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Everything posted by lisabees

  1. Well, I reached out to Maya Inspektor. Now I am more confusticated! She recommended that dd not take an English course and just read, read, read and do creative writing for real audiences. She said that never again in her life will she have the time to read and write what she wants. This is very appealing to me. Here is a post I found, written by Inspektor, that also sums things up. http://www.pahomeschoolers.com/post3036.shtml Thoughts anyone?
  2. Julie - which years?! My daughter always loved MEP math in her early years.
  3. Big congrats to you and your family, Liza! Job well done! Now it's time for you...
  4. You are so thoughtful, pinkelement! And around here, if Maya Inspektor says something...:) Read, read, read. Thank you for the reminder and the change in perspective as we navigate this. Your details on the class are exactly what I'm looking for. I've also seen the syllabus, so I have a decent idea now. I sent an email to Lukeion, but they're away until June 7th. I know Julia Denne is highly regarded. I imagine her class to be a step up from Muse?
  5. I've seen it done both ways. But I've had admissions counselors say to only do the homeschool years - they want to be the ones to translate each transcript/experience separately. They are very accustomed to making sense of a variety of transcripts from applicants, so don't stress too much about it. When you try to combine both schools into one transcript, it can sometimes be confusing in weighting grades and giving the same kinds of credits. Oh - and know that a 3 credit DE class would be a 1 credit high school class. As far as GPA, you could provide two - one with the four years combined (If all else is equal; sometimes this can be tricky) or the two separate GPAs. Everyone's situation is so unique; there isn't one way to do it. Welcome to the board, btw! Enjoy!
  6. Thank you! pinkelement, you have pointed out the cause of my indecision. Writing course or Lit course with writing? My plan would be to have dd take AP Lang the next year. Lukeion would prepare her, right?
  7. My dd watched these in 7th or 8th grade. She really liked them! We have Great Courses Plus, so it wasn't a purchase decision for us. And she didn't do anything other than watch the videos. Sorry if that doesn't help much. ?
  8. Thank you both! DD would love the more creative writing aspect of Muse. Would the readings overwhelm her? Any suggestions to prepare her?
  9. I am looking for my rising 10th-grade dd. She has taken 4 Bravewriter classes this year and WTMA's Socratic Discussion and Creative Writing. She loves creative writing and will be attending a three-week writers workshop at Bard this summer. She wants to major in English. She has never been taught classically, however. I'd like her to be challenged (but not overwhelmed) and surrounded by others who are also engaged. She does love WTMA. Last year, she took a Lukeion workshop by Sue Fisher and LOVED her. So...I understand that WTMA's Rhetoric is considered a writing credit. The Muse is a literature series. Do they overlap? Do they stand alone? Would both classes at the same time be too much? Should I add the WTMA Lit if doing the Rhetoric class? I am happy to supplement with Bravewriter or Roy Speed (secular only here) if necessary. Two main questions (beyond the others swirling in my head): 1. If you have experience with either WTMA Rhetoric and/or Lukeion Muse series, would you kindly share? 2. For a 10th grader just getting her footing and identifying as an "English" person, how you would craft a year surrounded by writing and reading and language? She is my one kid who craves online classes...
  10. Bumping for you! I'm interested, too. DD15 is taking Bravewriter's Expository Essay class and she really likes it! She has loved every Bravewriter class. She is also in WTMA's Creative Writing class. It really changed everything for her. She, too, wants to be an English major. ?
  11. Jackie, you reminded me that I never used the term "honors" on the transcript and I noted why in the school profile. Grades were backed up in other ways, so it just wasn't important.
  12. Two additions to the above: A college-level textbook Rigorous in the level of thinking and output compared to a regular high school class. To me, it's not about fast work. And it's not about more work. It's about deeper work. I would look at various high school syllabi online for a better idea.
  13. I'd be happy to give you any trip reports or information if you'd like!
  14. Finally deposited yesterday. Didn't think the day would ever come; it's been a long haul. Where? Beloit College in Beloit, Wisconsin Why? DD loved it from the moment she stepped foot on campus. In fact, when we first arrived, we drove through campus and she enthusiastically said, "I LOVE Wisconsin!" We are from PA! She liked the students and the professors and the classroom engagement. She liked the unique housing opportunities and the theatre and dance departments as extracurriculars. Financially, it's a winner. She was accepted to Oberlin which is financially impossible. Beloit has a very similar feel to Oberlin. The main reason, I think, is that it is co-ed. Her top choice (out of the financially doable ones) had always been Agnes Scott. I think the idea of all women theatre and dance and life worried her in the end.
  15. Big shout out to The Accidental Coach/Scoutermom! She graciously picked up dd from our hotel and included her in a night out with other students. I will forever be grateful! Thank you. It was a pleasure meeting you!
  16. We just left Knox this morning!!!!! Soooo enthralled by that school! So very happy for you and your son. I chatted with a prospective math major yesterday ;) Knox made dd feel very torn; Agnes Scott, however, is still on top. We are appealing aid, so we'll see how that goes. We are currently in Beloit, Wisconsin for their admitted students days. This is it! Our last visit! ETA: Shoot! Have I ruined this thread with my TWO posts?! Yikes!
  17. My oh my! What great choices. Has she visited all three or will this be her first trip to Dickinson (love btw)? URoch is also wonderful - just different than small liberal arts colleges.
  18. Dang. Sorry about that! Our update: DD got accepted to Oberlin and Denison, but the cost makes them impossible. Next week, we visit Knox and Beloit. Her top choice so far is Agnes Scott. We'll see what next week brings!
  19. Well, well, well. Surprises here. DD got into Denison ($15,000 merit) AND Oberlin (0 merit). Neither will work out financially. Congrats to everyone! Hang in there for those still waiting. Not much time left. Fingers crossed!
  20. I don't recall any of my kids saying that an interviewer asked where else they were applying, although we did have one who asked for their SAT score. I was floored by that one! I've heard admissions officers say that 80% of their applicant pool could be a great fit, have the stats, etc. but the school can only accept a tiny percentage of them. There is so much beyond stats for many, many schools. My dd said recently that it's hard not to take rejections personally when they ask you to put yourself out there in such a personal, vulnerable way. OP, I am glad your dd has found a great fit in Hope College!
  21. Can you appeal for more merit or needs-based aid? Did you receive more at a peer institution? My son has loved his time there. :)
  22. Yeah, it's been tough for her. I love Agnes Scott, too! Dh and I rank it as number one...in our minds. ;)
  23. Hey - if you can convince her, that would be awesome!!! She has spent the past year dwelling on what she isn't rather than what she is (which by the way is wonderful). It is heartbreaking to watch her be miserable during this entire process. She has amazing acceptances - St John's College, Agnes Scott, Earlham, Beloit, College of Wooster, Knox, Susquehanna, Lawrence (and Denison just in with a yes, but not enough money). I was hoping a recent trip to Agnes Scott would excite her. It didn't. At all.
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