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yet more comparisons.....MFW or HOD?


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I don't think TOG or WP might be a good fit for us. Someone mentioned HOD new Creation program. I believe it is new, so I am sure I cannot get any feedback on that particular program. But maybe an overview as to how you liked the previous volumes?


And how does it compare to MFW CTG?


A copy and paste for what I am looking for in a program:


(Most Important) A day by day schedule, Teacher helps to hold my hand, and a program that will not CONFUSE me!!!!!(Or schedule that flows nicely)


Then, a choice of hands on activities, pre-planned and put together would be nice, or suggestions that are easy to do(IOW, not a suggestion to get a refridgerator box and build a castle, or grow a garden when most of our months are winter!!). And NOT just cut and paste stuff.


Read alouds, and Readers. And not ALL about History, but a good balance of History, Fiction, Non-fiction, and classic literature.


And being able to order a whole package, all put together, open it up, put it together and go.


Includes a good chunk of subjects within the curriculum.


And need to be printed on PAPER. I hate, and my daughter hates to do ANY schoolwork on a computer. Using supplemental things are fine(like United Streaming and such)

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I love MFW so I am admittedly biased. MFW meets all of those requirements that you are asking but I can't compare it to HOD as I've never used it. Are you going to a convention that has both curriculums? I have found that helps me the most because I need to see it for myself and spend time looking at each to make the best decesion I can.

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MFW and HOD both address those issues. I would suggest looking at the samples of both programs to get an idea of what you need. Both sites have samples or "week at a glance" samples in order to get an idea or a better picture of the programs. HOD has book packages to purchase with the TM whereas MFW has read a louds included in the core package but gives several hundred titles (addressing various ages) for enriching subjects through book baskets which you would get from the library. I can't remember the ages of your children and both programs target teaching multiples but that would be something to consider also. I think MFW has a broader age range than HOD. HOD has a narrow age range but with extensions for older children. I may be confusing you more. LOL! You can also check out the both forums and post questions there as well. :)

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MFW and HOD both address those issues. I would suggest looking at the samples of both programs to get an idea of what you need. Both sites have samples or "week at a glance" samples in order to get an idea or a better picture of the programs. HOD has book packages to purchase with the TM whereas MFW has read a louds included in the core package but gives several hundred titles (addressing various ages) for enriching subjects through book baskets which you would get from the library.




I think that you are definitely on the right track to fulfill your wish list. They both look wonderful. Some differences that I notice-


1.HOD has daily lessons and MFW has a week in a grid.


2.In the middle grades HOD, while it still has a CM feel, has a more traditional feel than MFW.


3.The science is where is notice this the most. MFW science is much lighter than HOD.


4.HOD offers additional books that you can buy in packages. MFW suggests a book basket that you can pick and choose from at the library.




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I think I am really leaning towards HOD. It seems to be what I am looking for.


I haven't heard to many negatives about it, so that is a good thing:)


And the price seems reasonable as well. If I can just figure out how and what to order............LOL

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Hi Cindy,


Do you have a HoD catalog yet? I'm a hands on person so I like to have a catalog in front of me. Then I went through all the book packs and found which ones I could get at the library so as to minimize expense. I'm using Bigger now, but will be using Preparing next year for my dd for 4th grade. I'm fortunate that I only have to order the Econo pkg since I have almost everything else in the science add-on, basic reader, ad deluxe pkge.


I'd suggest logging on to the forums at the HoD website. The author, Carrie, often will pop in and respond to questions, and certainly you can call her or email her directly and she will help you with placement.


Do you plan to do the reading program, Drawn Into the Heart Of Reading? I am using it now and LOVE it. It comes with a book list of suggested titles that has several hundred books on it. There's NO WAY we'll run out of books, and many many are at my library, so I'm not buying books. you can also use the forum there to ask about possible substitutes in a genre or subject that would be appropriate.


I think you will really like HoD based on what your needs are. You sound just like me and I feel like it's been a perfect fit.

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Hi Cindy,


Do you have a HoD catalog yet? I'm a hands on person so I like to have a catalog in front of me. Then I went through all the book packs and found which ones I could get at the library so as to minimize expense. I'm using Bigger now, but will be using Preparing next year for my dd for 4th grade. I'm fortunate that I only have to order the Econo pkg since I have almost everything else in the science add-on, basic reader, ad deluxe pkge.


I'd suggest logging on to the forums at the HoD website. The author, Carrie, often will pop in and respond to questions, and certainly you can call her or email her directly and she will help you with placement.


Do you plan to do the reading program, Drawn Into the Heart Of Reading? I am using it now and LOVE it. It comes with a book list of suggested titles that has several hundred books on it. There's NO WAY we'll run out of books, and many many are at my library, so I'm not buying books. you can also use the forum there to ask about possible substitutes in a genre or subject that would be appropriate.


