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Anyone with 4 c-sections?

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We just found out we are having our fourth baby. I am very nervous and excited. This was a very unexpected pregnancy and I am not in the shape that I wanted to be. I had hoped to wait until my youngest was nearly 2 before trying again to ensure I was ready to handle the physical stress.


My second c/s was a dream. I left the hospital 24hrs after delivery and lost all the weight within a month. I was able to exercise by 8 weeks and I felt incredible.

I had a very hard recovery with my 3rd c-section. I had problems with healing and got a uterine infection that was horrible. I was in very good shape and ate well but for whatever reason it was a nightmare afterwards. I was unable to do any exercising until my dd was close to 1yr without pain at the incision site and even now if I move just right it will pull awkwardly.


Any advice on how to make recovery go smoothly this time? Any tips or tricks that you found worked for you?


I plan to start walking daily and have already cut out sugars and most breads. I want to be as strong and healthy as possible when I go this time.

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Yep, 4 C-sections here. The feelings you are having are scar tissue. After my fourth C-section, my doctor took the time to remove a lot of the scar tissue from the previous C-sections before sewing me up. I haven't had any pulling or weird sensations around my scar area since.


I don't really know why some recoveries are easier than others. With two of mine (1st and 3rd), I got over it really quickly and was doing housework in a week. My 2nd was the worst. Family took turns coming over for three weeks and my mil was last. I cried when she left - and I don't get along with my mil at all! I'm not sure why some of my recoveries were so much easier than others.


Good luck and I'm wishing you a quick recovery time!

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We just found out we are having our fourth baby. I am very nervous and excited. This was a very unexpected pregnancy and I am not in the shape that I wanted to be. I had hoped to wait until my youngest was nearly 2 before trying again to ensure I was ready to handle the physical stress.


My second c/s was a dream. I left the hospital 24hrs after delivery and lost all the weight within a month. I was able to exercise by 8 weeks and I felt incredible.

I had a very hard recovery with my 3rd c-section. I had problems with healing and got a uterine infection that was horrible. I was in very good shape and ate well but for whatever reason it was a nightmare afterwards. I was unable to do any exercising until my dd was close to 1yr without pain at the incision site and even now if I move just right it will pull awkwardly.


Any advice on how to make recovery go smoothly this time? Any tips or tricks that you found worked for you?


I plan to start walking daily and have already cut out sugars and most breads. I want to be as strong and healthy as possible when I go this time.


I have 3, but I have experieneced the scar tissue discomfort. I was told that as much as it hurts that you should massage it alot in the beginning to help with discomfort down the road. I don't know if this is true, so take it with a grain of salt. My doctor said that she doesn't really like to do more than 3 c-sections. Go figure. We have plans to adopt. I think that I would be comfortable with a 4th c-section and a different doctor. I have had 5 abdominal surgeries. 3 c-sections, 1 appendix, and 1 for endometriosis. I have always recovered really well. Thank you Lord!

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4 here. I am always a little scared going into surgery, but dr said I could have as many as I wanted. I heal well. Of course I always take the pain pills they give me diligently.;) Seriously, for me, as long as I stayed on top of the pain, I was able to walk and do more which in turn allowed for a quicker healing. [hows that for a long sentece?]

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4 here. I am always a little scared going into surgery, but dr said I could have as many as I wanted. I heal well. Of course I always take the pain pills they give me diligently.;) Seriously, for me, as long as I stayed on top of the pain, I was able to walk and do more which in turn allowed for a quicker healing. [hows that for a long sentece?]


I typically only use the meds through the IV and then the strong stuff for a few days. After that, I have found that Aleve does wonders.

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I've had several sections as well and agree with what others have said. The recoveries vary. After my last c-sec they spent a half hour plus cutting away excess scar tissue and adhesions. I no longer have a tugging sensation. Also if you've moved or needed to change docs at all (I did between all of mine) make sure that you get all the old surgical records sent. My last OB joked that he needed to map his entry and exit due to the previous surgeries, lol.

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I have had three - and the scar tissue PAIN came during the first twin pregnancy, when adhesions I did not even know I had form an earlier fibroid removal were stretched. When the twins were c-sectioned out of me, the doc. took the time to remove the adhesions, too.

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I've had 4. My last one was the easiest and best because I got an old salt of a doctor who did an excellent job, and I had lots of help so I could rest and get my milk to come in. For me it was always difficult to get my milk to come in before the baby began to starve. This last time I had lots of milk and I attribute it to lots of help and rest after the surgery. My baby is now 1 and 1/2 and I'm still sore around the incision area. I think I always will be ?? it seems like it has always been sore around there, and I have a bulge of fat or tissue or both above the scar line that has always been there too.


Some things that helped me get through the 4th c-section besides help was that I was completely prepared in every way. I schooled through the summer of my pregnancy so that I would not have to do school for 3 months after the birth, and I just made sure our home was in order, and that I had lots of help, and I made sure everyone knew that mommy was going to heal and enjoy the baby, and the rest of the family was to enjoy the baby too, everything else went on the back burner.


I hope you too can relax and enjoy the baby. For us it was our last one, so we really savored every minute, and we still do - he's still a baby to me.

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Thanks for the replies.


I know after my second the dr said I had normal/minimal scar tissue and I have wondered if I have more build up this time. I will have to talk to him when I go in for my appointment. I had voiced concerns last year about the pain and he told me to massage the area too. I do that still anytime I get the pain. He also mentioned that the Dr who did the section ties the knot in a weird way and uses a different type of suture thread that dissolves slower. He said that I might feel pain for up to a year.


So anyway I guess I will continue to do what I am doing and really just take care of myself. I know probably more than anything I need to get my mental state regarding the c-section to a happy positive spot. I think that had A LOT of bearing on my recouvery last time.

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