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Everything posted by wintermom

  1. Dh asked to do yoga with me this morning! It was really nice having company, and it will be great for him if he keeps it up. We may even get our ds 14 joining us eventually.
  2. Great job on the restorative yoga. I plan to do some of that this morning as well. Yes, I'm going to have to try and spread out the tennis so I don't wreck my body. Right now it's once a day with rest days scattered throughout the week. Keeping up with my stretching and yoga is really helping. It's also helping by avoiding piling on additional intensive activities on the same days as tennis. I may play singles tennis later this afternoon if the rain holds off. Otherwise, it will be a relaxing yoga and walking day today.
  3. That does sound like a really big job moving the shed. Congratulations for pulling it off with success and creativity. Enjoy some lovely yoga today. 😃 Your food sounds delicious!
  4. I played my first singles tennis match this morning. It was really fun, though a lot more physical work than doubles. It's sunny and hot outside (for our standards) and I ran out of water right at the end of the match. Have to bring more next time. Hopefully I'll be able to meet up with a friend and go for a walk this afternoon.
  5. Dh and I played mixed doubles tennis this morning. It was gorgeous outside again, and a lot of fun playing. My body needs some rest time now, that's for sure! First I should stretch or I won't be able to move later. 😉
  6. There is definitely a feeling of relief to simply know what we're doing with the move. It was hard being in limbo. It is really nice to have such warm weather, but I didn't prepare enough with sunscreen. Got a nice burn on my arms and legs. It's only very recently that I've been wearing shorts and t-shirt outside. 😅 That's interesting about you craving a more relaxed pace. I've been in the same boat. I have no interest in running anymore, just happy to walk and enjoy nature. I'm sure you'll come up with something fun to do while you keep moving.
  7. He must be happy to get back out on the court. Glad his recovery is coming along well. Tennis is a great activity in many ways, as you can isolate certain body parts for a work-out and feel pretty satisfied. If he has access to a ball machine, he can stand still and smack balls for fun. 😉
  8. That's good you are still exercising even if there's little joy in it. Hopefully the spark will ignite soon. Is there an activity you've been thinking about trying, or returning to, and not had the time? Maybe the poor weather in your area is getting to you.
  9. It was an absolutely gorgeous day today. Very warm and sunny. Tennis was really fun. Got my push-ups and yoga completed, plus walked the dog twice with dd. Even squeezed in a little volleyball with the boys. It's amazing how 2 weeks ago we had snow, and today it was 80F! I have more tennis scheduled for the next 2 days, which is wonderful. Everyone is keen to get out and smack the balls around. @Laura Corin Happy birthday to Hobbes! That cake looks delicious!
  10. @IvyInFlorida It's wonderful to hear your family's name suggestions. So creative! So glad you are sleeping well, feeling more energetic and able to eat salad again! @soror Glad the allergy meds are having a positive effect - at least on your sleep! My allergies haven't kicked in too hard yet. Just some sneezing and runny nose so far. Your blondies sound delicious! Sorry your Spartan Race was cancelled. So many disappointments for people this summer. @KathyBC That's really disappointment about your race cancellation. Sounds like your running is coming along really well. Hope you can stay motivated even without a race goal. Great job completing the yoga program! -------------------------------------------------- News flash: We won't be moving until next summer. It's both sweet and sad, but makes complete sense in the circumstances. The dc are all happy with staying here for another year, so that's good news. I'll have to re-think my plans. I left my job in clinical trials research because of the move. I'm not sure if I want to go back to university to finish off my certificate, or do something else. Youngest ds still wants to homeschool next year, which I'm fine with. On the activity front, dh and I are playing tennis again today. Should be good fun. I'll definitely need a rest this weekend, though. 😉
  11. It was a beautiful day outside and I managed to get in some really fun activities. I went for a nice 1.5 hr bike ride with a friend along a trail system to the river. This evening dh and I played tennis for 2 hr with friends. It was wonderful to see them in person. It's so nice to have a small part of life back to sort-of normal. 😉
  12. It all sounds great! What is 'grain-free' granola? Does it still contain rolled oats? I'm not sure what a smoothie bowl is, either. Need a dictionary for your food. 😉