I think you will really like HoD based on what your needs are. You sound just like me and I feel like it's been a perfect fit.



Yes, I actually requested a catalog. And I also own DITTHOR, but I have the older child version, grades 6/7/8. Not 4/5. So I am wondering if I use Preparing, can I still use that?


No doubt, if I went with Preparing, I would need the extension pack. Which looks like I can just get from the library. It seems as if most of the books I can get from the library.


Does the guide schedule in the the extension pack readings, if another child is younger and is doing the younger reading? Because I only have one child, and if say, Preparing uses CHOW, for the younger kids, and then uses A Childs History of America(I think it is from CLP), I wouldn't need to order the big package. Because we would only be using Child's History of America, KWIM????


So I did post on the message boards there. And I will await my catalog, as well.


I like Preparing because it has a one year overview of World History. I just do not want it to be to "young" for her.



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I think I am really leaning towards HOD. It seems to be what I am looking for.


I haven't heard to many negatives about it, so that is a good thing:)


And the price seems reasonable as well. If I can just figure out how and what to order............LOL


I would go directly to their website. www.heartofdakota.com.



I remember reading a post by Carrie (the author) that said they are going to stop distributing through other companies. Plus, when you buy their IG through one of their packages, you get a much better deal than buying them individually through someone else. I've also looked for them used, but they're hard to come by at a reasonable price.


The other thing I wanted to point out that's going to be a HUGE help for us is, HOD uses books that are found in the library. While I'm a Bibliophile, I also have to purchase other things, and it's always helpful to my budget when I can pick books up from the library or purchase them locally at a later date. It makes the curriculum very flexible for us.


Definitely get a catalog and go to their message boards. The ladies are EXTREMELY helpful and Carrie often posts to help you out.




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My recommendation is for HOD. If you have not previously done CHOW, I would start with Preparing (w/extensions). Really it just depends on what you want for History as your DD could fit into Bigger, Preparing, or HHTT with extensions and such.


Bigger is American History

Preparing is a 1 year history overview from creation to modern times

HHTT is from Creation to the Birth of Christ in the 4 year History Cycle. There are 3 more manuals scheduled after HHTT to cover the rest of the four year cycle.



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I think that you are definitely on the right track to fulfill your wish list. They both look wonderful. Some differences that I notice-


1.HOD has daily lessons and MFW has a week in a grid.


2.In the middle grades HOD, while it still has a CM feel, has a more traditional feel than MFW.


3.The science is where is notice this the most. MFW science is much lighter than HOD.


4.HOD offers additional books that you can buy in packages. MFW suggests a book basket that you can pick and choose from at the library.





True except MFW science builds with each year as it ties into history. I think MFW is more CM in its approach to science than HOD. Both are excellent programs. :)

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Just popping in to add my measly two cents! :w00t:


Is your dd going to be going into 5th or 6th grade next year? I am not sure if you've said yet.


Now, take this for what it is because I have NOT used either MFW or HOD, but in looking at the HOD website I have to say that I like their book selections over MFW's. I have used many of each programs books, and HOD has some of our favs, and MFW some of our least favs. MFW has never once interested me due to that fact. I just got their new catty two days ago, and still, I was uninspired. I KNOW many love MFW, but after homeschooling over 12 years I have used A LOT of books, so I have my opinions. Biased for sure. ;)


Also, personally, if your dd is going to be turning 11 (6th grade) next year, I don't think I would do HOD's Preparing program unless you use the "extending". Also, think about what you will want to cover the following year. If you use and love HOD Preparing, will your dd want to do World History again the next year starting from Creation? (again!) Something to think about. HOD doesn't seem to really be put together in the Classical rotation, so if Classical is important to you?? Again, something to think about, I guess. Oh, wait, I see that you could possibly do the Bigger set with extension the following year, so that is a plus. Hmmm...HOD is kinda confusing me! LOL


Anyhow, I mainly just posted to say that I personally really like the book choices of HOD over those of MFW if that is any help to you at all. :001_smile: I don't personally care for HOD's schedule though. :tongue_smilie: My son likes his own schedule and to work independent of me, so I would still have to tranfer his work from the HOD schedule to one of his own...so there would still be the same prep work like that of TOG. I like my books scheduled by the week, not the day...then I can see the whole weeks picture...personally, HOD's schedule would drive me completely bonkers.


Also, though I do like many of the book choices HOD has included for their science, I am one who does not want my science scheduled and chosen for me. I prefer to pick my own science program thankyouverymuch. :w00t: Not to mention my English and math...


