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Free Indeed

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Posts posted by Free Indeed

  1. We have wrapped our books for years! Love that tradition. :D I usually try to come up with some idea to do with each book, either a craft, cooking, or a movie. Some days nothing. On to our book list:

    Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree

    Tree of Cranes

    Cranberry Christmas

    Little House Christmas Treasury

    Jonathan Toomey

    Best Christmas Pagent ever


    There are lots more but that is what I can come up with right now.

  2. My kids love them! They are a great way to sneak in science. I have learned so much. I can't think of anything objectionable in them if you understand they from a young earth pov. Then again I am in line with most of their views so things others may find objectionable I may not notice. I do think some of it is cheesy, but the kids don't seem to notice and they really enjoy them. I just ordered the 2 newest ones for Christmas.

  3. I was actually debating the use of IEW (we have used the theme books here, and like them) for next year, but then I was wanting to use more of the outlining that SWB talks about as opposed to KWO. I understand KWO more, it makes better sense to me. However, if Susan prefers the 3 level outlines, so I thought they must be important. I am just a little confused right now and trying to sort out what it is I need to do to continue my son's education. :tongue_smilie:

  4. she mentioned in there about NOT teaching the standard 5 paragraph essay, that no one ever actually asks for those, and it was not productive to learn that "form". So, do you teach it or not? Is it useful somewhere or is it an artificial form of writing we made up? What are your thoughts? I ask because I was about to start concentrating on teaching this! :D

  5. Ok, we have been using IEW this year, and it has been going well. My son is in the 8th grade. I understand KWO. They make sense to me. However, SWB talks about doing multi level regular outlines and writing from those for 8th grade, and either I am using bad source texts, or years of doing drugs (teenage years) or mommyhood had fried my brain. I see what she is saying, but it hard to wrap my brain around. I was hoping to get Remedia Outlining 5-8 ebook, but I can't find it available in a digital format. What sources do you use to outline? Maybe I am doing this wrong, you outline each paragraph right? I am usually not this dense, but this is baffling me, maybe it is because I have 4 other children to teach, and 1 is new here and WAY behind in EVERYTHING! :tongue_smilie:

  6. I use it, love it, and have several Amazon gift cards from it. :D Not a scam. Although you can get really into it and spend tons of time answering surveys, watching videos, and "hunting" for codes- I don't and I still get at least 1 free gift card a month.

  7. I have been doing the couch to 5k and have lost almost 30 pounds in the last few months. I am working my way back through the program this time moving at a faster pace. A friend (who is in shape after 4 kids) says she used p90x and got back into pre baby shape - of course she didn't really have any weight to lose and I want to lose another 50-60lbs. She let me borrow her p90x program to give it a try and I am 3 days into it. It is definitely a work out, and I still can not do all the moves (no Dreya rolls, and my abs were shredded). I also have 3 of Jillians videos (Shred, boost metabolism, and no more trouble zones) that I like, but have not used in a while. So which of these have you had more success with, or which do you think would be most beneficial to shedding pounds?

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