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Free Indeed

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Posts posted by Free Indeed

  1. :iagree:


    I watched my 5yo plug in his dad's MP3 player, then transfer movie files from a drive on our computer to the MP3 player so he can watch Magic School Bus in the car. I just sat there with my mouth agape.


    Would you get him to send me a tutorial?? ;) I can't figure out how to get movies on my computer to download onto my son's ipod touch for him. :confused:

  2. I just wanted to pop in here and sing the praises of the Biblioplan customer service team. I had emailed them a question about their program and not only were they helpful, they went above and beyond anything I have ever experienced. If you are on the fence about one of their products, the customer service alone is reason to buy from them. :D

  3. I have always wanted to do crafty type things with my kids, but never could seem to pull it off. With this, we are actually getting to do some hands on stuff, and my kids are enjoying it, even my 13 yob. I also like all of the extra info that is available, kind of like a manual that is also on the CD. There are more projects/ideas than you could ever do, so you can pick and choose as well.

    Hope that help some!



    Thank you! :001_smile:

  4. study by http://www.homeschoolinthewoods.com/ ? I was thinking of how fun this looks, but wondering if it really is as good as it looks. Anyone here really use it? How much prep time does it involve? It looks like print and go for the most part. I am not a good "fun" mom, but I wanted to add some of that in this year. We will be doing year 3 with Biblioplan - or core 3 and core 100 (borrowed and put together used)- I can't decide. :confused: So if you have any advice on that while you are at it, I'll sure listen. :bigear:

  5. Several people have said there is no sexuality, so am I thinking of another book that has 2 little girls being sent home from school because integration was just announced and one almost gets r*ped by a truck of white boys? :confused: If it was a different book I apologize, but I thought when I was previewing this book a few years ago, that I did not read it to my children then because of this issue. They were all under 10.

  6. There are jumping Jacks, butt kicks, jump ropes (w/o the rope) for your cardio. She has lunges and side lunges and squats as part of strength. I do know that the higher the levels are, the more high intensity it is. She calls it plyrometrics I think, but I am sure that is not the way to spell it! I would go to youtube and search for them and watch them and see if it is something you can do. I believe it is on sale at Amazon for $9.

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