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DawnM last won the day on May 8

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    Family, Travel, friends, people, work

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    North Carolina
  • Interests
    Sewing, Scrapbooking, Snow Skiing, Photography
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    School Counselor

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  1. I would think most throw them out. If you really needed some, amazon sells them new. 🤣
  2. Wish I could have given you my dad's.....he had a huge zip lock full of old rubber bands, some of them fell apart before I even got them out of the bag and sorted.
  3. My friend went today and it seemed fine she said. She got everything she went for.
  4. I grew up without. Not because we couldn't afford it, but because of where I grew up. We had to make month long hauls of supplies at times. There were no grocery stores nearby. We would travel 1.5 hours to get to a country type store with a list you handed to the guy and then you would come back a few hours later and collect your box of what you put on the list. So yeah, I probably have some pent up trauma around this.
  5. It has been on the news as nationwide. Friends in VA, OH, KS, etc....are all reporting this is going on. The news has specifically stated this is due to the strike.
  6. I have mentioned California twice in this thread.
  7. It is a teacher workday today and I will go in but I don't need to go in for the whole day. Lunch with a friend at the Asian food court (I have been a couple of times and it is SO awesome, something like 20+ Asian restaurants all in one place!). Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Filipino, Korean, pretty much everything but Indian. I wish they included Indian, but whatever. Trader Joe's run Petsmart for dog food Pick A's prescription Laundry A needs a bath tonight Decide on our trip to VA for tomorrow (long day and drive home or stay the night? I can't decide). We are heading up to help son with his car.
  8. DawnM


    Wordle 1,203 4/6 ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ 🟩⬜⬜🟨🟨 🟩🟩⬜🟩⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  9. Wanna hear something funny? I had a bridal shower at my parents' church back when I was engaged. The theme was "kitchen items" and several gave me lovely gifts. I am very short, so one brought me a step ladder. (Honestly, that is one of the gifts I really remember because I used it all the time!). One of my friends lived in the area and didn't get the memo since she wasn't a member of that church, nor did she know anyone there. She gave me silk/sexy PJs. To a kitchen party. It was hilarious!
  10. Just seeing this now. I am so thankful she is doing better. Praying for a complete recovery.
  11. If they are under 25 they can be on yours, not sure if that saves any money, but I have a 24 year old on mine now and they said this is the last year.
  12. That is what I signed up for yesterday. DH and I have had basic all these years. We upped it. It was over $200 for the 4 of us, but whatever.
  13. Our insurance seems to say that they include towing due to an accident but not just for service to your vehicle, but I will call to make sure.
  14. Right. I am just saying that none of our 4 (previously 5) cars have used it but one. AAA is a safety net, I understand that. We simply haven't needed it. I doubt we will even use 4 per year for anything ever. We have had ONE in 20 years of having AAA. I got a flat once after midnight with the kids in the car and called my husband, who was asleep. He said, "Don't we have AAA?" hahahahaha. So I called them. It was late, I had kids in the car, and it took them over an hour to arrive.
  15. Not if it is nationwide. Not every state is prepping.
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