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Free Indeed

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Posts posted by Free Indeed

  1. Anyone else have a child that choose to serve in the military after highschool? Just wondering how popular this option is among home schoolers and how your student faired if they did choose this path.

    My son choose the Navy (after dual credit 2 years in highschool) and my oldest daughter is considering the same.

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  2. My most used THM items are... blender (hoping to get a stick blender for Christmas, food processor, silicone muffin liners, silicone baking mats, thm specialty products ( baking blend, gentle sweet, gluccie...) and cute ramekins. I love the orange silk hydrating cream too- definitely the new cookbook, maybe a gifting of the new membership site?


    I guess I am now in this long enough (10 years? LOL!!) that I can see that not every single class needs to be a challenging, boundary-pushing course and there is real value in a little extra time for extras - like robotics, TKD, rest, volunteer

    Can I just say "Yes!"!? Having just graduated my oldest, 3 more following, I have learned the value and wisdom in not everything having to be a super challenging, advanced course. Each person will have their bents. Give them a solid education and let them discover them.

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