I hope you find what is best for YOU!!! Please don't base your decisions on what we say, we are all very opinionated. :D


And remember, this is just my two cents...;)

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True except MFW science builds with each year as it ties into history. I think MFW is more CM in its approach to science than HOD. Both are excellent programs. :)


Yes, very much so. MFW takes a fun, hands-on approach to science in the early years, so to many who are used to doing either textbooks or the "classical" approach, it seems light. But keep in mind that there are many educational "experts" out there who believe that's how it should be... that an intense science course in the early years simply isn't necessary. Veritas Press (classical) is one of those, the Robinson Curriculum (owned and written by a man who is a scientist) is another, and Ruth Beechick is another. Charlotte Mason was certainly another; in fact, nature walks are a big part of the MFW curriculum in the early years, and they are encouraged to continue in later years.


MFW science is definitely stepped up in years 3-5. For example, the Jeannie Fulbright books are written to be done over the course of a whole year, but of those which MFW uses, they are scheduled to be done in one semester Another area of science is then scheduled in the other semester. So you do two FULL science courses each year beginning with Rome to Reformation. Unfortunately, what I've often witnessed is that people tend to leave MFW before they even get to the history years, so they don't realize just how heavy the science workload can get at times.

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3.The science is where is notice this the most. MFW science is much lighter than HOD.





I haven't used HOD so this isn't a comparison. It's more of an observation and question about how you classify what you noticed.


MFW science in some of the elementary years does 2 years of science in one academic year. Example: you do a full semester of human body (or taxonomy in one year), then next semester complete an entire Apologia elementary book. That didn't feel light to me to do all of that in 2 separate years. It was fast and furious and not light at all.


CTG: it's a lot of hands on stuff. Grab extra readings from library. It covers physics and chemistry topics. You also get in some units on pyramids and learn about Archimedes. Kids are encouraged to set up the experiments themselves and to write simple lab reports. So, even though it might only be scheduled 2-3 times per week, you have them learning processing skills and how to set up experiments. So, that's fun. I guess that could be a place that it is noticed to be more light. But then it would only be comparable to the science in a HOD program that is written for a child in 4th-6th grades. So, what do they do in that kind of program?


ECC: you have the Ecosystems and Living World Encyclopedia and doing notebooking. I guess that's the year that people say is light on science. But if you do everything in the manual, then it may not be. I just think most people don't do the science as written, and if they are anything like me, miss the fizz bang science. My middle gal LOVED science this year in ECC though. So I kept quiet and let her love it.


youngest years in MFW science felt very age appropriate and hands on.


jr high and high the recommendation is Apologia.


I'm just curious. Why is the observation that MFW is "light" compared to HOD science? How many times per week for what age group? How much of a CM time box? How much is covered? How are topics repeated later years? What approaches are used to communicate information and do notebooks?


Light is so subjective it becomes hard to understand what that observation is about. Clearly it is something that is "noticed more". But what is it that is actually noticed? I guess I missed the follow up on that part of your observation. But do you have some more objective measure on that insight so that it might help others to decide which is the better fit for their specific goals in their family?



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I don't think TOG or WP might be a good fit for us. Someone mentioned HOD new Creation program. I believe it is new, so I am sure I cannot get any feedback on that particular program. But maybe an overview as to how you liked the previous volumes?


And how does it compare to MFW CTG?


I’m not sure anyone will be able to address those things until they’ve used HOD’s new program. So, I'll just talk about MFW. I've used it for a long time.



A copy and paste for what I am looking for in a program:


(Most Important) A day by day schedule, Teacher helps to hold my hand, and a program that will not CONFUSE me!!!!!(Or schedule that flows nicely)


Well, MFW is a day by day scheduled. But it is formatted onto a week at a glance grid. Daily notes are provided as well as lots of hand holding in the introduction section of the manual. It works over here.


Then, a choice of hands on activities, pre-planned and put together would be nice, or suggestions that are easy to do(IOW, not a suggestion to get a refridgerator box and build a castle, or grow a garden when most of our months are winter!!). And NOT just cut and paste stuff.


I’ve found that the case with MFW. It’s not all cut and paste. But one of the big projects in the year is building a model tabernacle from sheets in the manual appendix. It is scheduled with step by step instructions to be done over 4 school days. My family did it on a Sunday afternoon with little prep time or warning. It was fun. You usually get one or two big projects and lots of easier stuff. We scaled back on how we did the feasts.



The only times that I remember in MFW where things were growing in the winter involved house plants, or just putting stuff in a bag to sprout. I have no green thumb.


Activities are pre selected. I like that because MFW piloted all of their programs with many families. So, I know they worked for a lot of people before I tried it.



Read alouds, and Readers. And not ALL about History, but a good balance of History, Fiction, Non-fiction, and classic literature.


