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Everything posted by wintermom

  1. It was forecast to rain all day, but it's sunny and warm for now. I'll walk the dog, do my yoga and push-ups, and see how I can help with the yard work. I just wanted to share a success story with you on the topic of recovery from a hard work-out. My legs were completely dead yesterday after my hike and bike. I was tempted to stay sitting for the rest of the evening, but ds 14 lured me outside to play a little tennis. I wasn't moving too quick, but apparently I did just enough movement that my legs were no longer sore for the evening, during the night and this morning. Our bodies are truly amazing! 😄
  2. I had a really nice hike into the beaver pond. I tried to hike at a really quick pace as I feel like I haven't really been doing much quick-paced aerobic exercise. My dh dropped me off at the trail head with my bike, so I could ride home after my hike. The bike ride was definitely a good aerobic work-out. Altogether, it was really fun and very exhausting. 😉 Lots of trillium flowers in bloom in the forest. They grow so low to the ground that I couldn't bend down far enough to see if they had a fragrance. Plus my nose is always running from hay fever. 😃
  3. I'm so glad to hear that they aren't removing those iconic red telephone boxes!
  4. I think it's about time I went back to visit the beaver pond and see how things are doing there. Otherwise, I'll try to help out with yard work. We have a big load of topsoil that needs spreading so we can re-seed the grass in many places (e.g., the tennis/volleyball court we've worn the grass off). 😉 Nothing too exciting.
  5. What a wonderful experience to share with your ds! I love seeing birds on my walks/hikes, and often wish I could identify more types of birds. I have a much easier time seeing and identifying the big birds such as mallards, Canada geese, heron and blue jays. I need more work on the small, harder to see birds. 😉
  6. According to wikipedia, Victoria Day was originally in celebration of Queen Victoria. Now it's apparently in celebration of the current Queen. What we were celebrating between Queen Victoria and Elizabeth is trickier to determine. 😅 Your walk in the village sounds really lovely. Sounds like it will be a wonderful location for future walks. Great idea about the tree inventory for your buyers!
  7. @IvyInFlorida Awesome photo! So glad things are going really well. Hope the 2nd trimester is easier for you. I had low bp as well. The worst was in church as there is a lot of sitting and then standing in a warm, crowded RC mass. @soror Hope you have a relaxing weekend. Bonus would be sunny, warm weather to enjoy! @KathyBC Exactly. Some yoga poses are not helpful at all. That's why I'm enjoying my own 'yoga' where I can stick to the exercises that work best for me. @Dreamergal Do you play tennis on your backyard court? That is really cool your ds is enjoying learning to cook! @barnwife You seem like a very active pregnant woman! I remember doing a pre-natal aerobics class with my last pregnancy. I was 39 and I was definitely NOT doing anything intense. Some of the younger ladies in the class could do more, but at my age and being the 4th pregnancy, I had all kinds of weird muscle pains. Relaxing yoga was my favourite activity. 😉 @Laura Corin Going on any exciting hikes this weekend? It's a long weekend in Canada, as we celebrate Queen Victoria's birthday (which isn't until the 24th, but this is the third weekend in May, so it must be Victoria Day). We are kind of weird in the colonies. 😄 I'm off for a bike ride with a friend. Then I'll try to get more yard work completed.
  8. I really appreciated how Australia has kept its parks open to the public. It's been frustrating here in Canada as most of our local parks have been shut down or extremely limited. There are people who really want to get outside and enjoy our beautiful nature, but there's some, I think unfounded, fear that people will congregate in masses in the parking lots. Even when we still had snow and could cross-country ski, they shut down the trails. Just made no practical sense to those of us who participate in these activities and know that there are no crowds of nordic skiers clumping onto the the trail systems.
  9. @soror Your walk with a friend sounds really nice! Enjoy your physical activity and especially your nap today. 😉 @EmilyGF I like lots of slow stretching in my yoga, too. I figure I do enough vigorous exercise that yoga needs to be focused on stretching and relaxing. For all you yoga people: How long are the stretches in your program? I once had a yoga instructor that had us hold a stretch for over 2 minutes. This was so painful and not helpful for me. I was really stiff trying to get out of the stretch. On my own, I'll hold a stretch for 10 seconds max. I try to focus on breathing and try not to over stretch or feel any pain.
  10. I went for a long dog walk yesterday morning and then a 2 hr vigorous bike ride with a friend. I was pretty wiped after that. Also got in my push-ups and yoga. Today I'm meeting another friend for a walk, and I'll also work on spreading topsoil on the front yard. Here's a photo of our provincial flower, the Trillium. It's protected as well, so we're not allowed to pick them. They make a brief appearance in early spring, and then are gone for another year.
  11. Eating outside and watching the stars is amazing. I love it! It's even better if there are no mosquitoes. 😉 Hope your pool opens up soon! We just found out that they will allow tennis courts to open up in our province this Tuesday. I'm so excited!
