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Whats the best yoga for low back pain DVD?

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Are you only interested in yoga? I have really struggle with lower back pain... a couple years ago I actually tore a muscle in my lower back....shudder... but it wasn't yoga that helped me strengthen my back.


So, I understand that if yoga is what you love and how you want to spend your time then you are only interested in yoga. There is a lot of great yoga out there. But, if you are asking because everyone says to do yoga for back pain, but you are open to other things, let me know. :001_smile:

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Are you only interested in yoga? I have really struggle with lower back pain... a couple years ago I actually tore a muscle in my lower back....shudder... but it wasn't yoga that helped me strengthen my back.


So, I understand that if yoga is what you love and how you want to spend your time then you are only interested in yoga. There is a lot of great yoga out there. But, if you are asking because everyone says to do yoga for back pain, but you are open to other things, let me know. :001_smile:



I plan to learn yoga and belly dancing:) Turns out my nasty back pain is being caused by my lower back not being fused like it should be (the bones are not even touching, its a complete something or other, I'd have to get the xray report) and I have moderate scoliosis of my mid and upper back. Dr ordered a brace for my lower back but I can't get into the clinic till the 1st and I know long term I need to work on muscle strength to support my upper body since my spine can't without pain.

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I plan to learn yoga and belly dancing:) Turns out my nasty back pain is being caused by my lower back not being fused like it should be (the bones are not even touching, its a complete something or other, I'd have to get the xray report) and I have moderate scoliosis of my mid and upper back. Dr ordered a brace for my lower back but I can't get into the clinic till the 1st and I know long term I need to work on muscle strength to support my upper body since my spine can't without pain.



Be sure you take care to use proper posture in a bellydance class. It's great for your back because it strengthens your core and teaches it to do some of the work your back has been trying to do alone. However, if you try to dance using your regular standing posture it can cause problems. If your bellydance teacher gives you a blank stare when you ask about posture RUN.

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Be sure you take care to use proper posture in a bellydance class. It's great for your back because it strengthens your core and teaches it to do some of the work your back has been trying to do alone. However, if you try to dance using your regular standing posture it can cause problems. If your bellydance teacher gives you a blank stare when you ask about posture RUN.



No classes around here, figured it would be a DVD or youtube, any suggestions? I never thought of postures ect.

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I purchased this viniyoga DVD last year, and I love it!


That actually made my back worse and exacerbated my pulled pelvis. But Rachel Brice's Serpentine DVD has a great Viniyoga routine. If you have a medical issue to the pain, ask your doctor first.


I really like Janet Stone's DVDs and I got a new Ann Brett one that's ok. Those aren't specifically for the lower back, but they have helped with my SI joint problems.

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Try this video. It's the first I found, you could watch several and get the idea.




To this, I would add that your shoulders should be on top of your hips (don't lean forward or back). Check this sideways in a mirror because you won't always feel the lean. Also, hold your head so that it would balance on your neck even if it wasn't attached (so no leaning forward or back here either).


It'll feel like a weird way to stand until you get used to it, but it makes everything better and safer if you nail the posture. Also, don't get frustrated at the video lessons. Regular classes are generally MUCH easier to follow, so if you get discouraged just know that it's not you, it's the format.

Edited by KungFuPanda
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