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Everything posted by kokotg

  1. I would definitely still be your friend :). In fact, I've always considered the ability to pee anywhere in emergencies to one of the primary benefits of having all boys.
  2. Does the cat not use a litter box? When we go out of town, my brother comes to take care of the cats, and we just have him come every other day. Of course, we have two cats, so they have each other for company. Maybe one cat would get too lonely that way? Birds I have no idea. Well, I do have chickens, and they're fine with someone coming every other day, too.
  3. Well, as I said before, given that McCain found the time to give interviews on three different networks tonight, I can't see any reason why he'll have trouble making it to the debate, too.
  4. Just to return for a moment to the topic, I'm sure McCain's going to show up at the debate tomorrow. He is finding the time to do interviews on three networks tonight, so it's clear his schedule is freer and congress is managing without him better than he initially thought. Which is great, because I have big plans to order pizza and watch the debate tomorrow. I think I'm going to make a cake. That's how big of a dork I am. I thought, "I should make a special cake for the debate!"
  5. I've heard this sentiment echoed over and over again over the past couple of weeks by a big range of people (Chris Matthews, James Carville, and now David Letterman)...this campaign has become so unMcCainlike that McCain can't possibly really be in charge. I have no idea if it's true or not, really, but it strikes me as an incredibly damaging narrative to have out there, at any rate.
  6. Well, according to CNN, congress says they have a bailout deal to send to Bush. So I guess there'll be no need to postpone the debate now, since they managed it without McCain or Obama's help. We'll see.
  7. Mine have enjoyed recently: -Roald Dahl books, particularly James and the Giant Peach, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and Matilda -All the Ramona books -Finn Family Moomintroll -Cricket in Times Square -My Father's Dragon -The Wheel on the School
  8. It was not Obama's idea first to unilaterally announce a suspension of the campaign. It was Obama's idea first to TRULY put aside politics and issue a joint statement about the economy and reach an agreement TOGETHER about what to do about the debate. McCain's "action" was to avoid Obama's phone call all day, then say "sure, that's a great idea" and go on TV immediately to act as if it was his idea all along. It's dirty pool, it's dishonest, and that's not the kind of action I'M looking for in a president. If the point was really that the crisis is more important than politics, then why not issue the joint statement as Obama proposed? Sounds like politics to me. I think the fact that he wants us to believe an interview with Katie Couric is more important than going to Washington but the debate isn't is a fatal blow to McCain's pretense of integrity here.
  9. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/09/24/eveningnews/main4476173.shtml
  10. Obama's flying to Washington to meet with Bush tomorrow, though. He said today that he and McCain both have big planes that can get them from Washington to Mississippi very quickly if need be.
  11. Survey USA did take a scientific poll today: http://www.surveyusa.com/client/PollReportEmail.aspx?g=54d651a7-a62b-4420-bb32-9dd6b2df8c02 10% agree that the debate should be postponed. Poll conducted before McCain's suggestion that they can just postpone the VP debate. I don't think that idea is going to make many more people see it his way, though.
  12. I have three boys, and they ALL had "girl" heart rates. And I was a little sicker with each pregnancy, so I kept being sure that I was having a girl. I'm really curious as to whether a girl pregnancy would be different for me, but finding out doesn't seem like a good enough excuse to get pregnant again :lol:
  13. Is this supposed to be an ironic comment on the bailout? ;)
  14. Hawaii became a state in 1959, and Obama was born in 1961. But I think it's true that it wouldn't have mattered anyway, since it was already a territory.
  15. That's pretty much the idea. Well, Fair Tax proponents say 23%, but there's a lot of disagreement about that figure. http://www.factcheck.org/taxes/unspinning_the_fairtax.html In one of the debates, Mike Huckabee actually insisted that the Fair Tax would be revenue neutral (i.e. it would bring in just as much money as the current tax system) AND it would mean that EVERYONE would pay less in taxes. I'm no mathematician, but....
  16. I called my mother up all worried a few months ago because we've been in our house 5 years and haven't had the septic tank pumped yet. "How often do you have your septic tank pumped?" I asked. "Uhh, we haven't yet," she said. She's lived in the house 35 years. This reassured me that I'm not the worst homeowner in the world (that would be my mother). I am just relaying a related anecdote, not suggesting everyone wait another 30 years to pump out their septic tank! My SIL says putting yeast down the drains is good for septic--the yeast eat up the bacteria for you.
  17. uhh, he was on David Letterman. It was a joking comment on the absurdity of the situation. I'm fascinated by how differently people can see the same situation. For ME, I feel like when the McCain campaign overreacts so much that Bill O'Reilly is speaking up to defend Obama, it's clear they've totally overplayed their hand to the point of self-parody.
  18. Okay, you guys freaked me out (we're driving 7 1/2 hours to Disney World on Saturday, so I really need gas)...so I just went out to fill my tank at 10:00. My report: the closest station is up to 3.69, but the one just past it was 3.53 (about the same as its been the past week or so). So...inconclusive, but at least I have a full tank of gas!
  19. 1999...Ernest Tubb's Waltz Across Texas. We had a local alt-country band playing--The Star Room Boys http://www.amazon.com/Lonely-Women-Break-Others-Hearts/dp/B000R013RC/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=dmusic&qid=1221158474&sr=8-1
  20. That's why my Obama bumper sticker is a magnet. Also, so I don't have to talk politics when I go to my Dad's house ;). gah! stealing yard signs is for LOSERS!
  21. And I think McCain's response to it was jaw-droppingly disingenuous. I've dropped my jaw a lot about McCain this year, though. I expected better from him.
  22. Obama does not seem to be tripping over himself trying to apologize or retract anything:
  23. Well, but then marijuana is illegal. Prostitution. Gay marriage in most states. Polygamy. But those are the laws that are controversial, because they clearly DO legislate morality. One could argue that some people don't think it's immoral to hurt other people, so laws that protect people or property are based on morality, too, but, since it's a morality that you are diagnosed with a mental disorder for not sharing, it's kind of a stretch. So I'm kind of contradicting myself. But I'm okay with that :tongue_smilie:
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