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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. So, I thought that "finger math" for multiplication was cool. A Filipino Woman at the hospital, where I was staying with my mom, showed me how to do it. Here are directions spelled out :) It's just "another way" to have fun with math :) http://gwydir.demon.co.uk/jo/numbers/finger/multiply.htm Multiplying by six, seven, eight or nine Here is a way to multiply by six, seven, eight or nine using your fingers. It doesn't cover multiplying by one to five only 6x6 to 9x9. It is not as simple as the previous method, and to tell the truth, it might just be easier learning your times tables, but it does work. It is said to be widely used in medieval Europe Hold your hands with palms facing you and fingers towards each other. Number the fingers on each hand from bottom to top as six to nine. (The thumb could be ten, but it's easy to multiply by ten, so don't bother!) Now touch the two fingers of the numbers that you want to multiply. You may need to twist your hand slightly to do this. This example is multiplying eight by seven, so the finger number 8 touches the finger number 7 on the other hand. Now for the calculation. First you add the fingers below and including the touching ones. These are the tens. Here there are five of them, three on one hand and two on the other (marked blue), so that makes 5x10 = 50. Then you multiply the fingers on the left hand above the touching ones with the fingers on the right hand above the touching ones. These are the units. Here there are two fingers on the left (marked red), and three fingers on the right (marked green), so that makes 2x3 = 6. Add this to the 50 you've already got, and that makes 56. I have separated the tens and units in this technique, but if you try to multiply 6x6, you find that the tens figure is 2x10=20, and the units figure is 4x4=16. Added together, this makes 36, which is correct. Perhaps we can think of the 16 as being a 'carry'. This technique looks a bit like magic, so here is a proof that it does work. If you don't know algebra, then you won't understand this, so just ignore it. You don't need it to use the technique. We are trying to multiply two numbers. Let us call them a and b. We touch together two fingers. On the left hand, there are 10-a fingers above the touching ones, and 10-b fingers on the right hand. We multiply these together to get the units: (10 - a) (10 - b) = 100 -10a - 10b + ab On the left hand, there are a-5 fingers below and including the touching ones, and b-5 fingers on the right hand. These are added and multiplied by ten: 10 x ((a - 5) + (b - 5)) = 10 x (a + b - 10) = 10a + 10b - 100 Add these both together: 100 -10a - 10b + ab + 10a + 10b - 100 = ab So the answer is ab or a times b which is what we wanted.
  2. Ok, well, this has been an incredibly stinky February!! But, one thing actually happened this month that made me laugh. When staying at the hospital with my mom, a Filipino woman showed me how to do finger multiplication for 6's-10's. I told my son I wanted to show him how to do multiplication on your fingers (he's 7 and knows how to figure them out) and he said, "Mom, I wouldn't want to do that... that's CHEATING!) So, at least with math he's good :)
  3. No doubt!! Were we not just talking about this? There are others I wouldn't mind having, but none who can talk so neutrally so that all could enjoy. :) Maybe, SWB should give HS Speakers conferences on "How to not offend" :) She seems to do well with just talking about Homeschooling :)
  4. Wow, this would be SO perfect. The most perfect would be Portland, the second around or in Seattle!!! :)
  5. Anyone else in Duncan, yet? My friend's there and I'm always checking into see if someone else had gone that far ;)
  6. Personally, I think you'd love Oregon!!! You should come right to Portland!!!!! (Now I know I'm really dreaming!!)
  7. My friend, whose husband had extensive chemo... said to ask for topical pain meds and also my mom's veins roll and she uses these hot pads that the place gives her for blood draws. Don't know if that would work for chemo, though. I have no idea if you're into eating for "beating cancer" but if that's something you're open to... I'd love to send you the links for the information that we've found for my mom. PM me with your email if you're interested.... Prayers for the easiest that chemo can be... and for good veins and a good technician. Sorry you're having to go through this. :(
  8. Seriously??? That would be so incredibly awesome! I can't imagine just being in a room and listening to everyone. I would love to just sit and listen... and absorb.... and hear what you all have to say... And then the bonus of eating and staying in a nice hotel?? That would be so incredible. Right now, I'm at an incredibly low spot... although trying to climb out. THIS is fun to just daydream about!!
