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What would a chest x-ray diagnose?

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In a 3 year old? He isn't coughing or wheezing.


I took him in today because he seems really tired - he's been falling asleep in weird places, getting frequent nose bleeds, has occasional head aches and hasn't been eating very much. This has all come about in the last two weeks or so.


Dr is sending us for blood tests and a chest x-ray. I, of course, didn't think to ask what the chest x-ray might be for. Any ideas?


ETA: I'm staying calm because I know I'm a paranoid/hypochondriac/internet diagnosing freak. I'm sure that they'll tell me that he's just fighting off a cold and that I need to stay off the internet.



Edited by Sarah CB
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Get off the internet (I am a hypochondriac too). Whatever the doctor ordered it for, he did it so he could have a good overall picture. I know that asthma in a child can make him/her tired. Maybe he was just getting a good idea of the lung capacity and making sure your ds is getting enough oxygen.


Calm...relax....DON'T GOOGLE. (ask me how I know googling is bad :001_rolleyes:)

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In a 3 year old? He isn't coughing or wheezing.


I took him in today because he seems really tired - he's been falling asleep in weird places, getting frequent nose bleeds, has occasional head aches and hasn't been eating very much. This has all come about in the last two weeks or so.


Dr is sending us for blood tests and a chest x-ray. I, of course, didn't think to ask what the chest x-ray might be for. Any ideas?


ETA: I'm staying calm because I know I'm a paranoid/hypochondriac/internet diagnosing freak. I'm sure that they'll tell me that he's just fighting off a cold and that I need to stay off the internet.




If you're a paranoid/hypochondriac/internet diagnosing freak, there is NO way I'm going to suggest things that chest xrays reveal!


So, go on the assumption that the doctor is being very thorough to rule out the bad stuff and trust your son will be ok. :grouphug:

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If you're a paranoid/hypochondriac/internet diagnosing freak, there is NO way I'm going to suggest things that chest xrays reveal!


So, go on the assumption that the doctor is being very thorough to rule out the bad stuff and trust your son will be ok. :grouphug:


...you should probably even erase the top sentence...if she is anything like me when I go all HA (health anxiety), that alone may send her over the edge...

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If you're a paranoid/hypochondriac/internet diagnosing freak, there is NO way I'm going to suggest things that chest xrays reveal!


So, go on the assumption that the doctor is being very thorough to rule out the bad stuff and trust your son will be ok. :grouphug:


I'm not sure whether to try and twist your arm or hide my head under a pillow.


I am feeling very secure about how thorough this dr is being. There's comfort in that - even though I was hoping that he'd tell me I was being ridiculous and send me home.

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...you should probably even erase the top sentence...if she is anything like me when I go all HA (health anxiety), that alone may send her over the edge...


Yes, that comment has me walking right on the edge. I did make an attempt to find the answer with Google before I posted this thread but I didn't come up with anything that made any sense. I actually have a dual-personality when it comes to health anxiety - there's the freaky internet-diagnoser and then there's the ostrich. So either I'm in complete avoidance of the problem or I think that everyone is going to die. Thankfully, the internet freak stuff is more of a process - after all, if you work through the worst case scenario then anything else is *good* news, right?



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Maybe this will comfort you:


When my son was about 5, he started having these intense pains in his joints, mostly shoulders and hips. The pain was so bad, he couldn't stand or move his arms. I took him to the ER, where they took blood, xrays, discussed all sorts of horrid diseases it could be, all while we waited for the test results to come back. Naturally, the results were all negative. It was a medical mystery! During a moment when the doc stepped out, the nurse leaned down and said, "Doctors here won't ever admit to this, but going on what I've seen in your son, and going on the fact all the results are negative, I'm guessing growing pains. Give him some milk or yogurt before going to bed and see if that helps."


It did.


No sicle cell anemia, no juvenile arthritis, no leukemia. Growing pains.


So, there's no sense in even finding out what chest xrays determine. You'll be fearing something horrid to find out he has a cold, or something similar.

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At our doctor's office, a chest x-ray was fairly standard.


In our case, it once showed pneumonia (walking pneumonia) so my daughter seemed fine most of the time, but she was white as a ghost and tired easily.

(Based on your child's symptoms - walking pneumonia sounds like a possibility.)


Every other time, the x-rays have just come back "clean."

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Pneumonia. I had one dd that went to the dr. once and the only symptom she had was prolonged high fever. They did a chest x-ray and she had Pneumonia. This is the most likely thing that he is looking for. The standard treatment would be a simple round of anti-biotics. Don't worry all will be well. If he was majorly concerned about something the x-ray would have happened today.

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Probably just checking for pneumonia - I have NEVER coughed the FOUR times I have had it - major symptom was being TIRED all the time.


Now stop googling symptoms. I just about had myself convinced my one dd had appendicitis this weekend - turns out she has two EAR infections (and a sore belly from doing 80 sit-ups fast in gym!!!)

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If I stopped to list all the things *I* have worked myself into thinking I or my kids had, you all would be reading a book. I am a hypochondriac...not just by self diagnosis....I actually, truly have this disorder. It is MISERABLE. Google is your worst enemy. :(



:grouphug::grouphug: You are NOT alone. It's awful isn't it? I won't even go in to the things I thought I might have in the last week. I go through phases where I'm okay and then I have a week like last week. I hate it.


But, I gotta' say - your ds' symptoms sound like mine when he had pneumonia too. That's probably what your doc is looking for.

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Dr is sending us for blood tests and a chest x-ray. I, of course, didn't think to ask what the chest x-ray might be for. Any ideas?

Don't kick yourself for not asking -- it was wise. When one of my nephews had similar symptoms that persisted for several weeks, and his ped ordered tests, my SIL insisted that he tell her all the things he felt he might be testing for. Ped resisted, but SIL insisted. So he gave her the list and she flipped out when she heard the word "leukemia". Soon, she was calling her mother to report that the dr thought her son might have leukemia. Soon, MIL was calling everyone else in the family to report same, only with more certainty and alarm (gotta know MIL).


Turned out the little guy was fighting a cold.

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