MFW has book basket to provide all of that. You use the library. The book basket list is extensive each year and arranged by week of study. It is not just a list of books.


And being able to order a whole package, all put together, open it up, put it together and go.


Includes a good chunk of subjects within the curriculum.


And need to be printed on PAPER. I hate, and my daughter hates to do ANY schoolwork on a computer. Using supplemental things are fine(like United Streaming and such)


I don’t know anything about HOD. But MFW fits all that you are asking for. It takes a CM approach to schedule about 10-13 subjects a day (you don’t have to do all of them if that is too much). And it designed to be done with all of that in about 4 hours. It's is all packaged together and scheduled. There is a library list to cut down cost of enrichment reading.


Are you able to get to a convention to preview any of it?


I want to link to a friend's blog who is doing CTG this year. Maybe that would help too?


She has done a lot of fun in CTG this year. Saturday Science fun so her dh could help. Here.... I have it linked to the entries that are only about homeschooling.....


Lainie's blog


Hope some of that helps a bit.



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Thank you for ALL of your responses. Right now I am leaning towards HOD because of the book choices, and it gives me a day by day schedule, which is what I really like. AND it is scripted and I can add in what I need to "say".


We are going to start in Preparing. Although we would be covering the Ancients again the next year, it would be more in depth, and a whole year of it, rather then in Preparing, it mainly skims it.


My only concern with HOD Preparing is the Science. It seems very light for an 11 yo(She would be Grade 5 public School, but works at a 5th/6th grade level).


So I have emailed Carrie and asked her about that. If the Science is going to be enough for her.


Yes, we are getting the extension pack, without a doubt, because her reading is way above grade level, and using DITHOR for grades 6/7/8.


I actually own DITHOR, but never used it because it looked confusing to me, so I hope I can get the hang of it with HOD.


Most of all the books I can get either from the library, I already own, or off of paperbackswap. So that is a HUGE money saver for me.


Anyways, so far this is where I am leaning. MFW is certainly my second choice, if for some reason HOD does not work for us.


Thank you so much again:D

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I haven't used HOD so this isn't a comparison. It's more of an observation and question about how you classify what you noticed.

I'm just curious. Why is the observation that MFW is "light" compared to HOD science? How many times per week for what age group? How much of a CM time box? How much is covered? How are topics repeated later years? What approaches are used to communicate information and do notebooks?


Light is so subjective it becomes hard to understand what that observation is about. Clearly it is something that is "noticed more". But what is it that is actually noticed? I guess I missed the follow up on that part of your observation. But do you have some more objective measure on that insight so that it might help others to decide which is the better fit for their specific goals in their family?


We were comparing HOD in the middle grades to MFW in the middle grades. As I stated when comparing the online schedules for HOD HHTT and MFW CTG, HHTT (while it still has a CM feel) it leans toward being more traditional than CTG which still feels very CM. This is especially pronounced in the subject of science. In the case of the samples CTG has science sceduled two days and suggests an optional day 5 nature walk. HHTT has science scheduled 4 days each week and every week includes narration, written work, notebooking, an experiment, and Biblical application. While this has a CM flavor, it certainly has a more traditional and therefore heavier feel.




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My only concern with HOD Preparing is the Science. It seems very light for an 11 yo(She would be Grade 5 public School, but works at a 5th/6th grade level).


So I have emailed Carrie and asked her about that. If the Science is going to be enough for her.




I share your feeling on science. I really like her choice of books, but we LOVE Jeannie Fulbright's program so we'll be using those. Plus, I can combine my girls using the Apologia books. I don't see how that would work with HOD's science (or MFW for that matter) This year we did Botany, next year we're either going to do Astronomy or Flying Creatures of the 5th day. That's one of the other really nice things about HOD. The instructor's guides are so inexpensive, you don't feel like you're wasting your money if you don't use all parts of it. We are using Bigger Hands for His Glory with my oldest next year. I'm buying the extension, but about the only thing we'll be doing are the History and Bible portions. She'll be in 4th grade so our Rod and Staff Engish won't be in the schedule, and we use A Beka for math so that won't be in the schedule. I would order the set, look at it and, if you don't think it will be enough, add to it as you go. Sounds like you guys are excited! We are too!


See you on the other boards!


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I share your feeling on science. I really like her choice of books, but we LOVE Jeannie Fulbright's program so we'll be using those. Plus, I can combine my girls using the Apologia books. I don't see how that would work with HOD's science (or MFW for that matter) This year we did Botany, next year we're either going to do Astronomy or Flying Creatures of the 5th day. That's one of the other really nice things about HOD. The instructor's guides are so inexpensive, you don't feel like you're wasting your money if you don't use all parts of it. We are using Bigger Hands for His Glory with my oldest next year. I'm buying the extension, but about the only thing we'll be doing are the History and Bible portions. She'll be in 4th grade so our Rod and Staff Engish won't be in the schedule, and we use A Beka for math so that won't be in the schedule. I would order the set, look at it and, if you don't think it will be enough, add to it as you go. Sounds like you guys are excited! We are too!


