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Everything posted by JeneralMom

  1. Today Tonight is dodgy. I've been here for a year and no one has ever mentioned it to me.
  2. I had something similar happen. My advisor was new and apparently didn't fill a form in properly or get it in on time, so despite doing all my credits, writing (and getting an A) an Honours thesis, and graduating in May, I was denied the Honours and told I would only get my degree the next December once she had corrected her error (but there was no way to fix the Honours mistake). Made me so sad and demoralized.
  3. Got a call from the pedi neurologist on Monday telling me there was a cancellation on Thursday (today). So, we say him today!!!! Based on family history, the description of the episode, and his examination, the doctor ordered an EEG, and thinks that DS is having Rolandic seizures - he won't make a definite diagnosis without the EEG because a few things don't fit. I was very surprised when he also diagnosed my son with migraines. DS has always compained about headaches but we thought it had to do with his convergence insufficiency. Both sides of the family have migraines and several of the the things I mentioned to teh doctor pointed to migraines. I am now waiting for the hospital to call me with a time to bring him in for the EEG. I am also supposed to keep a log of the headaches to see if I can find a trigger (which we can then avoid).
  4. We had to buy all new carseats when we moved her in June because all cardeats have to have ANZAC safety stickers to be used or you can be fined. Also, you can drive with a US license but you will be charged more for the rental, and some companies won't rent to you at all. Driving takes getting used to but I adapted within days. DH had a much harder time and only drove when I went into hospital to have the baby. He still tends to drift way over to the left. Road rage is not uncommon here (at least in Perth) so you want to be pretty confident. I also would not drive straight from the aeroport unless you don't get jet lag (I don't but it hit DH and kids badly) because it will mess your brain up and you might be dangerous on the road.
  5. I just realized I forgot to say we went straight to our GP who feels that they are petite mal seizures (absence seizures)
  6. Oh, I have no intention of putting him on the keto diet myself, just thought maybe about reducing carbs (although because 3 of us have Coeliacs, we are fairly low carb), and upping protein/fats. Maybe some essential oils or homeopathics to help deal with the anxiety. Here in Western Australia you go see your GP for everything and that person refers you to specialists. The pedi neuro I have a referral to is the most experienced one. We saw his OT the next day and she gave me the name of another to try but she only knew of these two pedi neuros in town. This scenario is common in wa - waiting for specialists, so many people fly to Sydney or Melbourne or Brisbane to get on faster, but I cannot do this at the moment. I am seriously considering going the ER route, but Monday is a public holiday so it will be insanely crowded over the weekend.
  7. Eye colour and hair color are polygenic traits, not Mendelian.
  8. I got a call Weds from my kids' school that my son had a seizure and I needed to come in to meet with them. It was a shock. I was grocery shopping so I didn't pick up the call because it came in as "private number" so I got a cryptic message about a medical issue, not an emergency, but I needed to call the school and come have a meeting with them after school. Luckily, the special education assistant (who also happens to be the first aid trained responder) was in his class doing reading with a group of kids and it was S' turn, so he was standing right in front of her. She saw it start to happen and was able to grab him before he fell and hit his head. She said he was talking and then suddenly his head jerked to the right, his arms spasmed and both hands came up to his right shoulder and twisted into a knot. She grabbed him by the shoulders and he was just staring straight ahead and non-responsive but was jerking, though not hard. It lasted for about a minute to a minute and a half. When it stopped, he just stood up straight and she asked him if he knew what happened and he said "yes, I was frozen". He then told her that it happens a couple times a year. Before I heard the description, I said that I had never seen him have a seizure, and he told them he never mentioned them to me because he thought it happened to everyone. Well, as soon as they told me about the "frozen" comment I realized that he has been having them, and will just casually say something like "I froze" or "I was frozen" when I ask him why he doesn't respond, or why he was acting odd. I never put two and two together. His OT is concerned that they may be more frequent than we realize and that they might be affecting him already because of some things I have noticed like he used to have nice handwriting and now it is not legible; he used to do complex math in his head for fun, and now he has trouble with basic concepts of multiplication and division. He has always complained about headaches, but we thought that was because of the convergence insufficiency and it has gotten better since he got his glasses, but now I am starting to wonder if they are all related. Honestly, I'm freaking out a little. The poor guy was afraid to go to sleep last night in case in happened in his sleep, and he didn't want to go to school today in case it happened there. He doesn't want his classmates talking about it or treating him differently. I cannot get an appointment with the pediatric neurlogist (specialists are hard to get in to see in Western Australia because the state is huge, but not many people and isolated so everyone has to come to Perth to be seen. It is not a problem out East where there are more people, apparently) until July, but several people have told me I should just go to the ER at the kids hospital if I think it has happened again and they will just do all the tests there, or get me in sooner to be seen. I am not sure what to do. I would like to start some natural things to help prevent or alleviae the seizures while we wait, but I don't want to do so much that nothing shows up on his EEG. I guess I am looking for reassurance about the seizures and also about the medications if he has to go on them. I would also really appreciate any advice about alternative medicines or therapies. I am familiar with the ketogenic diet as I have a friend whose son had severe seizures who didn't respond to meds, so she put him on the diet and after a few years his EEG was fine. Thank goodness the baby came early and I have all these lovely, relaxing nursing horomones flowing through me otherwise I would be a complete mess!
