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Everything posted by wintermom

  1. @IvyInFlorida Thanks for popping in! That sounds awesome walking outside with the entire family working away. Glad you are still able to eat and drink. Every little bit helps! Shopping for clothes is one of my favourite things! Glad you found things you like. I think you'll love pre-natal yoga. Is your ds still training martial arts? Is he going to continue on with his journey to black belt? @soror Great job getting in a walk. Enjoy your yoga and delicious meals today! @Laura Corin How is your house sale situation? Are any official gov offices opening up yet so that you can finalize the sale? How is your yoga going? Are you sticking to your plan or making major adjustments? @Dreamergal Hope you are feeling less sore after your volleyball and badminton. That's wonderful your dh is starting up running. I really enjoyed the alternating running/walking progression. I also prefer running on softer surfaces (e.g., dirt trails) when possible. I used to get painful shin splints from running on concrete. General yoga question: Is a 'flow' in yoga simply the program of movement to movement or pose you do? I really like making up my own 'flow' with movements and stretches that I know won't hurt my joints, and determining myself the length of time I hold a stretch and the number of strength exercise repetitions I do. I guess this is partly why I avoid following yoga videos. I know that there will be a bunch of movements I don't want to do as I've learned from experience that they aren't great for certain joints of mine. It's rainy today, so I'll definitely be extending my indoor strength/stretch work-out and push-ups. I will also try to get out for a walk.
  2. Interesting that you've picked up on the eye-runny nose link for yourself. I've never experienced that, but my nose does run a lot when I'm outside in the cold, when I run, and with allergies. The pain from eyebrow plucking first causes my eyes to tear, and then the may run. I also sneeze when I look into bright lights. Not sure if this is due to my nose running and then sneezing to clear the air passages. For fun, you could try some controlled experimentation with the sewing-nose running link.
  3. I shouldn't have stepped on the scale this morning. Time to reign back on celebration food! 😉 I'll have to give my upper body some rest today. Shoulders and arms are fatigued but luckily not painful. I'll focus on lower body today, though I'll still do my push-ups.
  4. That's great you can play table tennis as well! We gave ours away to friends in anticipation of our move. It is good fun! The good thing about having a court in the backyard is that you can go out an play for just a few minutes. That's often how long it takes before we lose our ball over the fence. 😂
  5. It was a wonderful birthday! I played volleyball, badminton, and tennis with my 3 sons, went for a bike ride with my dd, and went for a hike on my own. I also did my 45 push-ups and some stretches, then had a nap. Dh grilled steak, potatoes and veggies for dinner. Got a couple 'front step visits' from my mil and sil, too. Thanks for all the birthdayy greetings here! 😁
  6. A guy on our street built a climbing walk in his garage. One surface is flat, the other at on over-hang. You can order the various grips on-line. Very cool! Biking and hiking is a great activity for teens. Discovering new trails is a lot of fun. We are loving out backyard tennis/badminton/volleyball net! It's awesome! Gardening, designing and building a new garden area or a zen garden. Then do outdoor yoga together by the garden. Add in a water feature, if possible.
  7. It's a beautiful, sunny day! Just finished playing volleyball with my boys for nearly an hour. I must be getting in shape for this game. Or maybe I won't be able to move in a little bit. 😂 It's my birthday, so we are taking a little break from school to play outside. We tried out some badminton, and next is tennis.
  8. Glad you were able to play some volleyball! My arms have been sore from the new activity, too. It is so much fun, though!
  9. There are plenty of frustrations, but looking for the positives: We've been able to get a lot of interior painting completed (until we ran out of paint and the hardware stores are closed) for our move Less driving, using less gas Time for long dog walks, hikes and home yoga sessions All the boys are around to help with backyard digging and moving dirt We built our own backyard grass tennis/volleyball court for lots of family play (all our local courts are closed until June 30) Time for family card games and movies Opportunity to connect more frequently with fellow boardies here! 😄
  10. @soror Sounds like your painting is coming along great! It is so much grunt work. I've been avoiding my next painting project; the stairs. It's more fun to play outside. 😉 @Dreamergal So glad you had a great work-out and bath! @Laura Corin Your list-writing idea sounds wonderful! Seems really vital during these times to keep reminding one's self about all the good things we're accomplishing. It's so easy to lose that focus with all the uncertainty. @lynn Way to go!!! Your work-outs sound pretty intense. Are they a mix of strength, stretching and high intensity intervals? Great job everyone! I've had a couple great days of tennis and volleyball. My body is certainly trying hard to adjust to the new stresses this exercise offers. 😉 I'm going to try and balance my activities a little better so I don't get so exhausted with one thing. The dog misses his walks!