See you on the other boards!





It was suggested to me to just order the CTC Science and Guide(For scheduling), to use with Preparing. Should I do this? Or should I just use my own, such as any of the Jeannie Fulbright books?(Since this is an overview of World History, I cannot figure out which one to get, if I should decide to just do the Science seperate without HOD Schedule).


Is there any other Science Program that is age appropriate(5th/6th grade), that has a CM flair? Easy experiments(but fun) I can't remember if Jeannie Fulbrights books, had living book suggestions in it??


Thanks so much!!

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One of the things I love about HOD Preparing (and the guides that are coming after) is that they are scheduled for 4 day. It gives us an extra day to add in things that aren't scheduled with HOD that I want to add. We love the Jeanne Fulbright books too, so do those on our 5th day as well as the science scheduled in HOD during the week. Just another idea. (Plus I am excited that Carrie is scheduling Land Animals in CTC)

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One of the things I love about HOD Preparing (and the guides that are coming after) is that they are scheduled for 4 day. It gives us an extra day to add in things that aren't scheduled with HOD that I want to add. We love the Jeanne Fulbright books too, so do those on our 5th day as well as the science scheduled in HOD during the week. Just another idea. (Plus I am excited that Carrie is scheduling Land Animals in CTC)


I think we are going to do WP Rock around the Earth for Science. My 10 yo is drooling over that since she has a HUGE interest in Rocks/Volcanoes/Earth Science.


Then next year, we can pick up the Life Science/Biology in CTC:)


I feel better now..............LOL


OH, and I didn't know it is scheduled for a 4 day. PERFECT!!! Because we love to only school 4 days and use the 5th for a catch up, field trip, etc.


Just ONE more reason to use HOD!!!


I am so excited now. I can got to bed:lol::lol::lol::lol:

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It was suggested to me to just order the CTC Science and Guide(For scheduling), to use with Preparing. Should I do this? Or should I just use my own, such as any of the Jeannie Fulbright books?(Since this is an overview of World History, I cannot figure out which one to get, if I should decide to just do the Science seperate without HOD Schedule).


Is there any other Science Program that is age appropriate(5th/6th grade), that has a CM flair? Easy experiments(but fun) I can't remember if Jeannie Fulbrights books, had living book suggestions in it??


Thanks so much!!



I went over to the HOD message boards and found the discussion you're talking about :D I couldn't decide where to post, so I decided to continue here:lol:


Question 1 - Should you purchse CTC's IG and science books


I think it depends on you guys. What Carrie is doing starting with Creation to Christ is following the classical schedule (at least that's my understanding). So, if you use the science in CTC this year, you'll probably want to do something different the year after. I don't know, but I'm wondering if that was her suggestion to some because they don't intend to do all four years of that rotation. She is writing her curriculum to go through 8th grade, joining the classical method in about 5th grade. It looks like this in the catalog:


Ages 9-11 The Ancients

Ages 10-12 The Middle Ages

Ages 11-13 The Age of Exploration 1550-1800's

Ages 12-14 The Modern Times 1800's - Present


So, I'm thinking that if you know now that you'll want to do all these years, you might want to wait on CTC's science until you're in that year. If you think you'll skip a year somewhere or you just really feel led to cover that science this year, I'd do what Patti suggested and purchase CTC's TG and do the science portion. It all boils down to what do you feel led to do? If you use CTC's science this year, you'll have other options for the year after. You have to do what will work best for you and your daughter. Sometimes that means not worrying about the year after until you get there.


Question 2- Which of Jeannie's books to order?


Someone on the HOD boards asked Carrie if she would continue to use them and she stated she didn't know. Right now, there is no Earth Science book for Apologia Elementary, but she might use the Astronomy one, I don't know. Go to CBD or the Jeannie's website and look at samples of the books. We are leaning toward Flying Creatures for two reasons. One, we used Botany this year and Two, we are going to skip Preparing next year and go straight to CTC. I think we'll probably use some of HOD's science starting that year, especially since she uses Land Animals.


Question 3 - Do the Apologia Elementary books offer other reading recommendations?


No. :D

They are stand alone books. We LOVE science, but we don't have time to do a lot of multiple readings. My daughter loves the tone of Jeannie's books and I find she doesn't need any other books. They are $25-30 each and they are all you need. She has started selling notebooks to go along with them, but there are free notebooking pages online at the Yahoo group (another good place to ask questions).