  13. That is so wrong. 😉 Got to save jackets for 50F.
  14. Try not to laugh, but it's going up to 77F today, and I'll be melting. Tomorrow will be 82F. I think I would be stuck with a/c inside all the time if I lived in Florida. 😅
  15. @soror Great job getting all that yard work completed. All the best with the rest of it. Hope you recover quickly from the poison ivy. That must be painful. @barnwife Glad you were able to get a great sleep. Evening yoga is wonderful and relaxing! @Dreamergal Your meals sound delicious. I like lots of veggies, too. I don't often have the patience to cook rice, though, especially larger quantities. I don't always get the ratio of rice to water right depending on the type of rice I use. I've been making rice vermicelli noodles instead. The dc love them and they are so quick to make. @Laura Corin Hope you have a nice walk and yoga planned, with some an amazing meal to follow! I'm going for a bike ride with a friend this afternoon, and then dh and I will play doubles tennis with our competitive tennis teammates this evening. I completed my morning yoga and I've increased my push-ups to 2 sets of 30.
  16. That's a wonderful treat to have your ds make such a cool meal! Wonderful to be able to walk with your dd, and a fast pace is great. Glad that you've found a food management system that works really well for you.
  17. Thanks for the update! So glad the nausea has subsided. That is such a horrible feeling. Thrilled you will be able to exercise more and check-in here more often. Ice cold water and cold fruit sounds excellent. I imagine that it's getting hot outside. Are you able to walk outdoors much, or will you have to stay inside and use a treadmill?
  18. So lack of pain didn't exactly mean no soreness for my arms. 😉 I just tried to play some lawn tennis with ds and I wasn't moving too well. Felt heavy and slow. Good thing the next tennis match isn't scheduled until Friday! Glad you had a nice walk in the woods! Our leaves and fruit tree blossoms are popping out so quickly now. It's beautiful!
  19. It's a gorgeous day here, too. I've already been for a short bike ride with ds, a short dog walk with dd and completed my yoga and push-ups. I'm thrilled that my body isn't sore from yesterday's tennis match, especially my arms and shoulders. I was fully expecting to feel some pain today. I hope my push-ups and yoga has worked to build up the strength and flexibility in my upper body to help prevent injury. That would be fantastic!
  20. Great idea! I should try that. My morning yoga is done in my bedroom with the windows open, while I gaze outside. Now that it's warm enough I could simply do it outside. 😉 There is a young lady down my street who brings her free-weights out onto her front lawn and does her work-outs there with her headphones on. Her barbell with weights on is huge! I feel like a complete wimp when I pass by. I'm just impressed that she can carry all her equipment outside, forget actually lifting it. 😅
  21. That's exciting news for you about the pool opening! It's a real boost to morale when we can do the activities we most enjoy and are beneficial for our health. In the meantime, enjoy your backyard activities!
  22. It's great that you found WW and measuring/tracking easy to do when things were smooth in your life. It sticks out to me that when things got tough, the tracking was gone. And that seems perfectly natural to me. It's a lot of extra work. It may be worthwhile to find a balance of food management that can sustain life's difficult times. Not easy, but may be something to consider. Certainly ignore this if you feel it doesn't apply to you.
  23. I am having good success at pre-measuring and bagging up portions of my 'comfort' foods. Going to the dump is great! Dh and the boys love doing that. Sounds like a really nice treat for birthday lunch, too!
  24. First tennis match post-lock down completed!!! It was crazy hard to remember how to play on a full-size hard court with actual tennis balls. After unlearning my lawn tennis from the past 3 weeks, there was some improvement. It was so much fun to run around and smack the balls super hard. We did hit a few over a fence we had to climb to retrieve them, but that just adds to the adventure. 😁 I'm going for a walk with a friend now, which should help 'squeeze out' the nasty lactic acid build up from the tennis. 😉
  25. I've never tracked my food for any length of time, but I do measure some things and they become habit which helps cut down on the mental fatigue of tracking. For example, I scoop out 1/4 c of rolled oats and 2 eggs for breakfast everyday. I could also do 1 scoop of frozen blueberries, but I don't bother measuring them. For some foods or beverages, such as a certain fresh veggie or herbal tea, it may be really nice to have 'no limit' on the quantity, so that you can eat them and be totally relaxed. I see the benefit of tracking food when you want to lose weight, but thinking long-term habits, you are not going to be able to mentally sustain super detailed tracking. You want to build in some enjoyment and positive experiences with eating where this is no guilt.
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