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I need to buy a microscope... suggestions please

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I need to buy a microscope for my daughter's 7th grade science for next year. I want to buy a good one that she can use for the rest of her schooling throughout highschool, but am pretty clueless about what makes a good microscope "good". I would be so grateful for some advice/suggestions. I would like to keep it under $300.00 if possible.


So far I have been looking at this one, but like I said, I really dont' know what I should be looking for in a microscope. Is this a good one? http://www.hometrainingtools.com/products/5820-home-microscope


Thank you all so much for the advice. :)

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The one from the Sonlight is good. The one from Apologia is good. And the one that Home Training Tools recommends for Apologia Biology is good - which now that I found it, is in fact the one you linked. :)


I have not gotten my kids a microscope yet but will either order the one directly from Apologia or the one from hometrainingtools.

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400X for $200?!?!?!

When I was a kid my microscope went to 1500!

What can you see with 400?

Karen brings up a good point here. If you have a child that you think has a future in any science that requires microscopy then I would invest in a scope that has a 100x oil immersion lens as well as the standard 10x and 40x lenses. Cell structure and detail is best viewed under oil immersion (100x=1000). 40x or 400 is fine for most parasites, general cell populations, differentiating between types of cells, etc. But there is greater detail to be found at 100x. Just my opinion. I had a great Olympus binocular professional scope that I bought when I entered vet school twenty years ago. I sold it for a plane ticket to South America! If only I had known I was going to homeschool my kids!!!!

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