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Everything posted by Murphy101

  1. What do you consider to be your bare minimum monthly income need, before taxes, insurance or anything is taken out of it? ETA: How many are in your household, if you care to add that info? Poll is private, of course! Having an argument with my father in law about what is the minimum a family of 11 can live off of.
  2. I'd say something about the pool, nicely but firmly in a dumb blond manner "Good Lord can you believe how chewed up my kid is bc of mesquitoes!? I wonder where the heck they are comming from? I think I should call the city and have them spray the neighborhood or something!" As for the poo - good fences make good neighbors. If you aren't stepping in it, it isn't a problem. I'd plant a very fragrant rose buch or something like that on my sid eo fhte fence to make use of any spill over fertilizer and cut down on the odor.
  3. I was always told told the only professional who should use anything other than Ariel font 12 are those being paid to use something other than standard -graphic artist, web designers.. And even they use Ariel 12 for professional communication. Don't use text jargon or smileys to convey emotion either. I love the very clear and simple style of comic sans and I use it for lots of stuff for that reason and also the print style /a/ and /g/. I thinkthosr last two letters are why it is do over used, ESP in curriculum/children's materials. But I never use anything other than Ariel font 12 for business communication or other serious communications.
  4. or out of job house I guess. Dh will be almost a year without a job except for some occassional work for his dad. Severance, retirement cashed in, and tax refund, saw us through to now. now it's unemployment and food stamps. So far we're doing okay mostly bc we've always lived pretty debt free except for house and utilities and cell phones. I shudder to think where we'd be if we had credit cards and car payments and so much more. There's just nothing. He reinvested in himself with some of that severance and is taking electrician classes and working towards a college degree. It's obvious that when people aren't hiring, they don't need an internet curriculum developer and training facilitator. So he is trying to completely reinvent himself for a new career path. In the mean time, ouch. Things are tight and likely to stay very tight for at least the next few years even if he does get a job, any job, soon. It is not an option for me to get a paying job. I wouldn't get anything he wouldn't apply for and these kids are a full time job to home school and care for. I have found great benefit to my state of mind in helping others. I don't have any money, but I do have time and knowledge that can be helpful to others. We are gardening some. I've culled my bookcases for donations to those in greater need than me and to resell or trade for items I need (admitedly very little in that regard). Just yesterday a mom called to tell me they were being evicted from their rental home bc they can't afford the monthly payment anymore. Her sister is going to let them use an old RV to live in, but they'll have to pay the campground fees and hook ups. She was very despondent, until I noted that lots of people pay a lot of money to get the chance to live like that for a few weeks! She's been boxing stuff for storage or to sell/give away, and she's starting to feel excited and even a bit freed of all that stuff she was attached to. I'm just praying for everyone that we find peace and adventure and growth in these hard times. Personaly, I could use a break from character building, but obviously God thinks otherwise. I think the uncertainty is the hardest thing for me. I'm a planner and a fixer, so all this being encouraging while feeling useless and waiting is not easy for me in the least. Anyhow.. sorry to ramble.. praying for everyone herestruggling to get by for whatever reason.:grouphug:
  5. I'd recommend some blogs for her to look at... mine has some info on it and links to a lot of other home schooling blogs and lots of catholic curriculum options I don't know the needs of the person you reference, so it's hard to just state curriculum because there's a lot out there!
  6. Most of the time we use my dh's glucose test strip bottles. They are slightly smaller, but most of the time they do the trick. So if you know any diabetics - ask them to save for you?
  7. I think if you don't want them attending under these conditions, then you should only bring up your opinion/decision. You are planning the trip, so it's under your rules. Leave the supposed Issues of other families out of it unless you speak to them about and they say they have a problem too. Don't speak for them until you've spoken to them. People have very varying degrees of comfort zones in these situations.
  8. I'm doing core 3 very easily with my 10yr old and 8yr old. How good of a reader is your 2nd grader? If he is at grade level, I would think he could handle the regular readers in core 3. My kids have really enjoyed it.
  9. Done did and asked the same questions there! :) but it's a rather slow board and I thought I'd double up my chances of input.
  10. I'm interested in both of these for different children. I'd love to hear from actual users what they do or do not like about either. How well they think a dc who has never done OM would fair with them? Could the 8th grade OM be challenging enough for a 9th grader?
  11. Oh geez. I keep hearing that some idiots are using the ER like a drs office but I have never ever met them while there or had anyone say they were going for that reason. Most people including myself would rather wait until they were at deaths door before going to a nasty wait with who knows what sickness floating about to be poked by whatever dr clocked in ER. The closest I've ever heard are people who go to the ER bc it is the only place open when they got off work and they would've lost their job if they'd gone during their shift.
  12. I agree. And I think at least 75% (statistic comes straight from ME alone. ;) ) of the cost of care is based on the presumption that the govt or insurance is picking up the tab. If more people flat out refused a huge bill, I think the cost would go way down. Fact is as long as people pay the demanded fees, there is no incentive to reduce the fee. In fact, it would be bad business to do do. I also think only truely medically neccessary to live things should be covered. Birth control. IVF. Viagra. Cosmetic things. All of these things should not bd covered. I don't view health care in general as a right. But if we are going to say it's a right, then it should be 22 kt gold coverage for everyone regardless of income because otherwise how dare the rich get more health rights than the poor.