  11. So glad you were able to get in a wonderful hike! Is it possible you could benefit from more outdoor exposure, rather than simply more moving? Can you open your window while on the computer? Or perhaps build in frequent, short outdoor breaks where you walk or run around the block? Outdoor yoga or stretching?
  12. Got in my indoor stretch and strength work, plus push-ups. Then I played a bunch of lawn tennis. It is quite exhausting, but really fun! Ds 14 and I can keep a rally going pretty well.
  13. No netting and I already put the volleyball over the fence. 😄 We bought lots of extra tennis balls as we plan to be losing them pretty frequently. I hope the neighbours don't end up hating us!
  14. Thanks so much for popping in to has hi!! So great to hear from you. That's too bad about anemia. Hope you are able to control that. Also not fun about the smell aversion. I had a tough time with that, too. My mother got quite offended when I asked her to stop putting on perfume. Your pregnancy diet sounds pretty normal in its originality and weirdness. 🤣 The tennis court is great! There is the downside, however, that playing volleyball with my teen boys is way more intense exercise than I'm used to right now. I was completely exhausted early last night.
  15. My dream come true!! Our own tennis court. It's even better, though, because we can raise the net to play badminton, or raise it more to play volleyball. How awesome is that?! Notice the fully functional crank to add tension to the net when playing. 😁
  16. My hike in the big forest to the beaver pond was amazing! I saw all kinds of critters and birds, but the highlight was being able to watch 2 beavers swimming in their pond. One may have been fishing, as it dove down in the water splashing it's giant tail a couple times. They are kind of like hippos when they swim, as only their nose, eyes and ears stay above water. That's one truly Canadian experience I'm happy to check off my list of cool things to do. 😁
  17. The 1959 RCAF video is pretty awesome! Some many great things checked off: like we don't call them RCAF anymore as the Air Force is combined with Army and Navy into Canadian Forces; there must be an acronym in the name (basic exercises = BX), and there are both French and English names in the film credits. And the reasoning for stay fit is so you can drive without being a menas on the road if you have to get to an emergency. 😄 I think they forgot to mention that it would be a benefit for shoveling snow 6 months of the year. The actual principles behind the exercise program, being progressive, daily and based on age, are still great. Thanks for sharing!
  18. How is your hip doing? What is your 'veg box?' Is this a vegetable delivery service? How did the beet balls turn out? The only way I will eat a beet is pickled. But I haven't really had much opportunity to eat any since childhood. 😉
  19. It's sunny and going to get relatively warm. I'll be happy with no snow at this point. 😉 I really want to hike to my little beaver pond and check out the action there. I think there will be a lot of Canada goose activity and noise. Question: Anyone have pussy willows in your area? I saw some last week, and this week the pussy part had burst open and leaf buds are coming out. I always wondered what happened to the fuzzy bulbs. 😄
  20. Hope your weather stays nice for the weekend and you can get all your painting finished up. The Thai salad sounds amazing! I love Thai food, but sadly can't eat peanuts anymore. Thankfully there a lots of other tasty dishes without nuts. Oh, and I managed to kill off my Thai basil plant. Boo. No more fragrant leaves for my dishes. 🙁
  21. I much prefer practical physical activity as part of my daily life, too. I intentionally go up and down stairs multiple times a day, practice one-leg balances in the kitchen while cooking, don't use a cart in the grocery store and carry all the groceries I can, walk or bike to stores, etc. I did notice a neighbour build a rock climbing walk in his garage a couple weeks ago. I thought that was brilliant! He made an L-shape, with one wall flat and the other over-hang.
  22. You may want to consider power walking or nordic walking to increase the intensity and to include the whole body. Power walking doesn't require any special equipment, which is a bonus. You mentioned being very conscious of staying injury-free as well as finding it challenging to learn new movements without an in-person trainer. Sticking with a movement like walking, that is very low impact and doesn't require that much in the way of specific technique, may be a good option for the short-term until you can get back to swimming.
  23. I also notice my neck gets more sore if the computer screen height causes me be look down or up. If you can get the screen at a height where you look straight forward it may also help reduce stress on the neck.
  24. Completed my morning stretches and strength exercises. I'm at 45 push-ups today! Did 1 set of 30 and 1 set of 15. My plan is to go up to 50 and hold there for a few weeks. I'm meeting a friend for a walk on a big wide trail so we can social distance easily. It's an old railway, so very flat. Otherwise, I'll probably be tempted to finish off the raking in the backyard.
  25. Sounds like a great plan! Do you make your own kale chips? I used to do this, but the trade off of all the prep + 20 min of baking = 2 min eating was too much for me. The kids loved them, though. 😉
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