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Anyone else starting seedlings? tomatoes, peppers etc

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Not for another 4-6 weeks here. We can't plant our seedlings until at least the end of May, and they'd get too tall and spindly inside for that long! We're having a giant snowstorm today and tomorrow (it's been snowing all day), to add to the foot and a half of snow we already have. :rolleyes: I'm ready for spring!

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I also have to wait at least another month, probably longer. Last year, we had a freeze on June 1, and most years I'm way to eager to start everything and then either end up with huge seedlings I have no room for indoors, or plants outside I have to make sure I really protect! But I plan to start tomatoes and a few other things :)


My only advice, other than don't start them too early, is to harden them off some before you plant them outside. If you're in a warmer climate, it's probably not as crucial, but where I'm at, it can be quite a shock for the little plants to go from indoors to outside.

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I'm surprised you're starting already; I can't imagine you can put basil, tomatoes, and peppers out in Maryland in mid-April, can you? (Or maybe you can...like I said, I'm just imagining!:)) My mother is Seedling Queen. For months on end, her house is filled with trays of seedlings. It seems so-o-o cluttered! I am an avid gardner, but I have an aversion to indoor plants and just can't get into the seedling routine. To me, it's not worth the trouble. (Could be I'm just lazy, too.;))


In a few weeks, technically, I can go ahead and sow lettuce and peas and what-not directly into the garden. ("Techincally" because it needs to be cleaned up and tilled first.) Some things I start in my small greenhouse.


Have fun!

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It's been unseasonably temperate on the west side. I thought you were over here ~ or am I way off?:)



Was that to me? :D


Im on the west side.... but we are still waking up to frost.... and its cold... but its been warmer in the afternoon... and sunny! Finally...

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Are you viewing the board in linear format? That makes it difficult to tell who's replying to whom. In hybrid format my post is listed directly under yours.:)


Yeah, that's true about frost in the mornings. Average last frost in my micro-climate can be as late as the second week of May. But the daytime temps and sun for the past couple of weeks have been notable. Of course, it's still winter, and after February comes...March!:eek:

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I will have mine started by the end of this week for sure. I will have tomatos, cantalope, cucumber, 2 different kinds of basil, watermelon, beans and an assortment of flowers. Now, this does not mean however, that I will have a great garden. I hope to but weather is not always working with me. I would love to see pix of other gardens out there, I plan on having many to post when it gets growing and green. Havest time is always the best. I am so excited spring is pretty much here. Gotta love Texas.

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I have tomatoes, peppers and basil started. The tomatoes are about an inch high. This is my first time starting things from seeds say any advice anyone one has will be welcome. I have them growing under an old aquarium light.

I've just started basil, parsley and chives. I only have a tiny plot of sunny garden space, so I'm devoting it to the herbs that I particularly want fresh. :)

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My planting date is April 15th and has been for the past 15 years. We are within walking distance of the Atlantic and it keeps us a bit warmer than the rest of the state. On very chilly nights I will cover them with old plastic gallon jugs but that doesn't happen often. My goal is always to have ripe totmatoes by 4th of July. The hardest part is not picking the green ones for fried green tomatoes. This year I am growing a green tomato(Aunt Ruby German Greens)

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