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Free Indeed

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Posts posted by Free Indeed

  1. Would anyone be interested in making a thread for different highschool math programs like the "Sticky" threads above? I have graduated my oldest, and he is doing well. We went with Saxon as it had the most teacher help available. We wasted a year with Saxon with my creative, artsy daughter who I tried to shove in the Saxon box because it was familiar, but that was an utter fail. She is now doing Life of Fred, and she is no longer fussing about math, and is doing better, but it scares me to go that far untraditional. I have looked at math programs until my brain is mush. I like the looks of Algebra the Fresh Approach series, but again, not much out there on it. Any suggestions? Is there a math person who could do a comparison of the various programs?

  2. Yes, well... Working in it. Highly recommend the book Trim Healthy Mama. It is a bit expensive ($35) but full of great info. They just started putting out their own brand of stevia since they have become so popular and it is very good.

  3. I am not familiar with all the programs you listed. However, I have read here that several people are following WWE with CAP until their student is ready for WWS. CAP practices and expands skills using a variety of stories until they are ready to make the jump in thinking that WWS requires.

    I am familiar with Jump in, and wouldn't use it with a 9 1/2 year old.

  4. I'll play. My 6th grader is my youngest:

    Math finish Saxon 6/5, go on to 7/6

    Latin: prima Latina, finish, the do visual Latin and Latina Christiana

    History; Diana waring history alive Rome, reformers, revolutionaries

    Science: either flying creatures or do General science over 2 years.

    Writing: finish Writeshop 1 add in some IEW

    Grammar: Fix it book 1

    Spanish: Rosetta Stone

    Literature: read and discuss various books, some from history, some just good literature

    Philosophy adventure- saw it on Timberdoodle, looks great!

    Spelling power

    Art at co op

    American Heritage Girls badge work

  5. I am in the middle of this for the second time. Here is what we do. You have to submit an approval to texas for a Parent Taught Drivers Ed approval Packet, it's $20. Then we used National Driver Training as recommended by My Fathers World. You do the first part of the learning online, and study for your drivers test. Then they go to your local DPS, and take the written portion of the test. If they pass they get a permit and you start the driving portion of your training. You log hours of driving, then they go back to DPS and take the driving portion of the exam before they get the official license. We were very pleased with NDT.

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