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Everything posted by Rhesa

  1. I think this is the Usborne one you mentioned (?): http://www.amazon.com/Alexander-Great-Famous-Lives-Books/dp/0794508693/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1205199386&sr=1-1 We have other biographies from this series & have enjoyed them. That was the exact book! I looked on amazon for 30 minutes and couldn't find it... I've got great researching skills...:rolleyes:
  2. I can't believe how much I pay for things in this city! I pay $10/ hr for the sweet girl in our church who occasionally watches the kids. But when she can't do it, I have to pay between $15-20/ hr. Needless to say, I don't get babysitters often. I look at that money and think, "That $$$could buy a LOT of books!":p This is for two kids, by the way...
  3. I don't have my AG with me, and I need some suggestions for Alexander the Great. I remember an Usborne book that seemed to be an early elementary level, but I can't find it through our library system (or on Amazon). Anyone have handy any books they enjoyed for Alexander? My kids are K & 1st, so it needs to be pretty brief. Thanks!
  4. (especially those of you who don't have budding scholars!:)) My ds (7) passion right now is.... Nintendo DS :o If I pressed him for what "learning" activites he enjoys, it would be: Lego Robotics class (offered through a resource center), soccer, and science (done according to TWTM!) DD (5) playing Barbies, and imagining life on a farm with a barn full of animals. For both- read alouds (currently Ms. Piggle-Wiggle, formerly James and the Giant Peach) Here's hoping that reading aloud for hours upon end will keep the love of learning alive!!
  5. I'm in denial- I drink Diet Coke almost every day with lunch.
  6. I try to put things away before they even see them. I learned that the hard way last year when I bought a skeleton model to go along with the study of the body. Mind you, that was planned for 3rd quarter. Since the kids saw it, I was bugged about it EVERY time we did science! (Wouldn't ya know it- once we got to it, and started the project- the kids lost interest. Who was building the skeleton? ME!)
  7. I had never read it before, so I had no idea how ds7 & dd5 would like it. They loved it!:D It was one of those rare "can we just read one more chapter, please?" books. I'm glad that I picked it up after hearing about it on these boards. I certainly wouldn't have been drawn to it without encouragement. Hope you guys enjoy it!
  8. And then you get to hear the same blasted version over and over and over again, year after year!:) It does get better, though. (eventually.....) Hang in there!
  9. But we take so many other travel breaks that I have to school when we're at home! Two weeks ago, it was four days in Massachusetts, last weekend, two days in New Jersey, next week two days in Pennsylvania. Man, now that I write that down, I wonder when I ever actually homeschool! We do travelschooling:o
  10. with my 7 yo son. He is a natural speller, so it's not really an issue. I do agree with others that it seems a little "busy work-ish". I'm very curious about the Simply Spelling program. I looked at the website, but would like a little more info. If you're using it, how did you hear about it? (Should I start a different thread to ask that question? I'm not sure on board/hijacking etiquette.:o)
  11. Since we've finished book B of GDI, I've been writing out sentences for my son. I'm attempting to match the script, which has been quite a stretch for me!
  12. ...this year with my 7yo son. It's been simple and easy- but we are a "language" oriented family. My son certainly doesn't beg for lessons, but he doesn't run from them either. I should mention that I rarely make him do all the writing in it. We do a lot of it orally, and I supplement with other worksheets printed free online. HTH! Rhesa
  13. And I nearly snorted diet coke out of my nose reading it. So I'm not the only one who hates-hates waxing!! :D
  14. Sigh. I'm never going to get the hang of this posting thing. It took me forever to figure out how to post any picture of myself! But that's me...a few months ago on a trip with my hubby. I look relaxed! (The kids were with the inlaws;))
  15. It's going to take us a year and a half. People more disciplined than I am can do it in a year, but we keep getting off track! We are currently parked in the Greeks (again), and I think we'll be here quite awhile...
  16. This is why I lurk around here- usually I feel so much better! My 1st grade son is doing 1-2 short sentences on an (almost) daily basis. I have often had panic moments- "Am I doing enough?" These posts reassure me that we're ok. Thanks everyone!
  17. We love listening to stories on cd- it saves my voice. And free is even better!:D
  18. We read them over & over- and the Sinbad was an even greater hit! I think the author did a nice job simplifying the storyline, and the illustrations are perfect. Fortunately, we were able to get all of them at our library.
  19. But decide yourself whether or not you want to add it to your schedule first. Then, if she says yes, great! If not, you can try it another year. Both my Ker and 1st grader are in chorus this year and it has been a good experience. It is an opportunity to learn music skills, as well as listening and teamwork! It also looks like your class is designed for younger children, so it could be a good fit. Just our experience- but chorus is a definite highlight in our week!
  20. Isn't that the one where he sings "You're Sensational" to Grace Kelly? I think Frank might be a little tipsy at the time, but, man I loved that song. There was something both passionate and pathetic about that scene. I may be way off...it's been years since I've seen it. Oh, for the days when I got to watch movies other than: The Aristocats Barbie's Princess and the Pauper Charlotte's Web Those are the titles of most recently viewed movies!;)
  21. and then watched as the cashier bagged all my things into plastic bags and placed them in the reusable bag! Kinda ruins the purpose...:rolleyes:
  22. I'm glad to hear this- it does seem like an uphill battle, though. I was at Blockbusters today with my FIL :o. Thank goodness my son wasn't tagging along. I haven't been in for quite awhile, and lots of DVD covers are racy! And I live right down the street from a Victoria's Secret. Two floors high. That means they get to blow up posters double size. I don't consider myself prudish, but sheesh! :eek:
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