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Closed Club · 20 members · Last active
A closed club for Hive Writers, pre-published or post-published, or even if publishing is not a goal and you like to write Harry Potter fanfic or poetry about your Maine Coon Cat. This will be an utterly safe place to be share parts of our tender writings. No unkindness will be tolerated. If it's not your style, just say that - "I'm not a good one to ask because Goth Erotica is not in my wheelhouse." This is for fiction and non-fiction writers; long or short form. I will try to have a discussion point on here weekly but also, please don't wait around for me; I'm busy like we all are.
Closed Club · 183 members · Last active
Being the parent of an older teen or adult child can be just as challenging as many other stages of parenthood. This group is for parents of young people age 17 and up. I hope that this space can be a safe place to vent and process these challenges, while also soliciting feedback from other parents who are in the trenches or who have been there and made it through this struggle . I also hope that we can rejoice with one another when we manage to muddle through these challenges. I'm hoping that there are some other parents out there who can offer commiseration, gentle suggestions, support, and empathy when I'm struggling and I'd love to offer some to someone else who's in the same boat. I picture this group as a circle of people, sitting around a fireplace, sipping tea, coffee or hot cocoa. When our sister weeps, we hold her hand. When one shares a victory, we rejoice together. When someone asks for feedback, we gently mention things that may have worked for our family or something we read that might be of help. -
Public Club
"Creativity is Intelligence having Fun." by Albert Einstein He is one of my favorite people. He was a genius with a funny side. I'm starting this club to discuss art in the homeschool environment. What are your thoughts? Is visual art really that important to the homeschool curriculum? Is homeschool art just about making crafts? I hope that we can discuss these questions with each other. -
Closed Club · 36 members · Last active
Entering a child in public or private school after homeschooling is a journey many homeschool families make, but there's less guidance/support than there is for when we entered homeschooling. I want this to be a safe place where those who have homeschooled and then had a child try public school to talk about their experience, ask advice, etc. If you have homeschooled, and have any children who are now in public or private school, or are considering sending one of your children back to traditional school, or have always had a mix of homeschooled and public/private schooled children, then you are welcome to join this club.