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Free Indeed

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Posts posted by Free Indeed

  1. I have used both. I chose to use Biblioplan in the long run. I like MFW, and still recommend it to people who need a lot of hand holding. It has science and Bible included as well as history. Biblioplan is just history. It has some supplements, but I have never used them so I can't chime in on those. It orders your spines, recommends additional books, but you can easily replace them with no ill effects. I like the flexibility, others want the structure. They are both adjustable for many ages, but Biblioplan gives different spines for different ages, and MFW has the younger siblings tag along getting what they can from the spine, but adjusting the read alouds. They are both great programs, and you can't go wrong with either, it is just a matter of what you want.

    p.s. CTG was my least favorite of the MFW years we used. It was thorough, but some of the book choices were boring to us. I know others have loved it, the activities were ok, though we are not hands on people. The book choices were just not for us.

  2. We did this recently except my girls were older. All the girls came dressed up. We made cornhusk dolls, and tin can candle holders. I took empty vegetable cans and filled with water and froze. Then they took a nail and punched a pattern into the can. When the ice melted enough it came right out of the can and we put a tea light candle in it. The girls played in the yard some old fashioned games from the time period (they planned these themselves), we had a fire, a cake shaped as a pioneer girl and homemade icecream. We were going to decorate aprons, but there was not enough time. It went well, and everyone had fun.

  3. My husband is considering stepping out of the workforce and going into business for himself. He is learning what it takes, and doing some research himself, but I also want to be knowledgeable. So tell me some of the things you have learned over the years of running your own business, maybe things you were not prepared for too. Did you do something that made the transition easier- or wish you had? Any thing you wish you had or had not done? Thanks for any help or insight you can give. :D

  4. I have used Reading Made Easy for years. I have taught my own children to read using it (except my oldest son who taught himself also) and I have taught other people's children to read using it. It is truly my favorite phonics program and recommend it to everyone. It now has a cd or workbooks that are similar to ETC so I do not think you will need both. I used it before the cd, and have used it with the cd. My children learned to read without it, but it is a good supplement. I am quite surprised it is not any more popular than it is, it is all in one book, takes just a few minutes a day, and gets your child reading easily, while still preserving their love of reading. The latter was the most important to me, there are so many programs out there that kill the joy of reading by making it more difficult than it needs to be. HTH!

  5. As if you need another vote for rats. :D We really like ours. We named him Squeaky (hey she is 7 ;) ) and he is great. I did not do enough research so I only bought 1, I was scared to get another now though- 6 months later. I am not sure how they would get along. He seems to be great by himself, but there is no lack of socialization. Next time, I will get 2.

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