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Everything posted by WistfulRidge

  1. The library. If it is a book that I love than I stick it on my "to buy" list. Certain authors automatically go on the "to buy" list. Books are bought as we have the money. Occasionally I find something I want/looks interesting at a thrift store or borrow a book from friends, but not often.
  2. LOTR Trilogy (extended) Star Wars (all of them, though the originals definitely get watched more than the prequels) Star Trek (new) The Fifth Element Stargate Avenger-type movies (Iron Man 1&2, Thor, Captain American, the Avengers) Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl Oceans 11, 12, and 13 The Bourne Identity, Supremacy, and Ultimatum Kingdom of Heaven Troy V for Vendetta Taken Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick The Pacifier Zoolander 3:10 to Yuma Fools Gold P.S I Love You RENT The Incredibles Aladdin Beauty and the Beast Between myself, DH, and DS1 those get watched at least once a month. Most of them more than that. What can I say... DH and I really love watching movies.
  3. Creamy potato soup, homemade bread, and a green salad.
  4. I love that he wakes up just to make sure I've got enough covers in the middle of the night because he knows that (despite the fact that I overheat all day) I get cold while I sleep. I especially treasure this because he's a bit of an insomniac and at least 50% of the time this means that it will be an hour or better before he can fall back asleep (if he can fall back asleep). He still does it.
  5. 2x so far, so I suspect it will happen some more. DS2 was conceived when DS1 was 16 months, but still nursing 4-6 times a day. Baby #3 was conceived on pp cycle #3 when DS2 was 10 months and still probably 75% breastfed.
  6. DS1 still nursed several times a day and before bed when I found out I was pg with DS2. He continued to nurse throughout the pregnancy (dry nursed the last 3 months) and then after DS2 was born up until this past April when he self-weaned himself. DS2 is still nursing, though he is less attached to nursing than DS1 was so I suspect that he will probably wean himself when my milk dries up in the next couple of months. I found with DS1 that when my milk supply started going down he drank more (non breast) milk... once we found the sippy cup that he liked. DS2 was already starting to wean himself (and was about 50/50 nursing and cow milk) when I found out I was pg with #3.
  7. :grouphug: Definitely praying that you continue to get lots and lots of good news!
  8. It's darker than the first positive I got with my current pregnancy - that is most definitely a line! Congrats!!! :D
  9. :grouphug: DS2 has been slowly weaning himself for the past 4 months, which is heartbreaking to me because his older brother nursed until he was practically 3 and I was kind of hoping DS2 would be the same way. He's only interested in a middle of the night nursing session, that's not really nursing but more of "Ok, mama's still here" sort of thing. I wouldn't be surprised (sad, but not surprised) if he totally weaned himself within the next month or so. I keep telling myself that it will be okay, especially because 1) I'm currently expecting and 2) We are no intentions to stop having kids any time soon... but it doesn't really help. It is really just a special, special bond and I think I'll forever miss having it with each kid once they stop.
  10. I'd go ahead and try it. Terriers, as a rule, are a higher energy group. Dogs that use up a lot of energy tend to have less issues with higher protein content, likely because they use it instead of trying to store it away :p Try it for a few days to a week. If it is too rich for them, you'll know (lol!). While high protein can cause issues in some (many) dogs, I really believe it is a case by case basis. Dogs with super sensitive stomachs tend to do better with a moderate protein content... but really, "moderate" can vary greatly from dog to dog. So if it works, it works and don't worry about it. If it doesn't work, try something else :D (I know... so helpful!) As for the picky dog... is he picky just because he gets bored with the food? Many of my dog friends routinely switch out their pups food, blend two different kinds together, or find a brand that has more than one flavor just to give them a nice variety.
  11. :iagree: While it is not true 100% of the time I tend to equate slower growing with the larger breeds (my heart breed, the Tibetan Mastiff, and Great Danes both come to mind). Additionally, I imagine that breeds that routinely require c-sections (bulldogs) probably don't have very many litters per b*ch.
  12. Definitely breeder A. Not only do they sound like the better breeder, but you want to have a good relationship with your breeder - especially in this type of co-own situation. Assuming we are talking about a good, ethical breeder... it will vary pending a variety of things (the b*tch's health, mothering ability, breed, temperament, etc). I'd say anywhere from 1 - 6 is normal, with 6 being on the higher end of normal. For an excellent quality b*tch 3-4 litters sounds about right. It gives you the ability to try pairing her with different studs to see what gives you the best of the best quality, and potentially gives you room to repeat that breeding. When you are breeding a b*tch the general rule of thumb is to only breed once a year, or only two out of any three heats. Generally breeding on back to back heats (which come roughly every 6 months in most breeds) should be avoided. In general you also don't want to breed until after 2 years of age - both to give appropriate time for the b*tch to mature and also because many of the health tests can't be performed (at least accurately) until around them. In some of the slower maturing (and sadly, shorter lived breeds) you often don't breed until 3 or 4 years of age - in which case you usually end up with a much lower average litter per b*tch.
  13. Any of the Hills/Science Diet food is fairly iffy on quality. If it is the food that is causing it you are definitely going to want something grain free, with a moderate-to lower amount of protein, and only one or two protein sources.