  13. I agree. I thinkinsurance in and of itself is the main problem, so insurance for everyone is not a solution. If insurance provided health or care, more than 1/2 this nation would be a LOT healthier than it is. Because for all the hype about those who don't have insurance, most do have it. And I'm interested in how they will force it too. What if you refuse to buy insurance for religious reasons? (Aren't there some folks that view insurance as gambling?) And let's say it does give insurance to everyone? So what? I cannot tell you how often our supposedly great insurance plan didn't cover something or covered after months of arguing or only covered 3rd rate care. Like I said, if insurance were the answer, america woudl be in a lot better shape than it is and I think more people would be for this bill. Truth is there's a lot of people who already feel scr*wed by insurance, whether it be private or gov't and they aren't looking forward to getting a lot more of the same. I can respect those who see it differently, but after a husband working in insurance for 15 years, various family health issues I've witness over the last 20 years for everything from pregnancies, to cancers, to heart, to diabetes to asthma, to accidents and more - I for one have yet to see insurance in any current form solve much. But I sure have seen it do a lot of damage.
  14. I don't know why they think it will make anyone use priority mail. Getting packages trashed doesn't make me want to give someone more money in the hopes they won't screw it up if I pay them more. I've never understood this theory in regards to any business dealings, be it public schools, mail, cars or whatever.:confused: No, it makes me think I'll just go to UPS.
  15. The only way I will eat peanutbutter and grape jam (NOT jelly) sandwiches is with a layer of nacho cheese doritos in between there. I will never ever forget the first and only time I saw someone get a slice of fresh hot allpe pie and place a thick slice of sharp cheddar cheese on it. :svengo: My uncle said it was one of them there weird yankee customs.:lol:
  16. depends.. I just sprinkle a bit on my serving and it's no big deal, maybe a teeny bit sweeter, but it's a cream sweet, iykwim? Now my dad would put so much on that even hot it stayed grainy instead of melting in. ick. applesouce on white idaho potatos? Yuck. BUT applesause, cinnimon, butter, brown sugar on baked sweet potatos/yams is awesome good stuff!
  17. As to why... The sugar makes the mac n cheese extra creamy. Without it that boxed stuff makes me feel very parched. Kind of the same as adding salt to canteloup or watermelon makes it sweeter.
  18. My dh has asked if I have ever posted what he thinks are my weird food combos. Such as sugar sprinkled on mac and cheese tartar sauce for fried potato wedges mcdonalds fries dipped in soft serve ice cream I KNOW I am not the only person who does this. Esp the sugar on mac thing. I was in jr high before I learned there were people who didn't eat it that way! What think the hive? Care to share? ETA: it's only when dh makes kraft mac. When I make it from scratch, I don't use sugar. The kids have never done it. It's very rare I have boxed mac in the house, so dh making it for lunch brougt this up.
  19. All I see is someone who needs to learn to edit - which they might honestly not care about doing just for a quick status update. (You honestly don't see PA spelled out very often. Maybe that's the problem. Living in an abbreviated society?) We see it here on this board all the time too. Even in my posts! (Yeah. I know. You're shocked, right?;)) Now, if this were her school paperwork, or a letter, or something other than FB or a off the cuff quick text - that would be entirely different. I would think it lazy ot not bother to edit ones actual work. But otherwise, truth is that I am not devoting my full energy and time to FB or this board or many other things. 9 times out of 10, these are things I do on my iPhone while nursing the baby, waiting in line somewhere, waiting for the pot to boil or some other moderately idle activity. I'm often fluctuate between horrified and amused by my typos and spelling when I go back later to read them. My dh's favorite is when I intended to text him to get me some thing to eat on the way home. My fat fingers hit "o" instead of "i" and dh found that message vastly amusing.:lol:
  20. I'd immediately see to it that my hair was colored the beautiful shade of black with electric blue streaks like that girl in Glee. And I'd tell granny that if she is that unhappy with our company, then we can leave. I really don't have to travel to have someone make me feel like crap, tyvm. And yeah, I'm a bit like that and probably would actually say it. I'd say it when the kids weren't around to hear. I'd ask if granny was having a particuliarly grumpy pickle up her rear day/week or whatever first - 'bc hey we all need a pass for some of those once in a while. I'd tell dh he should talk to his mama if he doesn't want me to do it. Yeah, I'd do all that first. but then, yeah, if she's in the mood for sharing honest opinions - I'd give her some.
  21. I'm curious about some things there too... Mostly the electives and technology courses look unique and interesting - how good are they if you do NOT enroll? The civics and english also look interesting to me. The science is using glencoe/holt/prentice hall - so I don't feel I need OM for those.
  22. I'm very interested in this question too. And OM 7. Also, I don't suppose anyone can tell me if OM 7 math would bridge to Lials BCM or algebra?
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