  9. Good Kristine :) Now that I'm making you happy, too bad you can't commute!! :) We could surely use some sunshine, today!! What's the weather like over there?? :)
  10. So, I could steal it, Our Redeemer Cooperative Academy. Might people who aren't Lutheran be scared? Would Methodist believe we have the same Redeemer? Would Reformed come feeling like I am, or not because I might not be? Would Academy scare people off thinking that I wanted to make their children not believe in God? Hmmmm..... I'm just joking around in my own head... which is a bit like Jello at this point. :) Hmmmm.... maybe my dad's first thought of "Academy" would be good.... But.... I like Trivium Academy, too :) I understand what you mean... AngelBee :) about being just specific enough.... without being too specific :) Thinking...Thinking... well... trying to think :) :)
  11. How about Zero Period. My olders have that in school... The period before school starts... Now I'm curious, what's bad about praying that we can get along together? (My prayers in my past spot were something like, "Thanks for this great day! Help us to remember why we're all here, and for us to communicate well with each other and with consideration.") They do a similar type prayer at the Local Unitarian Church.... and learning hymns? Well, I like my kids learning hymns, and no we don't do that at church... so.... But, perhaps that's a problem.... I can't make everyone comfortable or like it :( Not even if I want to... :( Anyway, I do appreciate everyone's responses!!! I love to have things to think about :)
  12. Guess that's what I get for asking my dad, who has a Doctorate in Theology, what to name it. :D I wanted a good.... not Catholic... not Protestant (or recognized by both) name :) I wish you lived closer, too!!! If you're on here, you gotta be good, right?? :) I just don't want anything that's around here to be confused... like "Veritas Academy" of which there are now two.... within an hr... and totally different :) Hmmmm... I loved naming my kids... and now this is the next fun name for me :)
  13. Thanks for your thoughts!!!! Hmmm... I'm trying to think of something that could carry through to a cottage school later. It's hard to come up with a name:) BUT... oh so fun!! Trivium Academy, A cooperative where parents and teachers lead together. or something. My dream would be to have a school that combines hybrid "home education" with private education and and allows parents to choose part to full time. I've seen it work on websites :) I don't want to be under NAUMS, don't need to make more $$$ than to just send my one son.... and don't want to answer to anyone higher than the board I hope to be on... and the church where we meet. How many students would be a good start? And, how many would I want to aim for? Questions, Questions!!! I'm just praying for it to all come together. BTW, I do have integrity and want to put that forth, but wouldn't want it to look like I'm begging for that to be recognized :)
  14. Sure Amy, Are you gonna come help?? The more the merrier :) I'd love to have you... only a short commute, right?? haha :)
  15. Yup... that's why you have to just offer your statement of faith. Yes, I believe in things you don't, but... I'd just have to talk with you and explain what the purpose of the group is (to educate) and what it's not (to make others feel inferior) and see if it's what you want. No pants on women?? I'm fine with slacks or whatever on women, but don't wanna see my skirts on my husband ;)
  16. Crazy!! I just realized I could look up people that my parents still know there. Too bad we can use the spot where we had the convention... It's the round building at ORU... what's it called?? They probably don't own it anymore. BTW, we just went there because of the Law School, not because we wanted to support him... or his crazy ideas. :) (Are you in Oklahoma??) I like Seton, too, for their Henle answer guide. Are they classical, though? My classical/Catholic friends said, "no"... I'm confused :(
  17. "With humble instruction from a distinctly Bible believing Staff" Humble with Integrity. Are you getting the gist here? :) Yup, we could do it! it would only take you 15 minutes to get over here ;)
  18. I want it... I'll come if you can provide an area for my sleeping bag and me :) I would bring... hmmm... I'm eating organic, healthy, no sugar food.... What could I bring??? Chicken pot pie with homemade crust :)
  19. I was thinking of students picking and choosing.... but... not sure how that would go. The morning would be the main classes... and the afternoon would be the "elective classes"..... For the afternoon, I just want to be the person that Teachers can offer their classes through... but don't want to have independent contractors. I would like for all money to go from family to teacher. (Younger kids... free... Older kids... some classes will cost.) I could "hire" employees but am scared of that process... If I shouldn't be... enlighten me. I HATE dealing with $$$ and taxes. :)
  20. Hey Christina :) How about Integrity Cooperative Academy? :) "ICA".... I didn't want to stick a city location, because honestly, when I see that done.... I feel like only in those cities are represented there. (which I know is not true.... but...) :)
  21. Hmmmm... Well, I'm thinking a Hymn, an opening prayer about working peacefully together and if there are any shared prayer requests, and what field trips or other announcements there may be. So, prayers are something to think about. Hymns can be considered culturally appropriate to learn, and well... field trips fun. Things to think about :) I'm not thinking about preaching/devotions/etc...
  22. I thought of 12 as the "cross-over" year... some in the younger... some older :) Hmmm... I'll figure out a way to word that. Chapel.... hmmm.... I am planning, when there would be a difference, to explain things from a Christian perspective. (yes... I know... many definitions....) I am not opposed, to explaining the other side, without "making fun".... So... this is what I believe the Bible says about young earth. Some don't agree and if your family believes differently, you can talk that over with them. (Sticky Sticky... I teach my children what I believe... but love everyone and want them to feel as comfortable as they can..... while still being able to teach my children what "I" believe) But, at this cooperative, I am really trying to see if we can teach with consideration for our whole group.... Don't know how that will pan out... :(
  23. Funny!! Well Jessica, I could steal your user name :) I like Trivium Academy, too :) Iranaeus is for the man who wrote 2 volumes about heresies. He's admired by Catholics and Protestants, alike, and lived in Gaul/France. Academy, I chose, because of Socrates' Academy :) I actually wanted something like Plato's Academy or Socrates' Academy, but don't want Christians to freak out and think I want to make their children something other than Christians. I've heard the Christians who are scared of Classical too often. As far as Christian, yup, that's what I want for teachers and Board, but it doesn't have to be leave out families who are comfortable with my beliefs. (kinda like I could join the Secular knowing that Micro Evolution would be taught as fact.) If I wanted to do that, and explain to my kids at home... that would be welcomed. Since Irenaeus was a Christian, I thought that would help make it obvious without being in the name. Hmmmm... I'll keep looking :) Thanks for more ideas!!
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