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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. Recipe: 1.Someone not you shoots and butchers it. 2. Chop it up, brown in a pan with butter, olive oil, onion, and garlic. 3. Pack pint jars with hot meat, drippings, and hot water up to the neck of the jar. 4. Wipe of rim so it is clean of debris. 5. Place lid and ring on jar, tighten ring. 6. Place in pressure canner and add 2-3 inches of water, however much the manual indicates is optimal for that canner. Put lid on, add jiggler. 7. Process for 70 minutes at 12 lb pressure while maniacally cackling like Yosemite Sam. 😁😁😁
  2. I have a pile of mulched leaves (mulched with the mower) that I have in a sheltered area so it won't blow away. I mix grass clippings, vegetable/fruit scraps that so not have seeds, and coffee grounds in it, just turning a little once a week with a shovel. I don't turn it as much as I should, and leaf litter takes a lot of time to break down, so one year in, it is still not ready to use. But I do have a small amount that looks like it will be okay to put in the raised beds this spring, and then in fall 2024, I think all of it will be ready. Leaf litter needs more green matter than I have been giving it in order to break down faster. I read that I could go get a bag of alfalfa pellets that are used for rabbit food and add that. Since mowing weather is over with, I went to TSC to get a bag, and found it was $20.00 for a very small bag. $20 will actually buy a fair amount of compost from the local farm, so I decided it wasn't worth the expense. I will try to be better about raking up grass clippings this coming summer so I have them for the 2024 fall leaf mess. I don't do all of the leaves in our yard we have 8 mature maple trees which is more leaf matter than I can handle. I mow them, and leave most of mulched leaves on the lawn. I really don't care if it kills the grass in the spring or not. Mowing is just such a waste of time and energy for a lawn of short grass that doesn't provide much good for the environment.
  3. Still not worrying about weighing food. The grandkids keep me hopping! I did have two cups of brussel sprouts, and two cups of salad yesterday plus a cup of hummus, and a tangerine/clementine. Not sure if I got anywhere near the ballpark of 800 grams, but it was lots of fiber and servings of veg/fruit.
  4. The simple truth is that his family is reliant on him to continue to work the farm. Because they have this dependency and cannot afford to have him turn on them, they will side with him. I have seen this many times when an adult child works in the family business. My advice to Ting is to do everything possible to distance herself from the inlaws and forge independence, but to not engage in conversation with them about him. Before my brother finally set out on his own in an IT career, he worked with my dad in business. My brother was a total letch to his wife, but my father defended his behavior at every disgusting action because he needed the letch to keep working with him. I was the only person in the family who stood up for her, and I paid a major price for doing it. I think in most cases, siblings will not stand for their in law IF the family business is involved. Ting, you don't owe these people an explanation for why you are taking charge of your life and kids, for choosing a different path. You really don't. The less information passed to them, the less chance they can use anything you have said against you. As much as possible with them, I would run "silent as the grave". Get a counselor and share with that person. That is your safe zone. I would love to see you pick up a new hobby/outlet, a book club, a knitting group, something. It would be so good to have some folks to socialize with that are not linked to him nor necessarily to your kids' extracurricular activities. You have given so much of yourself without refilling your own well. It would be great for you to have something to look forward to each week that is exclusively for your enjoyment and relaxation.
  5. Agree with both you and Katy. This is beyond "save the marriage" counseling unless HE wants to change and initiates personal counseling for himself and then marital counseling. Ting needs personal assistance in setting boundaries and making a plan for the future, help seeing herself as worthy of consideration and care. Plans for the future can change IF he puts in the work. But that is really doubtful. Better to plan to be independent.
  6. The only coffee we buy is organic coffee from Peru from Aldi, 2 or 3 per month at $7 each. We use milk or half n half in it. So another $3-6. We almost never buy coffee out. Usually only when on a road trip, and then we buy gas station coffee or McD's. So annually it doesn't amount to all that much because once we arrive at our destination, be it the Alabama house or a hotel/vrbo/campsite, we make coffee. Tea is not much. I drink very little tea, and Mark is a major Tea drinker but gifted so much we do not buy a lot. Maybe $5 or so every 6 months. Alcohol would be more. I cook a lot with high end bourbon and a couple of cabernets. We get akavit every year for Christmas and flavor it. Last year was rhubarb, this year is raspberry. Mark also likes Fireball in his tea whenever he feels a scratchy throat or a little under the weather. So my guess is that we spend $350 or so. $14 a month for coffee $10 a year on tea $350on alcohol ETA no tobacco
  7. I can't get the link to copy and paste properly. Here is the photo. It is $39.99.
  8. I.would.die.if.I.had.to.make.45.pies.
  9. We are getting this massager from amazon. Mark has really tight shoulder and neck a lot of the time, and I am hoping it helps with some of the soft tissue inflammation I fight since the car accident. B0BC1GS34Q/ref=ox_sc_act_title_14?smid=AEPMPIF5C2YBL Raemeo Massage Gun Also, one more request: I have been here four days now, and have four more days. I may need "rent a grandma" for a few days. These kids are wearing me out!
  10. I had a large salad at lunch. Very large with lots of veggies. Falafel for supper with Brussels sprouts. Not sure on grams. I have been busy entertaining a cranky, teething, cute monster baby.😁
  11. Has anyone seen, "Buy a wife?" I am looking at my to do list between now and Christmas, and what I really need is a wife of my own. Not a husband. They are too much work! Just a wife. If you run on any good deals, even a Jetson's robotic maid will do, please post a message to me! 😁
  12. I try to do a lot of mise en place ahead of time, place in baggies or bowls in the fridge. I label them for which dish they are earmarked. I am making cookie dough and pumpkin muffin batter tonight, and freezing, then will get it out to thaw Wednesday afternoon, and make them after my three hoodlums (oh, excuse me, grandsons 😁) go to bed because these hoodlums make everything more difficult as they want to "help" and have far to many ideas of how to improve everything. (According to N, all things in the world are improved with more sugar. πŸ™„) I will let them help decorate the cookies Thursday morning. We are keeping it simple this year though so that makes all the prep easier.
  13. Privacy fence it and declare it a mom only zone? 😁
  14. Ya, I noted that and deleted. So maybe you could edit the quote of me as well so no one is confused.
  15. Hearts I am really thrilled to see you and ds have some great interactions. Slow and steady wins the race. You are doing well with him!
  16. Ting Tang, I am so sorry! You are right about the gaslighting, and he is abusing you. Flat out abusing you even if it isn't physical in nature. I don't know if you have any desire to attempt to save the marriage or not. But I do believe that regardless of ANY of his behavior or his family's antics, it is time for you to just stand up and say No. No is a full sentence. I know many couples who have no relationship with each other who live as roommates for the sake of finances and stability for the kids. You can do that, and it is a perfectly acceptable choice while you sort this out. The fact that your dad died and he couldn't be bothered to give a rat's ass at all about you is a clue to me that in all likelihood, he doesn't care in any way about you. So you need to take care of yourself and the kids, he is a pay check and not much more. Don't bad mouth him to the kids, but also don't expect any involvement from him. Start thinking about how you want 2024 to go for you and the kids. Draw some lines in the sand. Get a routine going, and if he complains tell him "too bad, so sad, this is how it is now because I am taking charge of my life and doing what is best for our children", and then ignore his whining and complaining. Again, I am so sorry. It sucks. It sucks big time. However, I do not believe he cares enough to change.
  17. Toxic person, botulinum toxins...same same. 😁
  18. Aebleskivver with choice of dips, raspberry jam, Devonshire cream, and vanilla rum custard.
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