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It's going to be a long night.......

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Dh and the kids go to grandma's for pizza on Tuesday night, so I fix my own dinner, watch a sci-fi movie by myself and am generally a bum. It's been ages since I've had any rum and coke, and we actually had coke in the house so I mixed a drink.


Now I sitting here watching Alien, waiting for my favorite dinner and took a big sip of my drink, only to discover that what ever I mixed with my coke is not rum. Cheapie that I am I will not pour it out, and I'm too lazy to get off my fanny to see what I put in my drink.


So tonight instead of Rumudamom I guess I'm somethingelsemom.

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I'm right there with you. Just put the kids to bed. Taquitos in the oven (woohoo) and my brother's coming over to work in the garage with my dh, so I rented Benjamin Button and that's about my night, too.


Sorry about your drink...:lol:

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