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Would you consider doing 2 years of pre-algebra?

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OK, here is my dilemma...


I don't want to hold my son back in math, yet I don't feel he is one who grasps math quickly. He is average. I was considering BJU's Math 7 next year and then Pre-Algebra in 8th. Now I am wondering if I should go ahead and go with BJU's Pre-Algebra next year for 7th, and then if I feel he is not ready for full blown Alg. 1 in 8th, do another Pre-Algebra program that year...TT perhaps. Would that be crazy? :confused:


I watch the BJU Alg. 1 videos and think to myself that he is not even close to being ready for the abstract thinking involved. Yet, I don't want to hold him back either just in case he will be ready. Does that make sense?

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It wouldn't be crazy. When I taught at a Christian school last year I taught kids in two math tracks. 1. Pre-Algebra spread over 7th & 8th (1 book, 1/2 book a year done slowly, 3/5 of the class) and 2. Pre-Algebra in 7th (finished the whole book, 2/5 of the class). We decided this was a much better alternative than having everyone go to Algebra in 8th grade and then have some struggle and flunk, as they had the previous year.


Would he let you know if he were unchallenged? You could always pick up the pace later if something clicks for him and he leaps ahead. Also, I don't think there is any need for an average math student to take calculus before college (or at all, if they don't go into a technical field!). By taking Algebra in 9th, he would still be on track to take Trig/Pre-Calc his senior year if you want. This is plenty in my opinion! Even if he decides to become an engineer, it is more important to be well-grounded in math before college than to have taken calculus in high school. I worked in the Mechanical Engineering department of a university for a few years, and we often encountered unprepared students who had passed calculus but didn't really know what they were doing. Some of our better students were the ones who first encountered caculus their freshman year but were well-prepared for it.

Edited by AndyJoy
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There's nothing wrong with spending two yrs on pre-alg, and I can completely understand why you wouldn't want to hold him back if he is ready. The big question is, is he ready for pre-alg? Has he mastered the material or does he at least have a firm understanding of the material that is covered in 7 so that he won't flounder in pre-alg.


My oldest ds skipped 6th grade and went into pre-alg. He had always been a straight A student in math, so I thought nothing of it. He ended the year with a C average. Not a bad grade, but I ended up having him repeat pre-alg so he wouldn't struggle later on. His biggest problem was his understanding of fractions.


If I were you, if you haven't already done so, I would compare what is covered in the 7th grade book and the pre-alg book. How much of what is covered in 7 does he already know. How much of an overlap is there in the books. Is there sufficient review is the pre-alg so that skipping some things in 7 won't be a big deal. I know you can compare the table of contents on line, but if there is a scope and sequence that you could look at, even better.


HTH and that it makes some sense.

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OK, here is my dilemma...


I don't want to hold my son back in math, yet I don't feel he is one who grasps math quickly. He is average. I was considering BJU's Math 7 next year and then Pre-Algebra in 8th. Now I am wondering if I should go ahead and go with BJU's Pre-Algebra next year for 7th, and then if I feel he is not ready for full blown Alg. 1 in 8th, do another Pre-Algebra program that year...TT perhaps. Would that be crazy? :confused:


I watch the BJU Alg. 1 videos and think to myself that he is not even close to being ready for the abstract thinking involved. Yet, I don't want to hold him back either just in case he will be ready. Does that make sense?



BJU's Pre-Algebra progresses very incrementally, there is constant review, AND there are three tracts ("slower" - (not the right word, which is escaping me at the moment), average, and advanced) pre-planned for you in the Teacher's Manual - very, very helpful! It was *way* more than adequate preparation for Jacob's Algebra this year. Jacob's is mostly pre-Algebra for the first half of the book; however, the BJU is more like "basic math with variables added in" than Jacob's.


BJU Pre-Algebra is a pretty tough course, and I can't imagine needing another year of Pre-Algebra after it. IOW, he's either gonna "get it", or he's not. I wouldn't keep going if he were really struggling. You might find that you will need to slow some parts down, and add in some more practice. We had Lial's Basic College Math here, and I think maybe 3 times, I copies some problems out of that for some more practice.


I would try the Pre-Algebra, and re-evaluate after the first test or two. You can always drop back into BJU-7th if the Pre-Algebra isn't clicking yet. And, even if you *do* drop back to Basic College Math or BJU 7th, you can still try for Algebra in 8th. The Jacob's would be very do-able after either of those, I think.