Question 4 - Other science programs?


There.are.a. TON!:lol:

I hear you. Like I said, we love science, but we weren't getting it done. I looked at HOD science and I like the looks of it too. But, since we purchased Apologia, we get science done. I know it doesn't work for everyone, but for us it does. That's why I'm sticking with it. Search these boards for NOEO, Sonlight, and Christian Kids Explore. Oh, and Winter's Promise Science can stand alone. I've heard good things about all of them. It just depends on what you're looking for.


I hope that helps! I know how overwhelming all the well meaning advice can be so please disregard my super long post if it just confuses you more.




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Your post was GREAT. Thank you for taking the time to research and answer all of my questions:)


I think I have pretty much decided, to use WP Rock Around the Earth for Science, since it is what my daughter REALLY has an interest in. And WP still has the CM flair that I like. Again, it has a laid out schedule that I need to keep myself on track as well:D.


Then, if we love HOD this year, I can pick up CTC with the science that comes with it next year.


Does that sound okay???


And Happy Easter to you and all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Obviously it took me almost an hour to respond to you last night. You made your decision and I didn't even know it :lol:. I think Winter's Promise looks like fun. It's something I looked into also. Isn't it nice to have a decision made? It's amazing the relief you feel. If that's what your dd is interested in, that's what you should do.


Happy Easter to you too!



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Obviously it took me almost an hour to respond to you last night. You made your decision and I didn't even know it :lol:. I think Winter's Promise looks like fun. It's something I looked into also. Isn't it nice to have a decision made? It's amazing the relief you feel. If that's what your dd is interested in, that's what you should do.


Happy Easter to you too!






You are SO sweet:lol: You were able to help answer my questions, and just re-confirmed my Science choice. So I am so grateful to you for taking time out of your schedule to type such a helpful post:lol:


Thank you again and Happy Easter!!

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I think that is a great plan! If you need help with DITHOR, just ask. It is really easy once you get into it. :)


Has your dd had a lot of Science previously? My thought is that you really want to go with the Science in the package (because Carrie does a beautiful job of tying in what you are learning in Science with what you are learning in History). However, you can always enhance what is given in the program by getting extra books on topics of interest and having her read those/doe experiments from those as well. I bet Carrie will have some great ideas for you.


Thank you for ALL of your responses. Right now I am leaning towards HOD because of the book choices, and it gives me a day by day schedule, which is what I really like. AND it is scripted and I can add in what I need to "say".


We are going to start in Preparing. Although we would be covering the Ancients again the next year, it would be more in depth, and a whole year of it, rather then in Preparing, it mainly skims it.


My only concern with HOD Preparing is the Science. It seems very light for an 11 yo(She would be Grade 5 public School, but works at a 5th/6th grade level).


So I have emailed Carrie and asked her about that. If the Science is going to be enough for her.


Yes, we are getting the extension pack, without a doubt, because her reading is way above grade level, and using DITHOR for grades 6/7/8.


I actually own DITHOR, but never used it because it looked confusing to me, so I hope I can get the hang of it with HOD.


Most of all the books I can get either from the library, I already own, or off of paperbackswap. So that is a HUGE money saver for me.


Anyways, so far this is where I am leaning. MFW is certainly my second choice, if for some reason HOD does not work for us.


Thank you so much again:D

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I share your feeling on science. I really like her choice of books, but we LOVE Jeannie Fulbright's program so we'll be using those. Plus, I can combine my girls using the Apologia books. I don't see how that would work with HOD's science (or MFW for that matter) This year we did Botany, next year we're either going to do Astronomy or Flying Creatures of the 5th day.


I understand that y'all have already made your decision, but like Crystal, I do want to clarify when misstatements are made about MFW's science. MFW uses several of Jeannie Fulbright's science books throughout the elementary years. They're already scheduled in. And if science does indeed feel too "light" in, say ECC or CTG, for example, wouldn't it then be easy enough to add one of Jeannie's books that isn't scheduled in a later MFW year?


Seriously, I'm just trying to understand.... y'all are saying the science is so light in MFW, yet you're trying to figure out how to ADD more science to the HOD programs.... :confused: :001_unsure: I mean, if you simply prefer HOD, that's one thing. But you're contradicting yourselves about this. IS the science in HOD really better and fuller than MFW's, or isn't it? And if the preference is merely for the book titles that you see in the HOD package vs. the book titles that you see in the MFW package, without having seen or used any of the books in the MFW Book Basket, then how do you KNOW the books HOD uses are preferable to MFW's? HOD doesn't offer anymore sample lessons on their website than MFW does.


