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Just got some very sad news

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Less than two months ago, my dear uncle was diagnosed with a particularly agressive form of cancer. He has excellent doctors, qualified for an experimental therapy - they thought they had a shot at beating it, or at least slowing it down to give him some time.


Today I found out he's going to hospice, and the doctors are guessing he will live about a month.


I hate cancer.:mad:

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Welcome to the "I hate cancer" club. Sorry you have to join. It just sucks. My fil is dying of stomach cancer. It is so awful. :grouphug:


I'm sorry you're going through this with your fil.


I can't believe how quickly this happened. The doctors were so optimistic, but the disease had other ideas.

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I'm another member of the club. I have a dear family member just diagnosed yesterday, right on the heels of her previous surgery and chemo. It stinks. I'm so sorry about your uncle. There just aren't words to describe the feelings of sadness.


I'm reading a book called "Cancer: Step Outside the Box", and it is really scary. It alleges consipracy in the medical community to keep cancer patients alive and being treated, but not cured, since that's more profitable for the businesses involved. If the assertions are even partially true, it's horrifying.


There's a lot more to the book than just that aspect, but that one gives me chills.




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Less than two months ago, my dear uncle was diagnosed with a particularly agressive form of cancer. He has excellent doctors, qualified for an experimental therapy - they thought they had a shot at beating it, or at least slowing it down to give him some time.


Today I found out he's going to hospice, and the doctors are guessing he will live about a month.


I hate cancer.:mad:



Cancer does suck.

Hospice is excellent care - and I have had patients live quite a bit longer AND BETTER once they were with us.

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I am so sorry about your uncle. I pray the passing days are full of joy for him and that his passing is calm and peaceful when that time comes.


I was talking to a dear woman today at co-op whose daughter was diagnosed with a brain tumor at the age of 21 when she was pregnant with her second child. She fought it for over 5 years and lost the battle when she was only 26 years old. Her kids are now 11 and 9. It breaks my heart.



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:grouphug: So sorry. I've been a member since 1997 when my oldest bro passed away at 27 and renewed my card last year when a dear friend passed away at 23. Regardless of the age you just hate the cancer more and more each day. But as that hate grows you wil see that your love for your uncle will grow as well. I wish I could say something to make it easier, I can offer you my prayers and understanding though. And yes Cancer does suck.



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I am a member of that club too. My son is a cancer survivor and will finish his chemo next year in March; he is 3. We have several little friends on hospice, two with no options left but not on hospice, and we have cried with more families than I care to think about at the moment in the last 2 years over losses. Even those that survive are never the same. Cancer sucks!


So sorry for your uncle and your family. Hospice is wonderful, and they are so great with pain management.

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Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and for sharing your experiences. My heart breaks to hear that so many of you have gone through this with loved ones, and you are all in my prayers as well.


My uncle took a turn for the worse today. He is having multiple organ failure and will not make it to hospice. Not one of us in the family saw this coming, not even him. He was fine one day and incredibly sick the next.


This experience has been eye opening, heart wrenching, full of hope and full of despair. I am realizing that he has no fight left and that he wants to be at peace ... but it's still really hard to stop praying for a miracle.

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Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and for sharing your experiences. My heart breaks to hear that so many of you have gone through this with loved ones, and you are all in my prayers as well.


My uncle took a turn for the worse today. He is having multiple organ failure and will not make it to hospice. Not one of us in the family saw this coming, not even him. He was fine one day and incredibly sick the next.


This experience has been eye opening, heart wrenching, full of hope and full of despair. I am realizing that he has no fight left and that he wants to be at peace ... but it's still really hard to stop praying for a miracle.


:grouphug: My hear gos out to you and your family.

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Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and for sharing your experiences. My heart breaks to hear that so many of you have gone through this with loved ones, and you are all in my prayers as well.


My uncle took a turn for the worse today. He is having multiple organ failure and will not make it to hospice. Not one of us in the family saw this coming, not even him. He was fine one day and incredibly sick the next.


This experience has been eye opening, heart wrenching, full of hope and full of despair. I am realizing that he has no fight left and that he wants to be at peace ... but it's still really hard to stop praying for a miracle.

Oh, my. I'm so sorry to hear that it's happening so quickly. Not that it's good for him to linger, but it's so shocking when it's fast.


Peace to all of you,


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