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Everything posted by BeachGal

  1. Where did you get it online? The only places I found that seemed legit were these two: https://shop-enovid.com/ https://www.israelpharm.com/enovid-anti-viral-nasal-spray/
  2. Yes, I’ve been following them for awhile. I hope we will see it here in the US eventually and that it will be less expensive. Nitric oxide does appear helpful so I don’t see why we shouldn’t use a nitric oxide nasal spray. Although inhaled nitric oxide is not possible to administer at home, the following does provide more evidence that NO is beneficial which is not all that surprising. https://www.massgeneral.org/news/press-release/nitric-oxide-reduces-hospital-stay-and-improves-oxygen-pregnant-patients https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/07/220707171847.htm High dose inhaled nitric oxide gas (iNO) is a safe and effective respiratory therapy for pregnant women hospitalized with severe COVID-19 pneumonia, resulting in a more rapid weaning from supplemental oxygen and reduced length of hospital stay, according to a research team led by Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). In a study published in Obstetrics & Gynecology, researchers from four Boston hospitals reported that the addition of twice-daily nitric oxide to standard of care oxygen therapy decreased the respiratory rate of pregnant women with low oxygenation levels of the blood without causing any side effects.
  3. We all use Xlear in my family before and after going into restaurants, stores, apartment buildings, high rise elevators, airplanes, etc. None of us gets a persistently runny nose like you but it does cause a bit of runniness right after spraying. For me, at this point the evidence for using Xlear is good enough to use it and, although I’d like it to be a few dollars less, it’s cheap enough. One bottle lasts about a month for me. From the biospace link just below, here is how grapefruit seed extract (gse) and xylitol work (in vitro ) Using electron microscopy, we have visual evidence showing that xylitol and grapefruit seed extract (GSE) counters the virus. The GSE kills the virus, while the xylitol prevents the virus from attaching to the cell walls. The image shows SARS-CoV-2 viruses outside the cell and never attached, thereby preventing infection https://www.biospace.com/article/releases/new-study-concludes-xlear-kills-and-or-deactivates-sars-cov-2-efficacy-against-new-variants/ A new in vitro study done collaboratively by Utah State University and Northwestern University finds Xlear components (grapefruit seed extract and xylitol) significantly eliminates SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The imaging research study component was performed at the BioCryo facility of Northwestern University’s NUANCE Center. The study tested SARS-CoV-2 virus titers and LRV against a single concentration of Xlear nasal spray. According to the Study, “After a 25-minute contact time, the nasal spray reduced virus from 4.2 to 1.7 log10 CCID50 per 0.1 mL, a statistically significant reduction (P<0.001) of 2.5 log10 CCID50.” The Northwestern/Utah State Study is the newest in a string of studies to reach the conclusion that Xlear is effective against the SARS-CoV-2. However, the study breaks new ground in two vital respects: “First, we conclude, in addition to countering SARS-CoV-2, Xlear is likely effective in preventing the spread of future H1N1 viruses, including the emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants, along with other viral epidemics. Given the more transmissible variants we now face, this is critical now,” said Professor Mark Cannon, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University. “Second, using electron microscopy, we have visual evidence showing that xylitol and GSE counters the virus. The GSE kills the virus, while the xylitol prevents the virus from attaching to the cell walls. The image (attached) shows SARS-CoV-2 viruses outside the cell and never attached, thereby preventing infection,” added Dr. Cannon. The study postulates that xylitol acts as a decoy target for SARS-CoV-2, preventing virus attachment to the core protein on the cell wall. The collaborative study concludes: “Because there are no risk factors in using the X/GSE combination therapy, and [Xlear] nasal spray is over the counter available without prescription, and [Xlear] allows for comfortable long term mask wearing, adoption of this preventive anti-viral therapy should be encouraged.” Here is the full study of the above: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.12.02.408575v3.full ******* This is the in vivo trial done on unvaccinated, frontline HCWs, who sprayed their noses three times daily, 6-8 hours apart. At the time, Delta was dominant and they were in the thick of it. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1386653222001809 The test agent significantly reduced SARS-CoV-2 infection in healthcare workers, with 62% fewer infections when compared to placebo. It was found to be safe and well tolerated and offers a novel treatment option for prophylaxis against SARS-CoV-2 infection.