Please understand.... my intent here is not criticize HOD. I'm just seeing a lot of contradictions in statements made in this thread, and things being said about MFW's science which simply aren't accurate. As Crystal mentioned, exactly how is a week's worth of MFW's science light as compared to... ?? Are you comparing just one week's worth of lessons, or a whole year's? What about the followup year? Other than book titles, can you give specifics? Have you actually read how Charlotte Mason did science? You say that HOD's science is "more CM" than MFW's, but I don't see how MFW's science isn't CM.

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MFW uses several of Jeannie Fulbright's science books throughout the elementary years. They're already scheduled in.


This is exactly one of the very reasons MFW does not appeal to me personally, and why I prefer my history curriculum not also include my science curriculum. For example, lets say I wanted to use MFWs Rome to Reformation package this year (approx where I am in history). Well, the history books would be fine in and of themselves I suppose, but the science would not do at all. For starters we do not like the Fulbright science books...nothing against them per-say, just not what we like...and not NEARLY as rigorous and fun as BJUs Science. Also, we have just this year completed an entire year on the human body so out of MFWs Basic package we would have to drop five books out of the twelve listed...almost half the package! :blink:


Anyhow, just pointing out that not everyone likes their Science incorporated into their History program. ;) I definitely do not. I guess that is another reason why TOG appeals to me so much, and something I like about Sonlight too. :D At least with HOD the science is an "addition" and not considered a basic integral part of the program.


Cindy....Be sure you look at the Ring of Fire Activity CDs that come with the WP Rock Around the Earth program. My son also had his eye on this a couple of years ago until I found samples of the Ring of Fire CDs online (not on the WP site). We do NOT, NOT, NOT like computer curricula, so this was a huge turn-off for us at the time. They HAVE changed this program though. When we looked into it there were five CDs with some of them being lessons to be read from the computer, or printed out. :tongue_smilie: It was not at all to our liking. With there now only being two CDs and them being Activity Guides instead of lessons, we would probably be fine with it now. ;) I wanted to give you a heads up though, just in case. It looks like a much better program now especially with the added the Gods Design "Our Planet Earth" book. If earth science is what interests your dd, I say go for it! :D

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This is exactly one of the very reasons MFW does not appeal to me personally, and why I prefer my history curriculum not also include my science curriculum. For example, lets say I wanted to use MFWs Rome to Reformation package this year (approx where I am in history). Well, the history books would be fine in and of themselves I suppose, but the science would not do at all. For starters we do not like the Fulbright science books...nothing against them per-say, just not what we like...and not NEARLY as rigorous and fun as BJUs Science. Also, we have just this year completed an entire year on the human body so out of MFWs Basic package we would have to drop five books out of the twelve listed...almost half the package! :blink:


Anyhow, just pointing out that not everyone likes their Science incorporated into their History program. ;) I definitely do not. I guess that is another reason why TOG appeals to me so much, and something I like about Sonlight too. :D At least with HOD the science is an "addition" and not considered a basic integral part of the program.



Totally understand! :D And if you're just coming into MFW a few years into homeschooling, that's definitely an issue. But this would not be the case with someone who's starting at the beginning. (Although some of the other posters were expressing that they wanted to add Jeannie's books to HOD, so part of my post was directly responding to that. I should have been more specific. :) )


OTOH, it would be easy enough to NOT use the science portion of MFW even if you've already covered those topics. You (the general "you") would simply buy just the items of the package that you need and skip the science books (vs. buying the complete discounted package). The MFW TMs schedule ALL subjects and include teacher notes, Book Basket, appendix pages, etc. for all those other subjects, too, so buying it for everything but the science is still valuable. Especially if you plan to use it again later with younger children.


MFW is great for those who desire their content subjects be integrated with the Bible, but not for those who are looking for *only* history (or whatever), as you said.

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I am not quite sure about all the contradictions between MFW vs. HOD with Science.


But, I can tell you *my* reasons for doing a different Science program. We are using Preparing with the Extension pack for olders. Preparing without the extensions is "younger" then my daughter's age and the Science program that is offered, would not 1. Interest my daughter and 2. It's to "light" for her "age bracket".

Preparing does not offer an extension package for olders in Science. BUT, if my daughter was younger, and had an interest in studying the Science Preparing offered, that is what we would use. So I do not think HOD Science is light at all. For the age it is intended for without extensions, the Science is a perfect fit.


I cannot speak of MFW as I have never used it. '


But maybe the contradictions you were referring to is now a little clearer??


