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Needing Encouragement...

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I really miss homeschooling. We put our dd in ps this year because, at the beginning of the school year, dh asked me to go back to work. I did find a temporary job. That has since ended and, presently, I do not need to work. In fact, I asked dh to please NOT ask me to go back to work unless we absolutely needed the income.


At any rate, I really prayed about homeschooling for the upcoming school year. My dd will be in 5th grade and ds will be in Kindergarten. Well, my dh was not supportive, and after much more prayer, I feel as though I should put dc in the ps for one more year.


However, *I* feel kind of 'out of sorts' about this. I know that I would enjoy, for a time, having the day 'to myself' but, at the same time, I see what's happening in the public schools, and am not thrilled.


I guess maybe I'm looking for a 'banner from God' that says, "Yes, I said put your kids in public school for now." LOL


I don't know. Thanks for reading my rambling!

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Why did you homeschool back when you were doing so? Are those reasons still valid?


Why does your dh want your kids in the ps - now that you are not working outside of the home?


You and your dh need to talk about this extensively, I think. You said that you've prayed - so look at pros and cons of homeschooling vs. ps from God's perspective.


Personally, I don't think that I can tell you what you and your family should do. And I can't tell you how to resolve yourself to one scenario or the other.


I could tell you why we feel like God wants us to homeschool but that might not be relative to your situation.

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I guess maybe I'm looking for a 'banner from God' that says, "Yes, I said put your kids in public school for now."

If after talking to your dh extensively, in great detail, exhaustively, he still wants the dc in public school, that's your banner from God.

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I would ask my dh why he didn't want me to homeschool and then go from there. Sometimes the answers are more than we expect. For a time my dh wanted me to put ds in ps. I just couldn't understand why. When I finally asked (when thre discussion wasn't heated) it was because he came home after his own stressful day to a disaster, me upset and frustrated, and essentially all he heard was the negatives. He decided that if it was causing that much stress and heartache for me then ds needed to be somewhere else so I could have a break. Once I started sharing the positives, restructured my day, and changed my attitude not only did my day go better, but his desire for me to homeschool returned.


Your dh may have completely different reasons however. Financial fears may be one. Homeschooling is expensive.

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Aubrey, yes he is. It's not that he doesn't want me to, at least, that's not what he said. He just kind of hemmed and hawed when I mentioned it. Considering that HE was the one to first suggest it, before we even had kids, I asked him why he did. He said it was because his mom was so pro-homeschool. She and his dad had helped found a very small, private Christian school and his older sister was, at the time, homeschooling her kids.

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Why did you homeschool back when you were doing so? Are those reasons still valid?


We started homeschooling because the charter school that dd went to at the time was closing. As I prayed and prayed, and then finally asked dh what he thought we should do, he asked me if I'd considered homeschooling. I took that as affirmation and so we hs'd for a few years. We have since put dd in a charter then ps because I thought she was dyslexic and I didn't know how to help her with that. I have since discovered that she is dyslexic but not as severely as I thought.


I do not have the same reasons for wanting to hs now but my reasons are still valid.


Why does your dh want your kids in the ps - now that you are not working outside of the home?


Good question. I should ask him that!


You and your dh need to talk about this extensively, I think. You said that you've prayed - so look at pros and cons of homeschooling vs. ps from God's perspective.


Thank you for that advice. I will do that.


Personally, I don't think that I can tell you what you and your family should do. And I can't tell you how to resolve yourself to one scenario or the other.


I could tell you why we feel like God wants us to homeschool but that might not be relative to your situation.


Whether or not it relates to my situation, I'd still like to hear it! :001_smile:





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Scrapbookbuzz asked "Whether or not it relates to my situation, I'd still like to hear it!"


The reasons I started and continue to homeschool:


1. I believe that God wants parents to be ultimately in charge of their children's education. I don't delegate well! (And I recognize that some people do want to or need to delegate this task to schools and teachers who will do a good job).


2. I want to be the one who socializes my child - for them to look for me for cues on how to handle people and social situations.


3. I want to teach my dc at their own pace.


4. I want to teach my dc more rigorously than most schools I've seen and reviewed (and yes, I reviewed our local schools).


5. I want my dc to have a godly worldview. I don't use much "religious curricula" per se but history and science are often related to the Bible. Even their behavior at "recess" is related to the Bible!


