other people--whatever their profession--make free to criticize their family's choice to hs.
  2. Sam's Club has good prices. If you don't need the big ones (3-4 inches), I know our Target always has a lot left when they start clearancing the school supplies. Lastly, I believe I saw that Staples had a buy 2 get one free special on binders that might make things more appealing.
  3. I like these threads because they remind me that we can always do it cheaper if we need to and still do a good job. We happen to be a family that spends a few thousand out of pocket and receives about $6000 from our charter school--this is for 4 dc. I'm realizing more and more that hsing is just like anything else, and you can get "granite countertops" or "laminate countertops", but the real question is "Can you cook?" And hopefully the answer is yes, whether you spend a little or a lot.
  4. :blushing: Every single one of my 5 dc have done this. With the last one, I swore I would never take any chances and leave him alone on the bed, but even with that precaution he got away from me one time and just crawled right off the edge. Fortunately, no one has ever been seriously hurt, and no doctor visits have been needed. :grouphug: I hate that feeling. Glad your little one is doing okay! :grouphug:
  5. Staples is having a sale on index cards--I don't know if they are colored though. I've been stopping by there a couple of times a week lately to pick up super discounted items, so I'll check next time I'm there if no one else has posted what you're looking for. BTW, I found out that one of the benefits of having a Staples Teacher Reward card is that you get free shipping with online purchases--no minimum! So if they have them you can buy both in the store and from the comfort of home. (Probably obvious, but just in case--hsers are considered teachers and are eligible to apply).
  6. Why do people (or maybe it's only one person) always feel the need to rate threads that have anything to do with rep "terriible"? That's been a mystery to me, and I wonder if there's a theory to explain it.:confused:
  7. Normally I never forward stuff, but I'm making an exception for this. My parents were the stereotypical hippies in the 60's so they should enjoy it--thanks for sharing!
  8. It's a local charter school here in California--we have several to choose from in this area, but none of them are nationwide. California charter schools are not allowed to operate outside of their own and their neighboring counties. https://www.viedu.org/
  9. We get about $6000 for our 4 hsing children (we use a charter school). Can I just say you're right--it's dumbfoundingly awesome?! :lol: We use a lot of Catholic curriculum, which the state won't pay for obviously, but with the extra money we can do so many things we'd otherwise never be able to do (lessons, professional art supplies, etc.).
  10. Obviously I didn't see Sue, but I know when I nurse you can't see ANYTHING except the baby's head at "b**b" level. Why should that bother someone? And if it does, why is that Sue's problem? Why pick on a breastfeeding mother, violating Target's own policy, and not address the myriad of other examples you listed--the underdressed teens, for instance? ETA: I don't mean YOU, Michelle, picking on Sue--I mean the store manager.
  11. That is outrageous! In this day and age it's shocking--but maybe I'm naive. I hope you are going to file a complaint with their corporate office. BTW, I find this especially ironic because I recently complained to the manager at our local Target that I didn't appreciate the Cosmopolitan magazine with the half-naked woman and the headlines about "How to Give Him Screaming O*****s!" being right at a child's eye level in the checkout line. I was informed that it would be against Target's policy to remove it or cover it up.:confused:
  12. Are you kidding me? Those fees are waaaaaay over the top. I'd find a place to complain, if I were you. It looks like they're trying to balance the county budget on the backs of library patrons. :grouphug:
  13. How about this one? http://www.amazon.com/Sony-TCM-150-Cassette-Automatic-Recording/dp/B00008XETL/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1218308317&sr=1-4 We use our tape recorder all the time. The kids LOVE making their own "audio theater" performances on it. It's very old school, and reminds me of something I had in about 1985. This is the one we bought when it was only $23--it's now almost twice as much :confused:, but if you put it in your cart you can wait and see if the price drops later (Amazon updates prices of anything in your cart--sometimes things drop significantly). http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00001ZT4H
  14. I've had occasional problems. Their prices are low enough that I figure the wait is a trade-off, and I don't buy anything from them that I need right away. :grouphug: How frustrating that you even paid EXTRA, and are still waiting almost a month for your stuff!
  15. Yes on the salsa, maybe on the beans. If it's just beans and water, I'd use them. If there's anything else going on in there--ham hock maybe?--I'd say toss.
  16. It's not his beliefs that are offensive for me, it IS the tone of his discourse. I am in agreement with his beliefs (assuming he is a practicing, orthodox Catholic, which I gather he is), but because he expresses them in such a flippant, in-your-face manner, he is unnecessarily sewing seeds of discord and resentment. You and some others are not offended--great. But it's not the way Catholics are encouraged to dialog with their brothers and sisters in Christ, and I do believe others--myself included--HAVE found his manner offensive.
  17. clwcain, your words are growing more aggressive and less charitable with every post. I repped you earlier and suggested you tone it down, but I see you chose a different path. Please stop. You are not helping the Church, you are being insulting and rude. Frankly, you are giving scandal. ETA: BTW, for what it's worth, I am a practicing Catholic, a convert to the Church since 1991, and no, I would probably not have converted if the "evangelization" I received had been so harsh.
  18. I think we all need a little pat on the back once in a while, and he certainly deserves one. My 11dd is thinking about starting a podcast, so I might be calling on you sometime in the future to return the favor! ;)
  19. I've been drooling over this one, but I just can't bring myself to pull the trigger--first I need to have an "extra" $40 lying around with no real purpose. http://www.amazon.com/Panasonic-KP380-BK-Classic-Electric-Sharpener/dp/B00006IEIE/ref=pd_sbs_op_6 It DOES get awesome reviews, though.
  20. We are--I knew it was going to be awesome when I turned on the whole house fan this morning and the house cooled down to 68 degrees. Aaaaah...
  21. I'd be happy to--is the whole DDD blog his, or should I just comment on the goats?
  22. We use a charter school, and I know that some people (not the Hive, of course!) don't think of that as REAL homeschooling. Here's how it works for us: 1. We receive $1500 per child to spend on any secular curriculum/program that falls under the state standards. The state standards are broad enough that I've never been denied any purchases. 2. About 50-75% of my curriculum is purchased by me, as I prefer to use Catholic materials for most subjects. 3. I use the charter school money for dance lessons and books--tons and tons of books! Also, I buy high quality art supplies that I could never afford otherwise. I am able to keep all nonconsumable items--science kits, paperback books, art supplies, flash cards, etc. About the only thing that we return at the end of the year are hardback textbooks, which for us is only a few books. 4. In return for receiving state money, I am required to meet monthly with a certificated teacher to go over what we've been doing and what we will be doing. We also participate in state testing. Up to this point, we haven't had any problems with the school. We are free to implement our schooling as we choose. Our charter school teacher is supportive and helpful, and I've found her to be an asset rather than a liability. As far as hsing groups go, I don't belong to any. With all of the other stuff we do I just don't have time--so I don't know if charter schoolers are welcome. I guess I wouldn't want to be a part of any group that didn't consider me a real homeschooler anyway. :001_smile:
  23. As long as they are potty trained, I don't think it's gross for small children to swim in a pool naked.
  24. I like Mark Kistler's Draw Squad. http://www.amazon.com/Mark-KistlerS-Draw-Squad-Kistler/dp/0671656945/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1218079280&sr=1-1
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