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A HS Moment: Bald eagle in our neighborhood!

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My husband left for work this morning and then returned almost immediately to tell us that there was an eagle in a tree down the street. We hopped into the car and drove down there--and sure enough, there he was! Naturally we forgot the camera, so I had to drive home and then back there again. With our 5x zoom, I was able to get some decent pictures (I'm no photographer). I'm going to see if I can attach two pictures here.





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Aren't they handsome creatures? We have the good fortune of being able to see them fairly often here, but each time, they get a huge reaction from all of us. Of course, we react big at the sight of almost anything we see in the natural world. Wild turkey, opossum, hawk, stray cat -- we still stop what we're doing and shout "Oh, LOOOK!!!" The funniest is when it's a deer, and someone shouts, "Oh, DEER!" That one always gets the lecture --- "Ok, remember, you have to qualify those, otherwise, Mom thinks she's going to run over something in the road." :rolleyes:


Here's hoping you see many more!



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Yes, they sure are magnificent. Regal. He chose just about the tallest tree in our subdivision. I'm glad I had at least some zooming capability in the camera. I guess seeing an eagle in the wild is a perk of moving to the Pacific Northwest. There are a few in Virginia (where I used to live) but they are very rare and you typically have to hike in and sit for days to see one (which we never did).


The funny thing is that several cars drove past, saw us parked there and outside the car gawking, and just drove on by like there was nothing unusual happening. It was a BIG DEAL for us.

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