6. It is more efficient. (This is something I've discovered as time has gone by). It is easier for us to get school, family life, ministry done as we can be flexible.


It isn't easy to homeschool at times but the pros and cons of homeschooling have always outweighed the pros and cons of public schooling for us. We can't afford private schooling but I did check that out too (just dreaming. . .) and I think homeschooling outweighs that too for us.

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The book that firmed my resolve is called Hold Onto Your Kids, Why Parents Need to Matter More than Kids.


by Gordon Neufeld and Gabor Mate.


Read and ask your husband to read. Then talk to him about sexting and everything he probably did as a teen.


I truly believe we hand our precious children over to the school system on a silver platter when they're young and pliable and then, when the kids become teens, wonder why they're struggling. And the school system, after insisting on taking so much control for years, has the nerve to blame the parents. (Maybe we should be blamed for giving them to ps in the first place.)


I don't think we're extremists for seeing a cause and effect relationship between public school and kids who fall into the wrong kind of behavior. You don't have to look at the worst cases to see problems w/ tweens and teens.


Hang in there,



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The book that firmed my resolve is called Hold Onto Your Kids, Why Parents Need to Matter More than Kids.


by Gordon Neufeld and Gabor Mate.





I'm reading that and Protecting the Gift right now...both are powerful. Hold Onto Your Kids is really affirming me as to why I'm doing this. I'd recommend it to those considering homeschooling.

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First of all a big hug to you :) Since you said you spent time in prayer over it and felt as though you should put your dc back in school -- and your husband really wants to -- I'd go with that, too.


I think everything in life is for a season. Maybe later you will return to homeschooling and then again, maybe not. But, if you've prayed about it and your husband is firm about public school... looks like there is your answer.


Maybe your husband will change his perspective on homeschooling and be supportive of it later. I'd would enjoy the time you'll have alone in the day next school year. You can always volunteer to be a classroom mom, do the PTA, etc. if you desired. Just enjoy this new season in your life and make the best of it. Take one step at a time and just worry about next years education. The next year, you and hubby can approach the next year then. Maybe he'll come around and then you'll both feel good about the decision.

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Ahh, the Lord has heard the desires of my heart! While the education conundrum has yet to be firmly decided for next school year, I have had the blessing of time this week to spend with my kiddos reading to them from the Lewis & Clark Expedition and Story of the World Vol. I. My dd (in ps) was even home for 2 days due to having a virus. I didn't **push** anything, just read to them and asked them questions about what we read. I loved it! And they seemed to enjoy it, too! I am SO thankful for even this little bit! Thank You, Lord!

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Is it wrong to feel happy/hopeful because my dd express dislike for public school today?


I think part of it has to do with I've kept her home for the past two days to recover from a virus and so she hasn't had to "do" any lessons, although I did read from SOTW and The Lewis&Clark Expedition to my children and asked them questions about it. Plus, the school year is winding down (about 4 weeks to go) and I'm sure all the kids know it!


However, I was secretly cheering that she expressed an interest in coming back to homeschooling. Mainly, she said school wasn't fun. I agreed that learning should be fun. And, she acknowledged that through homeschooling she'd had more 'real' friends.


After we discussed it for a bit, I thanked her for sharing her feelings with me and told her I would think about what she said. (I was so excited!)


Now, to pray on it more and discuss it with the hubby, at length!


Thanks for listening to me ramble!:D

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  • 2 weeks later...

UPDATE (for those that are interested): While I still have the desire to homeschool, my husband has strongly encouraged me, AGAIN, to look for a job. Ugh. Anyway, here is what I have decided to do, since we've talked about homeschooling a few times more since my original post and have reached a stalemate. I will put my kids in ps, at least for next year (albeit, reluctantly), and look for a job that my dh thinks I qualify for (he has lofty goals for me). I plan on doing either some morning schooling or afterschooling with the kiddos so they can learn some of the things that I want them to learn.


Perhaps by the middle or end of next year my husband will see my side of the story.


For those of you that follow Jesus, please pray for all of us. Me, that I can do this willingly (because right now I'm pretty resistant). For my husband, to understand my perspective, or, at least, value my input. For my kids, that they will have teachers who love them and that my kids will be willing to do the work assigned.


Thank you!

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