  4. If you believe that the nitric oxide nasal spray (NONS) is of limited efficacy, I would be interested in hearing your reasoning as to why you believe that. Nitric oxide is naturally produced in the nasal passages in order to protect us from pathogens that enter there. Why would it not make sense to assist that area with more nitric oxide? It’s not a vaccine but if it helps prevent Covid that could be very helpful, especially if combined with vaccines, etc.
  5. We own both inflatables and non-inflatables. Both type are good but everyone in our family prefers the non-inflatable.
  6. Ugh. I’m sorry your daughter has LC, Acadie. Dr. Seheult’s Medcram YouTube videos on LC are very good, imo. His recent one on near infrared light reducing Covid spike protein is interesting. Might be worth checking out. https://youtu.be/e6xj14QYsoc
  7. Theoretically, humming should help prevent and treat Covid because it causes the paranasal sinuses to produce about 15 times more nitric oxide than not humming. NO is what your body makes to protect you against pathogens like viruses. NO is also a cardiovascular signaling molecule and can protect your arteries from damage caused by Covid.
  8. An older thread but I’ve been trying to read books lately that address what influences us to believe what we believe, how that occurs, and if we even have much control over it. I started with The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing by Joost Meerloo. He wrote it in the 1950s but his points are worth considering today, probably moreso considering how much the internet is part of our lives.
  9. For those of you interested in long Covid and ME/CFS, Dr. Bettina Hohberger, a German ophthalmologist, did a podcast interview where she discusses the small number of long haulers treated using a drug called BC 007. Also helped one person with ME/CFS not caused by Covid. It’s in the early stages. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-40-dr-bettina-hohberger-the-eye-and-bc007/id1574768076?i=1000569291555
  10. Another nasal spray that is showing promise at both preventing and helping to treat Covid and all its variants, including probably future variants. Targets the virus’ RNA. Developed at Berkeley. Most optimistic timeline that it could be available to the public is fall 2023. https://wgntv.com/news/coronavirus/covid-19-nasal-spray-could-be-game-changer-researcher-says/
  11. The xylitol in Xlear pulls water into your nasal cavities so it could be that. You might be sensitive to the xylitol or another ingredient? Your throat could be irritated by the post nasal drip. Everyone in my family uses Xlear when we feel we might have been exposed to Covid. It does make our noses runny right after spraying and then clears them out after we blow our noses. No all-day problems, though. ***** Speaking of xylitol, here are the results of a trial using a xylitol nasal spray on unvaccinated, high-risk HCWs with no previous Covid infection done in spring of 2021. I haven’t read it carefully (am traveling) but it looks interesting. The spray had more ingredients than Xlear, but xylitol and grape seed extract are thought to be anti-viral. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1386653222001809 The test agent significantly reduced the infection rate from 34.5% to 13.1%. Fewer patients were symptomatic in the test group [17.6% vs 34.6%; p < 0.0001]. No serious adverse events were reported in either arm of the study.
  12. I did not say Fauci was directly in charge of procurement of masks; however, Fauci was not in danger of losing his job during Covid. And Fauci did make statements about masks which led to confusion and bad decisions that harmed HCWs. You can find transcripts and videos online. I watched and transcribed one television press briefing early in 2020 and he did say that masks were unnecessary. Yes, as more was learned, he changed his advice but the truth is, we, the US, did not have them stockpiled for HCWs in the first place and that weighed into his advice that they weren’t necessary. Some HCWs believed otherwise and had their own private stash which they tried to use but were forbidden due to their hospital admin believing what Fauci said.
