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    <p>All nurses welcome! If you are or have been a nurse, come on in here. </p> <p> There are more of us than you would think. </p> <p> Talk is not limited to "clinical" topics!</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>For those using Oak Meadow curriculum, adding OM to the classical mix, or those just curious about OM.</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>This group is for all Once Upon a Time and Once Upon a Time in Wonderland and Grimm!</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>This is a open public group for those using OneNote to plan and organize. Feel free to share ideas and templates. </p>
  • Public Club

    <p>Welcome to a place where Orthodox Christian homeschoolers can share resources and ideas for active learning and academic education. Please join us as you are able. This is not a forum for discussion of Orthodox doctrine and practice -- visit the Exploring Orthodox Christianity group for that. If you have few posts on the forum, please private message the moderator a bit about yourself and your interest in this social group. </p> <p> </p> <p>"Of all holy works, the education of children is the most holy." ~ St. Theophan the Recluse ~</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>For fans of the Outlander books and/or TV series</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>This is a group for those of us who have hit that 35+ mark and need new ideas for losing weight. We can post our meals, tips, exercises and results here. It is also a good place to get a good kick in the butt to get off the couch.</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>This group is for anyone currently eating or wanting to try eating Paleo or any of the other forms there of. Please feel free to ask questions or share recipes. </p>
  • Public Club

    <p>Support group for parents of children with known or suspected PANS/PANDAS.</p>
  • Public Club

    <p><span style="font-family:verdana, geneva, sans-serif;">​My name is Michele and I have two daughters. My youngest, a 14 year old started having what we thought were minor medical issues at the end of 2012. Initially she presented with a <a href="<___base_url___>/topic/448185-sudden-onset-of-double-vision-in-10-yo/?hl=+sudden%20+onset%20+double%20+vision" rel="">sudden onset of double vision </a>and some pressure type headaches. When I look back at that original thread to where we are now, 4 years later it brings up so many emotions! When I read back on what we were learning and all that info is so second nature to me now. There was a comment there about the ER doc telling me it was likely going to be a very long road, yeah, no kidding. I had no idea. Basically after the ER visit and CT scan we finally made our way to neurology who ran an MRI. At that point we were told she had crowding at the level of the foreman magnum and that she would outgrow it and no follow up would ever be needed. Makes me angry now. I started researching when I got home and that was the first time I had heard the word Chiari. At that time, I didn't know enough to push to see a neurosurgeon. At the end of 2013 she suffered a <a href="<___base_url___>/topic/497837-concussion-migraines-or-something-else-this-is-long-sorry/" rel="">whiplash concussion </a>jumping on a horse. At the end of 2014 she suffered a <a href="<___base_url___>/topic/535595-another-concussion-for-my-horse-kid/" rel="">2nd degree TBI </a>when she was thrown into a rail, head first off a horse. She has no memory of the accident. Things never got better after that, in fact they continued to get worse. 2015 was a rough year but I learned a lot. I look back on some of those posts and I feel I was very naïve. I am so much stronger now in terms of the medical world and fighting for what she needs. </span></p> <p> </p> <p><span style="font-family:verdana, geneva, sans-serif;">​In early 2016 she was diagnosed by a<a href="<___base_url___>/topic/587264-neurosurgeon-appointment-on-tuesday-new-update/" rel=""> neurosurgeon at Stanford that she had Chiari Malformation 1</a>. Since her first MRI in 2013 she has had so many, many more. Gradually the Chiari got worse with the two concussions and has continued to progress even in the last 6 months. </span></p> <p> </p> <p><span style="font-family:verdana, geneva, sans-serif;">​In the last year that she has been undergoing treatment at Stanford they have done 8 epidural blood patches because they feel that she has two CSF spinal leaks, one in her cervical and one in her thoracic spine. She has the post concussive issues still (like eye tracking), we have been told she has EDS although this hasn't been completely confirmed by a geneticist yet and she has the Chiari. She has also been confirmed as having PTSD. </span></p> <p> </p> <p><span style="font-family:verdana, geneva, sans-serif;">​In two weeks she will have decompression surgery for the Chiari. It is really sad that it took us 4 years to get to this place. I am hopeful that the surgery will finally provide her with some much needed relief so that my now 14 year old can start to enjoy life once again. </span></p> <p> </p> <p><span style="font-family:verdana, geneva, sans-serif;">​I would love to be able to connect with others! </span></p> <p> </p> <p>​Many Blessings,<br />Michele</p> <p> </p>
  • Public Club

    <p>This group is for parents of children who struggle with anxiety.</p>
  • Closed Club  ·  37 members  ·  Last active

    This club is for people with older teen or young adult kids on the autism spectrum, to discuss issues surrounding parenting these kids, transition to independence, lack of launch, employment, school, etc.
  • Public Club

    <p>This is a support, encouragement and informational group for WTM board participants who use positive discipline as the main approach to family life with their kids. Punitive, adversarial, or harsh parenting styles and authors will not be supported.</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>Come here for all things Pottermore! Board rules apply :)</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>A group where expectant mothers can share, get support, and enjoy each other's journey without the crazy stuff found in modern pregnancy and parenting forums. No shaming, ridiculing, or attacking allowed. All paths, be it an epidural starting in the second trimester to a free birth with dolphin midwives are welcome. </p>
  • Public Club

    <p>For those of us who are expecting and have due dates in 2012 or 2013, here's a place to share stories, symptoms, random thoughts, and to encourage and support each other. :)</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>This is a group for those of us WTM moms who are currently pregnant, or trying to get pregnant! OR if you are "not preventing" you are also welcome.</p>
  • Open Club  ·  29 members  ·  Last active

    Encouragement, resource sharing, discussion - a place for those who don't quite fit into the normal Christian box. (Icon Photo used with permission - by Rod Long on Unsplash)
  • Closed Club  ·  36 members  ·  Last active

    Entering a child in public or private school after homeschooling is a journey many homeschool families make, but there's less guidance/support than there is for when we entered homeschooling. I want this to be a safe place where those who have homeschooled and then had a child try public school to talk about their experience, ask advice, etc. If you have homeschooled, and have any children who are now in public or private school, or are considering sending one of your children back to traditional school, or have always had a mix of homeschooled and public/private schooled children, then you are welcome to join this club.

  • Public Club

    <p>For everyone who wants to continue the discussion from *that* thread. This group is a conversation on how we continue to educate our children and ourselves on what it means to pursue beauty, truth and virtue within our homeschool.</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>For parents trying to adapt classical methods to quirky kids.</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>"The word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and their marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart." (Heb. 4:12) I want to keep this group for Christians to feel free to quote scripture, etc. as it applies to their parenting. Any techniques or books that speak to you are welcome. I am currently very impressed with Boundaries for Kids. Raising Godly Tomatoes was the first parenting book I read with a Biblical view, but other views are more than welcome. I actually disagree with the emphasis on spanking. Disagreeing with aspects of the book as it applies to your individual children is acceptable. ie: (That does not work for us, but it is okay if it works for you.)</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>This group is for the discussion and encouragement of Christians who believe in the rapture of the church.<br />We will be coming from a pre-tribulation perspective, but also welcome discussion if you hold an alternative view (pre-wrath, post-trib, mid-trib..). This is a group for end-time related discussion. Please free to share relevant articles on current events.</p>
  • Public Club  ·  Last active

    A place to gather links to the recipe and food related threads from the Chat Board
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