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Everything posted by Cricket

  1. No advice but we have the opposite problem here. My kids want cold food even for supper. I can't blame them when it still hot here. PB&J on freshly baked bread sounds yummy to me! I've heard of grilled PB&J sandwiches (like a grilled cheese). Maybe she would like that?
  2. Do you really want to know how my dh says a wife can get whatever she wants from her dh? It has to do with what you are...or not...wearing when you ask. ;) He always tells me that will work every time. I guess it is more fun than nagging. :lol:
  3. Yes, I had one. Dh and I got married Oct 28. We showed up to our wedding rehearsal dressed as Frankenstein and the Bride of Frankenstein. No one knew ahead of time and everyone flipped out. It was very funny. We all dressed appropriately on the wedding day!
  4. That's kind of what I was thinking. I know dh would love it. Dh took some pictures of me after we first got married and I think they turned out *awful*. Maybe he didn't think that though. I figure a professional photographer would do a better job! I don't know if I can bring myself to do it though. It would definitely have to be a woman photographer. I talked to a photographer before and she said that some women bring a friend along. Now that would be embarrassing! And I definitely wouldn't be showing them to anyone else! But that is another concern. I really wouldn't want to end up on the internet somewhere! I've been in the mulling it over stage for a couple of years. :lol: It's curious that no one has chosen the Yes, I did it but he/she didn't love them or I regret it option....
  5. Dh gets Garth Brooks. I don't see it. Well, maybe if he put on a few more pounds. For me I've heard Winona Ryder and Kristin Davis. Hmmm, I just looked at some Garth Brooks photos. I guess if dh dressed up like him with the facial hair and everything, he would look like him.
  6. Has you ever done this? Would you ever do this? I'm talking professional photos with a reputable photographer. :)
  7. Since we manage an RV park we come into contact with different people every day. They usually comment on the children being around. I told one woman this morning that we homeschool and she said that she knew the state of Wyoming required that homeschool students be involved in some kind of social group because there were so many problems with homeschool students there being, well, "unsocialized" I guess. Does Wyoming really require such a thing?
  8. I did think it was you! I kept thinking, "Wow! I bet she hears all the time how she looks like Kaylee from Firefly." :lol: Sometimes I'm a little slow.
  9. Most nights, no, but tonight I will. I have split pea soup in the crockpot right now. Dh and I love it. Our 5 yo dd does too but the other kids don't like it. They have tried it and don't like it. I'm not going to make them eat it and I'm not going to make them go hungry because we like split pea soup and they don't. I figure nights like tonight are good for making pizza for the kids since they love it and dh doesn't. Overall, they aren't terribly picky. Like others have said, I try to have at least one or two things in the meal that everyone likes. But you can't exactly pick out the peas in the split pea soup. :D
  10. Isn't that weird? Dh knew with #3. I have no idea how but he did. I knew with #3 and #4. Even to the point where the next morning I marked it on the calendar and figured out my due dates. :) Just a weird feeling. You just *know*.
  11. No, not me but the girl in the painting looks a lot like me.
  12. Oh, I wish! It's 99 right now. yuck. This weekend I spent some time organizing my recipes. But I didn't do any shopping. So tonight I think it will be Potato Roesti (fancy name for hashbrowns, sounds like) and eggs and fruit. The kids should love it. I have some leftover lasagna but no one ate much the first time around....
  13. Ds (10) has been using Singapore from the beginning. However, I find myself teaching the same things over and over again because he doesn't remember. It's so frustrating. We can work on a lesson and then two days later he has forgotten. He's the type of kid who will "get it" enough to do the problem he is working on but I can't always be sure he understands the concept. Well, obviously he can't because I have to reteach the concept every time it comes up. (This seems to be a personality thing because in other areas of life we notice that he has a hard time applying what he has previously learned. Dh says he has a hard time "connecting the dots.") A friend loaned us the MUS DVD on division. I think some of those lessons have helped. I don't know if we need a new program or what. Would Saxon be a better fit? I was reading below about the spiral method. Does anyone else have a kid like this and if so, which program works best for you?
  14. I made peppermint bark one year for all the guys at my dh's work. They went nuts over it.
  15. I'm come to the realization that the only vegetables my kids eat are green beans and salad. Most of the time I give them fruit with supper. So please share your favorite vegetable recipes and maybe I can broaden their palates!
  16. Our previous pediatrician was fine with parents who didn't want to immunize. His preference was a delayed schedule but the one vax he really wanted to see parents give was for pertussis. He said he had reports every month of children who died from it. It is highly contagious. I don't like all the vaccinations given and how fast doctors like to give them. But I also think we don't take these diseases very seriously any more. Most likely because we've never seen anyone suffering from one of these diseases. We forget that even in our grandparents day many children died from these.
  17. Dh took our boys to California for a tkd tournament. I only have the girls and they are watching a movie right now. It is so quiet here. Dh and the boys won't be home until sometime very early Sunday morning. Is it terrible that I think I'm going to really, really enjoy the next two days?
  18. I'd still be your friend! If I had to disown everyone I knew for peeing outside, I would be divorced and have no contact with any of my children. :lol: I can imagine a well-put-together person might be appalled but, like RC said, desperate times call for desperate measures!
  19. Dh says it fine, rather sweet. Okay that is way TMI!!! :lol: Most kids around the world live on it for the first year of their life. It certainly is healthier than cow's milk. Why is the idea just ... so ... icky?
  20. This is so funny. I was thinking of doing a poll on this as I rinsed my dishes tonight. I lightly rinse but dh actually washes them before putting them in the dishwasher. "The dishwasher is not for washing dishes. It is for sanitizing them." And he also refuses to put plastic items in the dishwasher. According to him, they will melt (but we use the air dry setting!) and if the plastic cups flip over and hold water, then they are holding germs and come out dirtier than they went in. (But how can they be holding germs if a dishwasher sanitizes the dishes?!) Can you tell we go round and round about this? :lol: Drives me nuts! :D
  21. Lagaan is also very good. You could probably even find that at a library or Blockbuster since it was nominated for an Oscar a few years ago. My favorite is Swades. I really liked Black. It's a Helen Keller-type story. The main character is blind and deaf. No singing but very good and different from what I had come to think of as a typical Bollywood movie. Main Hoon Na is a cheesy action film that is a lot of fun. The movies are just fun, fun, fun! Usually lots of singing and dancing, beautiful colors and costumes, lots of obstacles for the young lovers to overcome. Some are funny and some are tragic. At the end of Devdas and Kal Ho Naa Ho I was bawling. The movies are so easy to get into. :lol: Asoka was good. That's about the medieval ruler of India. I liked Lakshya too but my sister said that flopped in India. I thought it was good. And yes they are all very long movies. Be prepared to either stay up late or watch them over a couple of days. Great, now I really want to see a Bollywood movie! We cancelled our Netflix subscription and there isn't an Indian grocery store in a 20 mile radius!
  22. Well stated! :iagree: As far as the libertarian reasons for voting for Obama, I disagree with most of his analysis. If Obama is elected, Jesse Jackson is going to be put out of business? :lol: Somehow I don't think so! And I don't see how him taking the oath of office will repair our reputation with countries around the world. Sounds like wishful thinking to me.
  23. You could check your local Craigslist ads. I found a work-at-home opportunity through there. I was an independent contractor processing rebates at home. (Not one of those online businesses!) It was a legitimate business and I had to pick up my trays of mail once a week and drop off the rebates I had processed. I made about $500 per month.
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