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Pink Fairy

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Everything posted by Pink Fairy

  1. Here's an old thread with some good ideas: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9716&highlight=jane+austen What a fabulous party theme! You'll all have such a great time!
  2. I am. Does ANYONE know what it's about? :001_rolleyes: Because I don't either. I do know that it's by the same guy who does Lost (and Alias?), so it should be good.
  3. Health care costs ARE insane. We pay $1400/month, which is more than our mortgage. My parents pay about $800/month for the the two of them, with crappy coverage. Gas prices, food prices, health care costs--our money doesn't stretch very far at all these days. It's keeping me up nights. :grouphug: to you. I hope you can figure something out, and when you do--please post it for the rest of us!! I think there are quite a few of us in the same boat. :sad:
  4. Does it really? I have to fight the odd jealous feeling when I see my neighbor walking her 3 kids to school in the morning. I can relate to the happy sigh of having the house to yourself for a few hours. I realize these days with the kids are precious, but sometimes the mess, the bickering, the overwhelmingness of it all makes me slightly crazy.:blink:
  5. I spent six months on bedrest last year. Honestly, I did a TON of reading, watched some tv (I was in the hospital for 3 months, and they didn't have cable/satellite, so the selection was nonexistant), listened to books on tape, and learned how to crochet and cross stitch. Homeschooling was done via the couch for the first 3 months. I used a lapdesk (from Target), and it wasn't too bad at all. I still couch school when I have a headache or something. And if you get really bored, naps are always good. :001_smile:
  6. 21 quarts! Will you share yours too? :001_smile: I don't have one to share, but I'm looking for something to do with all of my tomatoes. :lurk5:
  7. Not a clock exactly, but we use this: Time Tracker
  8. We started today too! Whew...I'm exhausted. Picture a smilie drinking a glass of merlot, and that's me in about an hour.
  9. Yes, amniotic fluid does have an oder, and it depends on where you are at in pg what the smell and appearance is. I'm sure you've already followed up on this, so please do update us if you have a chance. :grouphug:
  10. Just to really make it hard--have you considered Mavis Beacon? That's what we use. :D
  11. I don't know exactly what size boxes you're looking for, but we've bought boxes at places that sell them to people who are moving. The wardrobe ones are huge, and at the time they were less than 10 dollars each.
  12. I missed the butter bell discussion. I loved both of mine (they're broken now, and haven't been replaced yet). I am definitely pro-butter, and anti-margerine, so I don't know if margerine would work in the butter bell. Is this what you mean by "let's talk about butter"? :001_smile: "Oh butter, how I love thee. Let me count the ways..."
  13. I consider myself pretty mean (we did modified school all summer). But even I'm not mean enough to do school on Labor Day. You all are shocking--simply shocking! :svengo::svengo::svengo::svengo:
  14. This font makes the word purse look so....naughty. I didn't know a font had that kind of power. :blink:
  15. I noticed that your two oldest dd's are only a year or so apart (signature line info--I'm not a stalker, lol :001_smile:). Are they close? My two oldest girls are about a 22 months apart, and they do so much together that I've never worried about them having a large social circle. They do see other children at different activities about twice a week, but they each only have a couple of friends who they spend time with outside of that, and that's only once in a while (maybe once a month or so). It's so hard to see our kids' feelings hurt. :grouphug: to you and to her.
  16. Normally, I call it a purse. These days it really is a diaperbag. I hope to go back to a purse at some point. A nice Coach purse, with shiny, MOIST leather would be good.
  17. Sounds like Mom has her priorities a little bit skewed. Clearly, other people's kids come second to her yappy, child-biting dog. Now you know, and can plan accordingly. Sorry this happened. Dogs I can understand, but icky people--not so much. :grouphug:
  18. I have to admit, I was a little freaked out when I saw the thread title as I was cruising through the list. A lot of sick puppies hang out on this board...Sick, I tell you!!!
  19. I learned about it here too. More WTM crack for homeschoolers (it's addictive ;)).
  20. We had a conversation about this about two weeks ago. Did anyone ever "pull the trigger" and buy? I'd like to know if it worked out. :001_smile:
  21. It's always such a comfort to know our lost children are with their Heavenly Father. Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem. :grouphug:
  22. This is intriguing. :D You almost sat on several others? Surely you aren't going to leave that hanging for us to spend the rest of the day wondering about!
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