  9. I voted option 1, but this is more how I would say it.
  10. I have used cloth through 4 kids, into 5th now. I have only had front loaders and never had issues with smell or buildup. I do a single cold water rinse, normal hot cycle with extra cold rinse, add vinegar - easy peasy. Are the fitteds for a single size or one-size fits all? You can very easily and cheapy knit or crochet wool nappy covers. There are free and cheap patterns online. You can also make your own prefolds out of terry, flannel or cotton if you cannot afford to buy them. Also, you can order pocket diapers direct from the chinese manufacturer for between 5 and 9 dollars, including insert. The site is www.alvababy.com. I haven't tried them yet but will be ordering some.
  11. I can't for the life of me get pictures to load. I am loading them all to Instagram and Facebook so I assumed I would be able to just pop the over here too. I've overdone it, came home too early and am having some serious pain in my incision area, so today I get to sit on my bottom (as much as possible, DH had to run to work to do somethings he can't do from home) and then tomorrow is DD3 4th birthday. It has been a rough homecoming because Chicken Pox has broken out at the kids' school (in DS9 classroom) and I have no immunity to it, and therefore DD0 didn't even get the bit of transplacental immunity that most babies do. DH and kids were not allowed onto the ward because it was dangerous for the babies in the level 2 nursery (even if you are immune you can be a vector until you scrub completely) the last day which is one of the reasons I decided to leave on Thursday morning instead of Saturday night. The midwife and pedi were very concerned about DD0 and I and I have been given a very strict procedure for anyone coming near the baby, and the kids need to "strip and disinfect" when they come home, I am not supposed to go anywhere near their school, and I am not supposed to let any of the neighbourhood kids in the house (they refuse to stay out so I just slathering them with hospital-grade disinfectant with their parents' permission) any time they come near me. It is a giant pain in the a$$ but I have to protect myself and the baby. Not many people fully vaccinate or even vaccinate at all for chicken pox here so once it starts it runs through all the kids. If my kids vaccines "fail" and one of them gets it, I have to move out. The school is being really good about it, because this happened last September when another baby was born, and her siblings aren't vaccinated so the school allowed the mom to pull them all out and someone brought all their work home for them. I don't think we will have to be that drastic.
  12. The hospital wifi has a max i can upload per day and all I have is my phone. DH is bringing my netbook tomorrow so hopefully i can upload then. Or maybe i can figure out how to let you see the ones on FB.
  13. Baby was born Feb 11 at 5.30pm. She is little but doing great. She is somewhere between 36.4 and 37.4 weeks, and may be smaller because she had to share space with a grapefruit sized cyst. Dr was able to remove the huge cyst and only had to take 1/4 of the ovary. I'm handling the caesarean pretty well and have only taken 1 dose of Tylenol. Her name is unique so just going to.say we went with the greek myth and named her after the daughter of Demeter and Zeus. Her middle names are after our paternal g-mas so Vera and Madeline (the English translation of my g-ma's Hungarian name which is M@gdoln@ as was her mom's, g-ma's, and two other generations back)
  14. I've read all the above suggestions although I gave up on Jordan (got through book 6 or 7 I cant remember) because it was just nonsensical dragging after a while and I started getting really annoyed by characters and plotlines. Martin is my favourite for richness and depth. Was recently bored and trolling through the library and saw the Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone by Greg Keyes. Got all 4 books and read them in a week. DH is a huge Martin fan/geek and is now reading the Keyes series. It is an enjoyable, easy read. The only one I haven't read is Rothfuss. Off to see if library has it.
  15. Lawrence. My favourite bumper sticker ever was "Lawrence, 18sq miles of sanity surrounded by the rest of Kansas."
  16. My kids all hate getting their faces wet so have not really taken to showers. In this house we have a shower/tub combo and those always make me nervous because i know someone who slipped and hurt themselves. I may just need to get over it and encourage them to try showering because i am getting tired of washing everyone's hair in the sink.
  17. For one family member's wedding we received printed engagement announcement, invite to the engagement party, invite to bridal shower, save the date, invite to wedding, and invite to rehearsal dinner. We lived in a different country and they knew we weren't coming, but they insisted they didn't want us to feel left out. I would not be able to justify the cost, but I do understand why people send them out to guests who have to make travel arrangements.
  18. 7 Apparently i was a 10 when I taught Uni classes because it was mentioned a lot in my evals...never in a negative way but more like "you can always tell how important something is by how animated her usual gesticulating gets."
  19. My eldest is named Spencer, so I am biased. Love it. Never had a single joke about his name. Some older people do say "oh, like Spencer Tracey" so we explained about the actor.
  20. Okay, i've only ever frozen cooked ham slices and they wrre fine, but I did use them in a dish, not by themselves. The issue came up because i was rereading one of my frugal books and she mentions doing this with chicken and ground meats. So I am sensing the consensus is only if the meat is going to beused in soup/stew/sauce, or has been frozen along with a lot of liquid.
  21. Trying to find ways to save time, so indulge my curiousity please.
  22. Honestly? To just have one. To actually eat something that I have grown...I am aiming low. Ideally I would love to put in some dwarf citrus (in containers) and some berry bushes. Also some raised beds with staple veggies that are easy to grow for a newbie. Maybe some chickens. Nothing too fancy just enough to get my feet wet.
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