  13. He was not. The Strategic National Supply did not have enough masks in stock for health care workers. That was an egregious mistake that cost too many hard working HCWs their lives. Supposedly, they have them now. I hope. We could have even bought or procured what we needed for HCWs after we realized Covid was here and we didn’t. We were offered excellent, washable masks from Israel and we didn’t accept them. Shameful. ETA My husband, now retired, was also a federal employee with a high position. Fauci was in no danger of losing his job, ever.
  14. Are there any Hyatts close by? Some of them offer check in as early as 9 am for about $10. You would have to be a World of Hyatt member. https://www.hyatt.com/info/hyatt-place-early-checkin-late-checkout
  15. I am following this preprint that some of you might have seen but if not, I think it’s worth a look. It’s just a preprint as of yet but the data is interesting. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.07.29.502055v1 Since the initial emergence of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.1, several Omicron sublineages have emerged, leading to BA.5 as the current dominant sublineage. Here we report the neutralization of different Omicron sublineages by human sera collected from individuals who had distinct mRNA vaccination and/or BA.1 infection. Four-dose-vaccine sera neutralize the original USA-WA1/2020, Omicron BA.1, BA.2, BA.212.1, BA.3, and BA.4/5 viruses with geometric mean titers (GMTs) of 1554, 357, 236, 236, 165, and 95, respectively; 2-dose-vaccine-plus-BA.1-infection sera exhibit GMTs of 2114, 1705, 730, 961, 813, and 274, respectively; and 3-dose-vaccine-plus-BA.1-infection sera show GMTs of 2962, 2038, 983, 1190, 1019, and 297, respectively. Thus, 4-dose-vaccine elicits the lowest neutralization against BA.5; 2-dose-vaccine-plus-BA.1-infection elicits significantly higher GMTs against Omicron sublineages than 4-dose-vaccine; and 3-dose-vaccine-plus-BA.1-infection elicits slightly higher GMTs (statistically insignificant) than the 2-dose-vaccine-plus-BA.1-infection. Our results support the inclusion of the BA.5 spike for future vaccine booster doses.
  16. 100% agree. Satellite images of China’s hospital parking lots filling up in early fall of 2019 should have been enough of a warning as well. They had just carried out a trial run, Event 201, to better prepare for a future pandemic also. Ridiculous.
  17. We should have had enough masks for at least our HCWs in our strategic national stockpile. Huge failing. We should have accepted Israel's offer to buy their washable, copper-embedded mask/material but we didn't. They offered this first to the US for a fair price and we didn't accept them. Both not *just* about science and were totally feasible.
  18. We haven't been masking much lately, either. One son went to Paris and southern France and only masked on the plane. Another went on a cruise and then ran an overnight ultramarathon afterward. My husband and I have travelled a lot and have been eating and shopping in enclosed restaurants and stores. We all live in different multi unit apartments and condos in cities where we share elevators, laundry, etc. with other people. None of us are getting sick or testing positive (cruise requires negative test). We do use Xlear nasal spray and take a few supplements that I think might be helpful. We all have had two doses of vaccine, Pfizer, and had omicron infection (most likely) in late winter and spring. If you are worried and prefer to mask but would like more protection, you could try adding a layer of material soaked in salt that has been allowed to dry. Salt is able to physically destruct viruses which could reduce viral load. There are how-to directions on the internet. Ultimately, Fauci’s advice about masking led to a lot of this confusion. If you go back and read the transcripts or watch his videos, you can see that his message wasn’t consistent.
  19. An epigenetic signature appears to cause MIS-C in some children and probably severe Covid in adults. You might have to create an account to read this but it would be worthwhile. https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/978271?src=WNL_mdpls_220802_mscpedit_peds&uac=428738CV&spon=9&impID=4490045#vp_1 "For example, the genes identified in this signature are molecules that organize the response of T-cells (ZEB2) or the response of natural killer lymphocytes (SH2D1B) or the complex factor of HLA-DRB1 antigens, in addition to other genes with a role demonstrated in inflammation, such as CUL2 and AIM2," she said. "The importance of these genes has been shown for other viral infections and in SARS-CoV-2 infection in adult patients."