  14. I'm sure someone has already mentioned it but a plain diet of chicken and rice for at least several days will probably help settle his stomach. A few TBSP of canned pumpkin (not premade pie filling but plain, pureed pumpkin) will probably help. If I remember correctly, this is the pup you just adopted? A lot of it is probably nerves, so creating a safe "just for him" spot would be nice... whether that is a crate or a room (bonus if it has an easily cleaned floor!) could possibly help if that is the case. If you are feeding a different food than the shelter (likely) he could have tummy troubles from both the switch in food or he could also be having issues with the food that you are feeding. Some dogs are simply much more delicate, tummy wise, than others. It also might just be the worms. Dewormers are harsher for some dogs than others (just like humans react to the same medication differently), so it could just be that and you'll just have to wait it out. ETA: Just saw that he won't eat rice. Try giving him just plain chicken with a little pumpkin on the side.
  15. (... or future in our case...) When you're packing up all the textbooks and various other books that you and your DH have kept from your time in college and have this conversation: Me: Maybe we should get rid of some of these. DH (looking horrified): WHAT? Me: But we have so many, and if we are trying to simplify what we have... *pauses to note DH's face* No? DH (very firmly and sounding about as horrified as he looks): No. Absolutely not. Think of how much use we can get out of these babies once the kids are in high school! --- So maybe it is a good thing that we've already decided that I'm in charge of curriculum and purchasing. I'm beginning to think that DH might have curriculum junkie and hoarding tendencies :lol:
  16. We're doing this right now. I started packing yesterday and we leave Monday. I tend to pack in this order: keepsake/important things, nonfiction books, all the clothes (minus a weeks worth for everyone), knick-knacks/ decorations, toys (most, minus just the favorites), kitchen stuff, DVDs, Fiction Books, Electronics, Bedding. I packed the keepsake, nonfiction, and clothes yesterday. I'll do a little bit of packing between today and Saturday - mostly the knick- knacks, extra blankets/stuffed animals, and the majority of kid toys. Sunday afternoon I'll pack up the kitchen stuff. DVDs and books will probably be packed while DH and I are watching our Sunday lineup of shows. Electronics won't be packed until right before we go to bed Sunday night. Bedding will be packed up Monday morning. As our move involves a long road trip (UT to NC) we'll probably do a dry run of packing the car either Saturday night or Sunday morning to make sure all the things that we want/need to bring with us actually all fit. Also, I like to clean as I pack so that I don't have to spend any significant time after everything is out of the apartment/house cleaning. Once everything is out of here I want to be too.
  17. One of my best friends is currently dog-sitting her sister's boxer. Canyon is about 7 years old and his "real family" includes 3 small children under the age of 4. He loves children. Adores them. So after he had been staying my (childless) friend for a week it became obvious that he was getting quite depressed over the whole "no babies" situation. So she brought him to visit. Oh my, I have never seen a dog so happy before. He walked in the door kind of mopey and then you could just tell the second he spotted my boys because he went absolutely still for a second, his ears perked up, and then he started wagging his butt so hard that he almost knocked himself over. This is a picture from about ten minutes later. DS2 is looking a little worried because this is the first time that he had seen a puppy this big, and also because Canyon just couldn't get close enough to him. Every time DS2 would try and move Canyon would move too. It was like he had to be touching him. We're currently looking forward to another Canyon visit this upcoming Sunday. He has visited enough times now that both of my boys greet him with hugs and kisses and comply with his need to be touched by small children by snuggling with him and playing next to him for the visit. Canyon has visited enough now that if my friend picks up his leash and asks him "Do you want to go see Jessica and the babies?" he turns into a deliriously happy, wiggling mess.
  18. Everyone has such lovely dogs!:001_wub: I'm feeling a touch melancholy over the dog subject today. Here is the puppy that was almost mine back in 2007: I was about a week away from having in my arms when the apartment complex that I was living in got new management and the new managers decided to not honor my agreement with the old... so, no more puppy for me. :glare: I find it awfully, horribly ironic that as someone who has an all consuming passion/obsession for training, showing, and working with dogs (and other animals in general) I have yet to actually own my own dog.
  19. We routinely buy: Onions Garlic Lettuce Zucchini Broccoli Bell Peppers Carrots Celery Corn (usually frozen) Peas (also usually frozen) We should probably have a greater variety. To be honest the produce here is never all that great to begin with and there are certain things (like green beans, spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes etc) that I can't stand to buy at the store. After having them fresh from the garden for most of my growing up years I can't hardly choke down the commercially grown varieties. They're kind of tasteless ans unpleasant for me...
  20. A bouncy chair or swing Washable nursing pads Good sized blankets (Aden & Anais for lightweight, I make my own out of flannel for heavier blankets) A mei tai (I love my Babyhawk) A wrap (I'm partial to wovens. I have this one) Large, absorbent burp cloths
  21. Do it!! I love Anne of Green Gables... really, I love all of the Anne books. I love the writing, I love the characters, I just love them.
  22. If you can swing it financially, house #2. Disclaimer: I am heavily influenced by currently living in 500 square feet with two, young, active boys. I fantasize about space... lots and lots of space :p
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