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Everything posted by Mergath

  1. Maybe this? https://www.dooney.com/selleria-large-tote-BSELL1605.html?cgid=dooney-bags-style-tote&dwvar_BSELL1605_color=8LNV8LNV#srule=most-popular&sz=36&start=19&cgid=dooney-bags-style-tote
  2. I used to work with kids so severely autistic they spent their days screaming and smearing poop on the walls. I doubt that, if they could talk, they'd say it's a gift. And the idea that it's supposed to be a gift for the rest of us, that God intentionally f*cks up random lives to teach the rest of us about compassion or whatever, is sickening. We can absolutely learn from the people around us, but a deity doing it intentionally to teach someone else about patience or or kindness? Ugh. No. Crap happens. People are born with differences. It's a roll of the genetic dice. It works out well for some people and not so great for others.
  3. Here's an explanation that has more to do with physics and less to do with Jesus doing magic tricks: https://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=22610.0 My initial thought was that they're just pushing on the pennies hard enough to get them to stick into the paint for a second. Regardless of the science, I'd be leary of hanging out with people who think any religious figure is giving them the power to bend the laws of physics. It isn't a healthy mindset no matter which religion you are.
  4. That's, um, different. Is this a common thing in certain religious circles?
  5. I have a Hullo buckwheat hull pillow and I adore it. I used to have horrible neck problems, but once I started using it my neck never hurt again. It stays cool in the summer, too. I think it was somewhere in the neighborhood of a hundred, maybe a bit less. The only con is that it's SUPER heavy.
  6. FP knew it wasn't safe for babies to sleep in them, though, because they never used to market them as sleepers in the US, and from what I read they still don't in Canada. They used to say NOT to allow babies to sleep in them. And parents used to think all kinds of things weren't realistic. Thirty years ago, people would have thought it was ridiculous to have a three-year-old rear-facing. Now it's common because it's safer. Some pediatricians are advocating for getting rid of all the rockers and such that encourage babies to sleep on an incline. So who knows, in ten years they might all be gone because they aren't safe.
  7. Part of the reason is that this was marketed as a sleeper, whereas those other items usually aren't, and so parents left babies alone in the rock and play for longer periods of time sleeping and unsupervised. But it isn't safe for a baby to sleep on any inclined surface. Flat surfaces only for sleep. A baby can die from positional asphyxiation very quickly.
  8. Many of the babies who died were under three months old and died of positional asphyxiation because the device is inclined. It isn't that the babies just happened to die while in the rock and play, but that it actually killed them.
  9. I can't even believe we're going to get this much snow after several days with temps in the 60s. Ugh. Happy spring. 😞
  10. Thanks everyone! I walked to the clinic down the road and they got me in right away. Thankfully I got the doctor who has been practicing for like forty years and has treated several bat bites. He said bat bites tend to be the same size as mine but look like two distinct punctures, whereas mine looks more like I was attacked by a baby bunny. 😂 His guess is that I scratched myself the day before, didn't notice, and it became irritated overnight and that's why I noticed it in the morning. He also said that with four cats, if a bat had gotten in it would have been mass chaos and there's no way none of the cats would have noticed, lol.
  11. I woke up with it with no idea where it came from. I haven't seen a bat anywhere. I'm in Minnesota, so we don't have massive bat populations like some places, but we do have them. Nothing in my shoe or sock that could have scraped me. I went to bed fine and woke up with this whatever it is. I originally noticed it because it was itching and hurt. I'm freaking out now you guys, just so you know. Lol
  12. Um, no. My rabies shots are definitely not up to date. *hyperventilates* I have no idea. I didn't see a bat or anything else that could have bitten me.
  13. It didn't get very far. 😂 I woke up with this on my foot five days ago, and at the time it itched and ached. I googled and, naturally, now I'm convinced I have rabies. Thanks google. Any idea what might have bitten me? No chance it could be a stealth bat bite, right? That's what I'm mostly worried about. My dh thinks it's a spider, but that would have to be a pretty hefty spider. The bite is about a centimeter across, give or take. It still aches a bit and it isn't healing very well. Also, we're getting like two feet of snow dropped on us tonight, so if I go have a doctor look it has to be today. Any advice? Thanks!
  14. I don't know what he said to the Somali community around here, because the meetings were apparently private and actually had armed guards to keep out public health nurses who tried to attend. He visited three times, and then the Somali vaccination rates plummeted and we had a massive measles outbreak.
  15. That sucks. 😞 We went through that here right around the time my younger dd was born- a huge measles outbreak because Andrew Wakefield and his cronies had been flying to MN to give speeches to the Somali refugee population telling them not to vaccinate their kids. Before that they'd had above-average vaccination rates. 🤬 I have a good friend who is a CNP and works where the worst of it was happening, an she was livid. I think she would have happily strangled Wakefield with her bare hands. We stayed home a lot more than we would have until the baby was a bit older.
  16. God, no. Why would I want to eat the thing that filters out toxins and heavy metals? Other mammals eat them because having a giant, bloody, rotting meat sack hanging around is a sure way to lure predators. That doesn't mean it's healthy to eat it. While we're talking placentas, what do you all think about lotus births? 🤣
  17. Mud and wet leaves with a few lingering handfuls of snow. Also the neighbor's dog pooped in it a few times, so that's fun.
  18. Obviously the OP is a troll, because any real homeschooler would know that the appropriate answer to this question is always, "Free time? You're kidding, right?" 😂 Even if I do get a few minutes of free time here and there, it certainly isn't enough to cultivate any actual hobbies beyond napping and coffee.
  19. Here's the link to where you get the software to remove the DRMs using Calibre. http://apprenticealf.wordpress.com It's kind of involved getting it set up the first time, but very worth it if you've purchased a large number of ebooks and want to, you know, keep them.
  20. How are you guys dealing with the sound he makes when he IS home? You must be doing something to manage that because there's no way he's completely and totally silent every night after eleven. If he wakes you up can you go back to sleep again? If you're so sensitive to noise that the sound of him peeing or moving around in his bedroom wakes you up for the entire night, it might be best for him to just move out.
  21. If the problem is that you're waiting to be disturbed when he comes in, can you run a fan in your room or take other measures so that you can't hear him come in? I run a fan in my bedroom all the time, and you'd be amazed at how much sound a fan can drown out, and after a few nights you don't even really hear the fan anymore.
  22. Look, I get what you're saying, but I hope you can try to accept that this really is something you have to deal with yourself instead of having your family accommodate you by never being out past your bedtime. The reality is that what you're asking isn't fair. I have misophonia and half hearing music or tv noises through the wall gives me panic attacks. (Weird, I know.) But I don't tell dh and older dd that they can never listen to music or watch tv, because that isn't fair. It isn't right for me to impose that kind of restriction. So I deal. If it's annoying me, I go for a walk or find something to do to take my mind off it. If I'm having a really extra horrific day with my anxiety, they're sensitive to that and use headphones. But it isn't something I require because that's only going to breed resentment.
  23. So why can't he say, "I'll be at X until 11 and then I'll come home?"
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