The BJU Pre-Algebra was really, really, good and I really, really like it, but there was a lot of Geometry and Statistics and such in there that was really, really hard - as in, I suddenly knew how to do the practice SAT problems I get through my daily email! So, I don't think ALL of it is essential to have before Algebra. I may opt to do BJU 7th and then Jacob's in 8th with my next ds. He is not as abstract a thinker (yet) as his db was.



Edited by Rhondabee
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The Dolciani pre-algebra that we are using is two years (Modern School Mathematics: Structure and Method 7 and 8). I am supplementing Singapore 5 and 6 with the first year. I plan to do the second year in seventh grade. If my son is blowing us away, I'll lightly hit the second year of pre-algebra and get right to algebra.

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My dd is currently working through the BJU PreAlgebra with the DVD course; she is in 7th grade. My oldest son in 9th is working through BJU Algebra DVD course and I've begun to wonder whether my dd will be ready to make that jump next year. So far she has done beautifully in PreAlgebra but there are many lessons (3/4 of the way through the program) in which I have to walk her through the problems because she is unsure of herself in doing the applications. I will wait and reassess at the end of the year. I signed up for the free Lets Go Learn Algebra readiness test through the homeschool co-op and I'll let her work through that and see if she has any missing skills. I do love the BJU math - very thorough and teaches other skills you wouldn't think about - she learned about mortgages and interest rates (hmmmm....something many could have used in today's market) but when I see my son working through the Algebra, I've had to help him through some graphing portions and this is where I think my dd might not be ready to understand, just yet. I could be wrong. I haven't begun to think about plan B just yet should I decide to wait on Algebra. There have been a lot of studies and articles written lately about introducing Algebra too soon and kids being able to pass the tests but unable to use those skills once they reach college so I'm leaning towards the slow and steady path at this point.


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Melissa, you'd be using the dvd's, right? If you start with the math 7, will they change them out to pre-algebra mid-year if it turns out he needs to go up? Just a thought. It sounds like your gut is saying he's not ready, so I'd listen to your gut and do the math 7. But I haven't taught that age. :)

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Thanks everyone!


I think OhElizabeth is right, I think my gut is saying, "Do Math 7." Also, another part of me fears that he will be like my oldest who could NOT grasp Algebra and took two year to complete it. I just don't know. Like I said, I don't want to push...but I also don't want to hold back. So confused.


Here's what I am thinking...


Start Math 7, but start by doing the chapter reviews. If he can answer the chapter review Q's with a 95% or above we move on to the next chapter review until he cannot continue. We then stop and do the entire chapter. I KNOW there are a few areas that are still iffy for him...fractions being one...so that concerns me a tad. He knows how to do them, but has to often ask when he's not sure how to work one. He does not have all the steps down to memory.


As for the DVD's...No OhElizabeth, I do not lease the BJU DVDs. I have the satellite and have recorded them over the years. I actually do not have the Math 7 set, so that is something I planned to teach myself. I do have the Pre-Algebra and above DVD classes though.


Anyhow, that's my plan TODAY. ;)

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You're right then. If he hasn't nailed fractions, I wouldn't move into algebra just yet. Again, the woman who hasn't done the BJU pre-algebra. ;)


Maybe teaching it yourself will be just the thing he needs? You'll be able to stop, present it in a different way, talk and interact till things really click.

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I tutor way too many students in Algebra who weren't really prepared to take it. They get frustrated, and begin to think they hate math, or they start believing they can't "do math". I'd much rather see a student spend two years and be well-prepared for Algebra, so that he does well and enjoys it.

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I'm going to do the same thing with my dd going into 7th next year. She did BJU 7th this year, and I feel that is has not been much more than the 6th grade book. I like their high school courses fine and haven't looked at 8th grade. I came across a Glencoe Course 3 (8th grade) text that I LOVE. It includes lots of projects and hands-on ideas, cumulative standardized test practice, etc.. We're going to take our time and do everything in the book. The last chapters actually are things taught in Algebra 1 so I feel that it will not be a waste of time.


My dd can do math, but is not a math lover and more than likely will not be in a math related field. I really questioned my decision to try and get her in Algebra 1 for 8th grade, and decided doing it in 9th will be fine for her. She spends so much time writing scripts for books she's read, histories of imaginary countries, and the latest thing, Christian rap songs, I just don't think she'll need higher than Pre-Calculus her senior year.


I have a math degree so I think I was a little anxious to get to the "good stuff"!

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