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Sugar and Carbs


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What "diet" would I be looking at if I were to vastly decrease intake?  I think I want "eat this" "don't eat that" type information...


There are so many diet names now and I'm not looking to diet - but I am looking to get back on track with what I'm eating and feeding my family.


Sugar eating in this house lately is out of control and the foods that are carbs are just very confusing altogether for me.



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Sugar is a carb.


Eating low levels of added sugar is the normally recommended "heathy diet". Eating less sugar automatically means that you will be eating less carbs.


Low carb varies from moderate versions to total exclusion.


One point of variance is that sugar is a natural component of things like fruit and milk. Therefore these things are "carbs" but diets vary in how they respond to that. Most people don't think of fruit and dairy as carbs, but near-total-exclusion strategies will make sure to exclude them along with grains and starch-veggies.


They also vary with their reaction to legumes.


Honestly, the best changes are about focusing on *adding* good stuff (or swapping for better stuff) rather than excluding. Reducing portion sizes or re-adjusting proportions works too. "Yes" diets are more effective than "no" diets.

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I have found this book very helpful. She is so encouraging, and her principles are not difficult to put into practice. I could never leave off sugar because within a day I felt horrible. But with this plan I could. I do not do the 'potato' step because I don't need it, and I am pre-diabetic. Also, the one time I am not tempted to eat is after dinner at night--I just don't want anything after that. 


Her website, http://www.radiantrecovery.com/ has a lot of the information on it that is in the book.


I have since cut way back on flour products, and am having some great success at both controlling my blood sugar and losing weight. I do eat fruit in moderation, and some grains, mainly oats.

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