Assuming my post made sense..........LOL

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Cindy....Be sure you look at the Ring of Fire Activity CDs that come with the WP Rock Around the Earth program. My son also had his eye on this a couple of years ago until I found samples of the Ring of Fire CDs online (not on the WP site). We do NOT, NOT, NOT like computer curricula, so this was a huge turn-off for us at the time. They HAVE changed this program though. When we looked into it there were five CDs with some of them being lessons to be read from the computer, or printed out. It was not at all to our liking. With there now only being two CDs and them being Activity Guides instead of lessons, we would probably be fine with it now. I wanted to give you a heads up though, just in case. It looks like a much better program now especially with the added the Gods Design "Our Planet Earth" book. If earth science is what interests your dd, I say go for it!




Thanks for mentioning this, I will make sure I double check it. !!!!!!!!!!

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I will be using HOD this coming year. I am very excited because I think it looks a lot deeper and yet less reading than MFW. I used MFW for K, 1st, RTR & Exp.-1850. I almost never liked a craft activity or recipe suggested by MFW and almost all of their hands on crafts were cut and paste.


I suggest you print out samples of both programs and thoroughly read through both plans. It will really be an eye opener.



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I will be using HOD this coming year. I am very excited because I think it looks a lot deeper and yet less reading than MFW. I used MFW for K, 1st, RTR & Exp.-1850. I almost never liked a craft activity or recipe suggested by MFW and almost all of their hands on crafts were cut and paste.


I suggest you print out samples of both programs and thoroughly read through both plans. It will really be an eye opener.






Would you mind sharing what program(s) you're using from HOD? I'm in the midst of trying to decide.



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I will be using HOD this coming year. I am very excited because I think it looks a lot deeper and yet less reading than MFW. I used MFW for K, 1st, RTR & Exp.-1850. I almost never liked a craft activity or recipe suggested by MFW and almost all of their hands on crafts were cut and paste.


I suggest you print out samples of both programs and thoroughly read through both plans. It will really be an eye opener.




Hmm. None of our crafts have been cut and paste. Maybe you are referring to the MFW K or 1st programs. :confused: Our reading has been great. No complaints here and I'm picky in that area. I can't wait to start CTG.


However, I do agree with looking at the samples or perhaps emailing the authors for more info if you haven't already to answer your questions specifically esp. if you are like me in regards to having a limited budget. Feedback is great but you have to find something which will meet the needs of YOUR family regardless. Happy researching!:)

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Hmm. None of our crafts have been cut and paste. Maybe you are referring to the MFW K or 1st programs. :confused: Our reading has been great. No complaints here and I'm picky in that area. I can't wait to start CTG.


However, I do agree with looking at the samples or perhaps emailing the authors for more info if you haven't already to answer your questions specifically esp. if you are like me in regards to having a limited budget. Feedback is great but you have to find something which will meet the needs of YOUR family regardless. Happy researching!:)


Agree, I'm a little confused by the "cut and paste" comment for those upper history years. :001_huh:


If you can't get to a convention where you can see the materials with your own eyes and hands and ask live people to walk you through it, then yes, definitely read through the sample lessons from ALL the years available just to see how the program builds and where you're headed.

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Actually, I didn't comment on MFW Science being light or heavy, I said I didn't know how I would be able to combine my kids using it.




Right, and while I was responding to a number of different comments made by several people, yours in particular was this, which I quoted in my pp:



I share your feeling on science. I really like her choice of books, but we LOVE Jeannie Fulbright's program so we'll be using those. Plus, I can combine my girls using the Apologia books. I don't see how that would work with HOD's science (or MFW for that matter) This year we did Botany, next year we're either going to do Astronomy or Flying Creatures of the 5th day.

And to that, I responded that MFW schedules the Fulbright books for you in certain years. IF you were using MFW, you wouldn't have to worry about how you're going to combine them because the work's done for you. Now obviously if you're going to add those books to HOD, then you'll have to figure out the scheduling yourself.


And that's where one of several contradictory statements was made. It's been said numerous times in this thread that science in MFW is "light", and HOD's is somehow better or fuller. But then we're discussing adding the Fulbright books to the "better and fuller" program (HOD).... That's what is contradictory to me. :confused:


Admittedly, I'm combining numerous different posts together and getting confused about who said what. I just know I saw several contradictory (or inaccurate) statements about MFW's science. My apologies if it sounded like I was picking on any one person. :grouphug:

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Alright, I apologize for upsetting people, but I have checked and double-checked. The OP was asking about year 2 CTG. I cannot find any Elementary Apologia texts anywhere except years 3 and 4. So, either the programs have been reworked and the Elementary Apologia removed or years 3 and 4 have been reworked and the others will be at a later date.


Either way from the MFW website, at this point here is the listing for CTG science-




  • Focus on the six days of creation with science experiments from Genesis for Kids. Library books provide enrichment.
  • Study creation science using Dinosaurs of Eden, science related to the pyramids using Pyramids, and ancient Greek science using Archimedes and the Door of Science. Includes hands-on activities


Hope that clarifies things-


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