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History Of England


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My nine year old son expressed an interest in learning the history of Englad. Where would I start? What resources? What are favorites?


I thought of Yesterday's Classics: Our Island Story. I also thought of some biographies of the monarchy...


I would really appreciate it if anyone could share ideas.


Thanks so much,


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I'm studying the kings and queens of England right now with my 6yo, so I've done some research on this.


We loved Tony Robinson's Hutchinson Book of Kings and Queens.


It is a very fun read with a brief overview of each monarch.


Right now we're reading Marshall's Kings and Things, which is also wonderful.



The Ladybird Book of Kings and Queens is also very good and gives a little more info than the other two, but is maybe not such a 'fun' read, slightly more academic and less whimsical.



For history of England, Our Island Story was very good. You can buy it or read it online at Baldwin Project.



I've also looked at Brittania which looks very good. I don't know if you're familiar with McCaughrean, but she's a great writer.



Yesterday I was at the library and saw The Usborne History of Britain, which look excellent, written in typical Usborne style.



There was also a Kingfisher History of Britain, which I didn't look at too closely because I had to get out of there before I started spending money we don't have. ;)



Hope that helps.

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What a find, Abbey--thank you! :001_smile:


Keep an eye out for her "Heroes and Heroines" too -- it's one that I like even more! But I believe it's out of print... Oooh, and for American history, there's Rosemary and Stephen Vincent Benet's "Book of Americans"... :D

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I also recommend Our Island Story.


One thing I wish I had done was have my dc memorize the list of British monarchs. My oldest ds got awfully bogged down in all the Henrys. :) Having their names memorized before he started studying would have helped.

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I also recommend Our Island Story.
And Scotland's Story, also by Marshall. Among others, there are some great chapters on First War of Scottish Independence that can be weaved into OIS. My bloodthirsty little one loves to hear about the English getting slaughtered, so there's no doubt where her sympathies lie.
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And Scotland's Story, also by Marshall. Among others, there are some great chapters on First War of Scottish Independence that can be weaved into OIS. My bloodthirsty little one loves to hear about the English getting slaughtered, so there's no doubt where her sympathies lie.




Even though it's a favorite here, I always hesitate to recommend Scotland's Story just because there IS so much fighting and gore.


What does that say about our kids, eh? :001_huh:;)

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I also recommend Our Island Story.


One thing I wish I had done was have my dc memorize the list of British monarchs. My oldest ds got awfully bogged down in all the Henrys. :) Having their names memorized before he started studying would have helped.


Good point! Drew's book Living Memory has the monarch poem. I'll have to bookmark that one...

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I have no idea if it is still there but there was a UK SL yahoo group and someone had done a whole year of british History done the SL way. Our Island story was the core, and Kingfisher I think.
If anyone has the booklist for this, I'd love to see it.



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