  20. Diet Doctor has meal plan generators based on foods you can eat, how low carb you want to go, and allows for veganism to meat heavy as well as very simple recipes (never cook) to complicated. https://www.dietdoctor.com/ It’s run by a team of MDs and other related experts who critique and discuss the pertinent nutrition studies that come out as well as other related health issues. For example, they interviewed an Australian woman whose expertise is metabolism and how she measures certain biomarkers in people to determine what sort of diet and exercise they should be doing which will change as their metabolism and physiology changes. Another was about new findings about high cholesterol and keto, whether it’s dangerous or not. These can be found on their site and YouTube. They are often short but some of the interviews are longer. What I especially like about their critiques is that they do not doggedly stick to their beliefs and will tweak advice as necessary if enough evidence clearly shows the benefit. https://www.dietdoctor.com/about/team-diet-doctor
  21. Also, some infected individuals are probably not linking their minor symptoms with monkeypox and could be unintentionally spreading it.
  22. Medscape had a recent article listing what they are finding in this outbreak of monkeypox. (Might need an account to read.) Some cases have had only a single lesion or just pain so the thinking is that cases might have been missed, brushed off or misdiagnosed as something else. https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/977770?src=WNL_trdalrt_pos1_220725&uac=428738CV&impID=4463866 "While we expected various skin problems and rashes, we also found that one in ten people had only a single skin lesion in the genital area, and 15% had anal and/or rectal pain," John Thornhill, MD, PhD, the lead author of the research, said in a press release. Thornhill is a consultant physician in sexual health and HIV and a clinical senior lecturer at Barts NHS Health Trust and Queen Mary University of London. "These different presentations highlight that monkeypox infections could be missed or easily confused with common sexually transmitted infections such as syphilis or herpes," he said.
  23. At this point you need to get your lungs checked out by a pulmonologist to see what’s going on. It could be any number of different things, not necessarily cancer. There have been quite a few new improvements in treating lung problems but of course, early treatment is easier. Your back pain might be something going on with your lungs so make sure they know exactly where you feel the pain. If your doctor cannot see you soon, ask if you can be put on a wait list for cancelled appointments or if you should call them.
  24. You might want to consider trying pemf, pulsed electromagnetic fields therapy. Some chiros, PTs and even MDs offer it. It is used for for tissue regeneration and pain issues and provided you don’t have implanted medical devices and are not pregnant, is very safe. I own several devices and have used them for pain treatment, tinnitus, carpal tunnel, tmj pain, plantar fasciitis, tissue regeneration, etc. Fibro is the one pain issue that sees mixed results, though. I’ve used my device, a Sota, for about 10 years and now my kids and friends own devices and use one as well. For someone new to pemf, it would probably take a number of sessions before pain subsides, very much an individual thing, but once it’s gone, the pain tends to stay gone. Sometimes an occasional session is needed if it starts to creep back in but it usually goes away very quickly. Pemf is used by NASA for astronauts while in space to help them maintain muscle, bone, etc. Bob Dennis, the engineer who designed them for NASA, uses one for his back pain as well. He has also designed at least two devices that can be bought by anyone. Bob has a YouTube channel (Robert Dennis) and is also a DARPA scientist. Another site to check out if you’re interested is Dr. Pawluk’s. He is an MD who uses pemf in his practice.
  25. Good they managed to fix the stain. I’m guessing they skipped applying wood conditioner which if not applied, can cause blotchiness and actually make their job more difficult and time consuming. Hard to say, though. Do whatever is necessary beforehand so you are fully rested when it’s time to make that punch list. That is going to be your document that will make your contractor responsible for fixing issues that crop up after you move in. Better for them to eat the costs than you. Almost done…
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