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Free Indeed

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Posts posted by Free Indeed

  1. I'd leave parents in the large bedroom, three boys in one small bedroom and then baby in the other small bedroom whenever that is needed, if ever. Eventually, when baby is bigger (closer to 2-ish?) I would transition to two boys in each small bedroom. In part, how to combine them may depend on their personalities and how they get along, which may change over time, as well as bedtimes of course.


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  2. Anytime you use the rhetoric of "all" or "most" or "those people" or, "you know how THEY are", you are delineating a line between the said group and yourself.


    I currently work in a school that is over 90% African American. We watched a history of the school in August. The school was integrated in the 70s and 80s. The white families were not happy about it, but it seemed to actually work for a while. The saddest part to me was that as soon as the white kids came, the school got a new gym, an indoor pool, a new football and baseball field, and new materials. Why did the white kids have to come for the school to get those things?


    And I am sick, sick, sick of hearing "well, you know that more whites were killed last year by police than blacks, so they need to stop making such a big deal about it." I pointed out that African Americans comprise 14% of the entire US population, so proportionately, there were FAR more blacks killed than whites. She isn't really speaking to me anymore. Whatever.

    I am finding this thread interesting and educational. Thank you for the civil discussion on this topic, and answering questions.

    Dawn, this surprises me. Maybe because I live in the south, but I had no idea that black people made up such a small percentage of the population. I'm not sure if it was this thread or another, but I listened to a podcast on busing in minorities to predominately middle class schools - very "interesting". I can easily see both sides of the issue. I still believe it all begins in the home. I remember my mom was in school in Houston when forced integration started and it didn't go well. There was a ton of violence and territorial behavior on both sides. They didn't want to be there, but it was law so they made them. I do think the African Americans have to choose it, they have to want it. And it needs to start young.

    I'm not sure the issue is completely racial or if it's more demographical because rural America has poorer schools as well, and they are mostly white and Hispanic.

  3. I am also fair, green eyed and blond, typically wear pants/long tunics/shirts but most can't see past the hijab.

    So here may be my racist question of the day... Did you "convert" to Islam as an adult? Marry an Islamic man? I know that could sound ignorant-I admit while we have various shades of people here, only when I go to a major city have I ever seen anyone in a hijab- and they have all had darker skin and hair, i.e. Middle eastern descent.

  4. I just don't get how you can NOT have an ID. To cash a check, to buy alcohol- or even cold medicine, sometimes even use my debit/ credit card or write a check, drive a car, etc... All those daily life things require an ID and I grew up pretty "poor" and still had an ID. 🤔

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  5. As several people have mentioned- you have your over all score, then they break it into sub categories by area. My son, who is the oldest is in the Navy and my daughter who is turning 18 this month is considering it. When my son took the ASVAB they wanted him to go Nuke- but he wasn't interested. My daughter took the practice ASVAB and they are are also wanting her to go for Nuke- so just know if she scores high enough they will try to push her towards that. The only thing I wasn't ready for is the amount of paperwork and information I had to give for his homeschooling. Nothing major- but they wanted more than his highschool transcript even though he had several college classes to back up my homeschool. That may have just been because of his security clearance though. My son is doing well, and enjoying it. His job will not take him out on ships, but he likes it anyways. It's a big adjustment and the Navy Moms Facebook group helped me immensely.

  6. Can I butt in for a minute to ask how you ladies fit in 10K steps a day while homeschooling? I can find time on my day for half an hour for a walk, barely (can't run while pregnant), but while that adds some, it doesn't get me near 10k a day. I feel like my day is moving from one place to another to sit. Read to this child, switch the laundry, sit in my chair and do math with another child, grab the preschooler and redirect him, back to my chair for working with a third child, make lunch, go upstairs to sit on the floor to work with the high schooler. There's only so much I can do while walking in place; if I'm not still, it's hard to read the math boon or whatever. I feel like I'm running all over all day and on my feet a lot, but unless I go grocery shopping, I'm not hitting close to 10K steps a day, and I do spend a lot of the day sitting (or standing in place). How are y'all doing it?

    I had the same issue for years. It wasn't until I made myself take an hour in the morning that I could do that. My children are all older. When I don't make a concentrated effort to go for a walk- I do not get enough movement. Too much sitting for school.

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  7. I've lost about 75 pounds. Most of it has been with Trim Healthy Mama. I also "run"- not sure my 14 minute miles count as running. 😂 I shoot for an hour 3 days a week, a long run of 7+ miles, walking the other days. I will do a half marathon on Saturday. I will do more Jillian videos, P90x, etc during the winter because I can't stand the cold.

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  8. Agreeing with JodiSue as well. My oldest is in the Navy- daughter is deciding between AirForce or Navy and enlisting or trying to get her nursing school finished first. Just make sure it is all in writing, the recruiters can't guarantee where you will be stationed, your job or anything else. I don't think the scamming practices that used to be so prevalent with recruiters are done much anymore because honestly the military has more people "applying" than they can accept. They are picking and choosing. If he was homeschooled there are a few more hoops to jump through- even if he's had some college- depending on how much he has had.

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