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Free Indeed

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Posts posted by Free Indeed

  1. We do American Heritage Girls. It is like Boy Scouts for girls, but distinctly Christian. We are just starting out with this, but so far we really have been enjoying it. Any specific questions I can answer? We have a family integrated troop. We have both AHG and Scouts in one.

  2. Here in Texas at 16 you can get an "apprentice license" through the state for doing electrical work. You must work with a master electrician. The opportunity to do this came from a man in our church who approached my son and wanted to know if he were interested. In 2 years (and so many hours on the job) he will be able to take a test to get what is called his Journeymans license. It is a great opportunity, he is learning quite a bit. :)

  3. Well, my son is 16 now. We buy his clothes unless there is something he wants that I wouldn't pay that price for :) . He has bought his own ipod, and iphone, and is expected to pay the bill. We cover his insurance, but he is expected to buy his own gas and vehicle maintenance (nothing major though). He works 3 days a week as an electrician's apprentice, and does his highschool load around that. He must keep up and maintain an A-B average or his working hours will be cut. Of course we provide meals, but if he wants to eat lunch out or whatever he buys. His jobs at home have gone down as he works more outside the home, but he still cleans the chicken coop, and does yard maintenance.

  4. "Everything that they will do in KONOS alone is a full English credit. There are writing assignments each week. I do use IEW to enrich the writing, teach it properly. If I were already good at writing and know what and how to teach it, I would not supplement. So that depends on her level of writing ability. I think by h/s they should be done with grammar....I do not use Rod and Staff with the h/s....just through elementary. I LOVE the IEW though...highly recommend it...I haven't got through much of it but I have, I really like. The writing assignments included are relevant to what they're studying. So they get that study information PLUS the writing experience." and I know the vocabulary is included as well. Hope this helps.

  5. Thank you both! I am convinced MFW should provide you both with a bonus! :D Thank you for taking the time to type all that out. I put in a call to MFW today, and talked to a highschool specialist, then showed my husband. I was concerned it wasn't enough for highschool, wasn't sure what would be though :confused:. He took one look, and at first he thought all the books were for 4 years of highschool. When I told him it was just the first year, he laughed and said he thinks it will be enough, and then some. :D so glad I can finally sleep at night. Curriculum research was literally keeping me awake, and I was dreaming about it. :lol:

  6. Sorry, I am really pondering, and trying to figure out what to do with my son next year. He is finishing up writeshop 2 and a little Jump In thrown in for good measure. :) I am planning on starting him in AHL, even though he will be in 10th grade. Is there enough writing and literary analysis included over the high school years, or do I need to supplement? Is the writing/ English course considered college prep? I was debating adding in Teaching the Classics, and Windows to the World, or something. Highschool makes me nervous. I only have 3 years left. :001_huh: :eek: Do I need to add or do anything else besides, math, science, and electives??

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