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Everything posted by Maus

  1. So if you call a kid who is gifted and has learning disabilities "twice exceptional," but you can also call a kid who is gifted and has mental health issues "twice exceptional," can you call a kid who is gifted and has learning disabilities and has mental health issues "thrice exceptional"? There needs to be a name for that, because it makes about as much sense to call such a child "2E" as it does to call a 2E child "gifted." True ...ish, but so not the whole picture.
  2. When they reached 4'9" and 8 years old. This met the minimum requirement for the car manufacturer recommendation and our state law. (The passenger seat is as far back as it can go.) In our case, I considered this the safest option, as otherwise, all three children are sharing one seat in either my Honda Accord, or our crew cab truck. They cannot get along that close together, and fighting children distract the driver. I'm pretty sure statistically we are far more likely to be in an accident I cause trying to front seat parent than in one caused by another random driver!
  3. Awesome! I printed all the talks last night! That's the fastest I've ever seen them posted!
  4. :grouphug: :grouphug: I'm watching alone. In my bedroom from my laptop with headphones in. DH won't watch with me and gets anxious/agitated when he accidentally overhears something. It's related to his mental illness. He stopped believing in God two years ago when he realized an idea he was fully vested in was an obsessive thought and not inspiration. (He has since been diagnosed with severe OCD.) What a blessing it is that the television is no longer the only way and the only time we can watch, yeah?
  5. I would totally do the same thing after sitting there listening to a third language. It would reset my "which language I am supposed to be speaking?" switch.
  6. It's okay! I understood him! I love President Uchtdorf!
  7. There is an extra "i" at the end of your link, which made it get an error.
  8. Sometimes I wish they preserved the prayers in the conference Ensign.
  9. President Holland's talks always resonate with me. What a beautiful Easter message!
  10. Do you'all remember the olden days, when members used to put "visit all the temples" on their bucket lists! :laugh:
  11. President Eyring's talk was my favorite of the day. (Also liked Elder Anderson's.) President Eyring's talk at the Women's session last week was great, too, and go well together. Sent my oldest child and only son off to Priesthood session this evening. His first, as he missed last October by just a few weeks. I'm grateful he wanted to go, and grateful for the good man from our ward who volunteered to take him at the last minute. President Monson is speaking at the Priesthood session right now.
  12. Oh, I can't wait to print that one out and study it! Thank you, Elder Anderson!
  13. But on a happier note, The Deseret News says President Monson is planning to speak today!
  14. No, not too often! I'm old enough, barely, to remember when Sonia Johnson did that. Wonder what's up? One would have to have some kind of public agenda to go to all the trouble of getting tickets and attending, just to do that.
  15. We had an Easter themed Sacrament meeting last Sunday, featuring the ward choir, and one song by the children. That's pretty typical of most wards I've been in. Little girls often have a new Easter dress, or all the women and girls in the family if Mom sews.
  16. I'm watching on my laptop straight from LDS.org and don't have close captioning. Without it, I'm missing whole sentences when he stumbles on his words. It is really sad to see him so feeble.
  17. Conference is always the first weekend of April and the first weekend of October. Having Easter on Conference IS seen as extra awesomeness, because Conference is always so Christ-centered. We also had Easter themed lessons at church last week.
  18. 21. "No More Meltdowns" by Jed Baker, Ph.D. Recommended by the neuropysch. It addressed several very familiar sounding situations. I need to go back through once for each of my children, and try these solutions. 20. "Amazed by Grace" by Sheri Dew (LDS). 19. "Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler's Guide to Unshakable Peace" by Sarah Mackenzie. 18. "How to Become a Straight-A Student" by Cal Newport. 17. "Eight Plus One" by Robert Cormier. 16. "Unbroken" by Laura Hillenbrand. 15. "How to Train Your Dragon" by Cressida Cowell. 14. "As You Wish" by Cary Elwes. 13. "The Giver" by Lois Lowry. 12. "My Louisiana Sky" by Kimberly Willis Holt. 11. "Things I Overheard While Talking to Myself" by Alan Alda. 10. "When I Was Your Age" edited by Amy Ehrlich. 9. "Freak the Mighty" by Rodman Philbrick. 8. “Broken Things to Mend†by Jeffrey R. Holland (LDS) 7. “When You Can't Do It Alone†by Brent Top. (LDS) 6. “What to Do When You Worry Too Much†and “What to Do When Your Temper Flares†by Dawn Huebner, Ph.D.†5. “Tales of a Female Nomad†by Rita Golden Gelman. 4. “Heaven is for Real†by Todd Burpo. 3. "Your Happily Ever After" and "The Remarkable Soul of a Woman" by Dieter F. Uchtdorf. (LDS) 2. "Cliff-Hanger" by Gloria Skurzynski and Alane Ferguson. 1. "Rage of Fire" by Gloria Skurzynski and Alane Ferguson.
  19. Caffeine, chocolate, weekly visits with my therapist, church. Now that my oldest is 12, grocery shopping ALL BY MYSELF!
  20. For those who are already Granite Flats fans, Season 3 starts on Saturday!
  21. I'll second the Naot recommendation! And even though they look more delicate than Birks, in my experience, they hold up better.
  22. :grouphug: Definitely a flashback, not just a "weird flashback thing." My therapist told me recently that the difference between a memory, where you can remember what happened and what you felt, but you don't feel it again, and a flashback, where you do feel it again, as if it's happening again, is that you haven't fully resolved your feelings about the trauma behind a flashback. Soldiers aren't the only ones who get PTSD. Any trauma can cause it, and you don't even have to experience it directly. You can just be a witness. And there's another form called "Chronic PTSD." (The son of a friend of mine has that.) Regular PTSD is usually one very traumatic event, and Chronic PTSD is ongoing trauma, which doesn't have to be as severe. Instead, it is usually caused by being in a situation you feel helpless to escape. (So, like persistent childhood verbal abuse, or being a POW. Or, my friend's son, who witnessed her being abused by her ex-husband, but when he was too young to do anything about it.) Flashbacks are no fun and no fair -- after all, you already lived that once, why do you have to do it again? But they are a normal, natural reaction. My therapist says part of resolving them comes in acknowledging that the pain was real and a normal reaction to the trauma, and also recognizing what about the recent event triggered the memory. If he were your therapist, he'd be very pleased with your post, because you pretty much did that. :thumbup: And I hope that woman at church was just describing the temptation to use such a response, and that she never really would do so. It would make me wonder what might be in her background that such an answer would occur to her. It could be that she has no clue what those words would mean, but it could also be that she knows full well, but she's flippantly acknowledging that would be the first response that occurred to her. I know I have narrowly avoided parenting from my childhood on more than one occasion. And occasionally, not avoided it, and had to go back in for damage control.
  23. Thanks, everyone! I got just the tiniest bit teary-eyed to see your responses. It's a little easier to deal when you know you aren't the only one. I have a couple of real life friends who let me vent, but they don't really get what I deall with with the kids even. They see I do too much, and they absolutely don't get why there are some things I can't pass off to DH.
  24. . . . others like me who often feel like your spouse is another special needs child you have to deal with? I don't want to start a lot of bashing or complaining; I'm just needing to know I'm not the only one, because it was a really rough week.
  25. Grateful Dead in #1, 2, and 4. Wikipedia for "July 1972" in #3. This thread for #5. And I've never googled Grateful Dead from this computer and browser.
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