  12. I used to do tons of sit-ups in martial arts classes 10 years ago. I also taught martial arts classes to children and adults, and with children you really notice how the physics of sit-ups work. Children had the toughest time doing sit-ups because their heads are so heavy relative to the rest of their body. Having heavy weight (head/shoulders) far away from the fulcrum of the sit-up (bottom), means that it takes a great amount of force to lift the shoulders and head. Now, I just do various forms of leg lifts/motions while lying on my back (bicycle motion, for example) as I can control the strain on my lower back much better. I can bend my legs to make the lifts easier, or raise my legs higher in the air.
  13. The housing in my current city is definitely a seller's market. We won't have any trouble selling or renting. So that's a huge relief! Your gov overlap sounds frustrating. Hope everything works out soon.
  14. @IvyInFlorida All the best at your appointment today! Hope that nausea disappears really soon. It's so exhausting. @Dreamergal Enjoy your backyard tenting! I used to sleep out in a tent in my backyard growing up. I'd extend a power cord and bring out a TV to 'enhance' the experience. 😄 We usually have our tent trailer set up in our backyard in the summer. It's been really handy for sleep-overs. One summer the younger boys lived in the trailer for a couple weeks when we had 2 exchange students. @Laura Corin That is interesting about certain poses really 'clicking.' I have a few of those as well. They are all standing balance poses. When I can balance almost effortlessly it feels amazing! @EmilyGF Sorry to hear about your MIL. Big hugs. @FarmingMomma How are the cow and calves doing? How about your exercising streak? Are there any forest fires this spring in BC? Today I'm going for a long walk with a friend. There is also a lot of topsoil still to be dealt with. It's fantastic weather today and supposed to be warm for the next few days!
  15. That's exciting for your ds! We've been a 1 car family for over 20 years. I think that will have to change when we move to CO as there is very limited public transportation. Of course, I will need a car to get to all the amazing trails and parks! 😉 Thanks for the reminder about weight fluctuation. Mine has been on the rise since my birthday. Now it's bouncing up and down around 130. It's such a challenge finding that 'perfect' balance of food, activity and hormones. 😄 The Asian meatballs and salad sounds yummy! We love pretty much anything with soy sauce, ginger and garlic. Enjoy your walk/bike ride!
  16. Everyone gets a dry commute to and from work without worrying about bringing an umbrella. Don't even need a rain coat when walking from the bedroom to the home office.
  17. So, you've had perfect weather for the last month, but everyone is indoors and not taking advantage of it. That's awesome! 😅 Here, our weather is cold for spring. Even I am getting fed up with it. We're really ready for some warm temps.
  18. It's been a great day today! I've so happy that my energy has returned. Makes such a difference. I walked the dog twice, did my push-ups and morning yoga, went for a bike ride for a couple errands, did some gardening, played volleyball and tennis. I even had energy to try out the sweet potato masala recommended by @Dreamergal. It was delicious! Another big boost was hearing some good news about potential housing in CO. Now if we could just hear when we get to move, things may work out really well. @Laura Corin Any word on your housing situation? Hope you get everything smoothed out soon!
  19. It's sunny and warm, and I'm feeling even more rested, so I should be able to build back up to my 'normal' activity level. We're getting a large load of topsoil delivered today, and we'll be busy spreading it over the yard and filling in low spots. That should cover upper-body work. I'll also take the dog for a couple walks. He's missed his long walks, and so have I. I have to admit that I'm getting pretty bored walking the same routes in the neighbourhood. Maybe I'll try to add in more variety! 😉
  20. I had been on a really good streak for many weeks, especially with the push-ups. I did really enjoy the rest yesterday, though. Probably watched far too much TV. 😉
  21. I love having the same food for breakfast. It's really relaxing to not have to think about at least one meal each day. 😉
  22. It ended up being a rest day yesterday after I finished my morning push-ups. I don't know if it was the one-shot antibiotics (along with a bunch of activity on Sunday) that wiped me out, but I just could not build up the momentum to get out of the house. The most I could muster was alternating between lying in bed or sitting up at the computer. I was able to eat plenty, however. 😉 I'm much better today. I've already taken the dog for a walk and completed my push-ups and morning yoga.
  23. Yes, I've experienced that as well. It's quite surprising and amazing.
  24. Very true! Then there's the sore muscles and/or joints from doing something 'silly' that my mind thought I could still do. That pain never makes me feel better mentally; it just makes me feel old. 😋 It's ok try things we used to be able to do, but I should remember to do these in small doses. Suddenly playing volleyball for an hour might feel fun initially, but I will need some rest to recover.
  25. Yes. Stinks. Not only that, but if I skip my work-outs my body feels sore. And if I do my work-outs my body may also feel sore. 😂 I'm not sure how to actually 'win' this race. I think it simply becomes a journey of ups and downs, and hopefully the ups outweigh the downs.
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