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Anyone use Matin Latin? (or have opinions about it?)


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I tried it last year because it was given to me and I needed a latin program. I did not like it. The concept is good. It teaches latin by associating pictures with the oral word and the written word. I found it rather dry and often confusing. Is that a picture of a farmer, or a pastor, or a pilgrim, or a father or an uncle, or a teacher, or a brother? Is it a wolf or a dog? Is it a woman or a mother? You get the idea.


It really flopped here. I was very attracted to the program because of how simple it looked. But, I think it was too simplified, too scaled back.


Now, if you want uncluttered and that is what attracts you to the program - you might do very well with it. But, I do think there are better programs on the market.


For point of reference, I love Latin's Not so Tough - but many really, really do not like that program. I could not stand LFC but many rave about it and wouldnt use anything else.

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I don't suggest it much because there has been an explosion of new Latin programs since I used it, but it worked well for us. I choose it because it was billed as easy on the Latin-ignorant parent.


Here is my review:


We started Matin Latin 1 when ds was 10. We completed Matin Latin 1 & 2 in 2 years. We homeschool year round.


I liked the looks of Latin for Children, but I read a review that called it "ambitious". It looked great, but ambitious to me. And since I have NO Latin background, and Matin Latin is supposed to be good for those of us with no Latin background, I went with it.


I've been happy with it. Matin Latin 1 covers nouns (subject, predicate, direct object, indirect object, object of the preposition, possessive), verbs (present, future, imperfect), sum (the verb “to beâ€), adjectives, predicate adjectives, prepositions and prepositional phrases. Only 1st declension nouns (feminine) are introduced. Each topic is presented first in English, then in Latin. So, present tense verbs are presented first in English, then in Latin. It has an answer key. It has quite a bit of translating from Latin to English. We worked 2x per week up to an hour a day for 8-9 month to complete it.


Matin Latin 2 covers 2nd & 3rd declension nouns, more verb tenses (perfect, pluperfect, future perfect), 2nd & 3rd conjugation verb, adverbs, conjunctions, and more. The last few months, we worked 3x per week, and I found that I needed to study more beforehand. We completed Matin Latin 2 in 1 ¼ years. The best advice a woman gave me about ML 2 was to allow it to take more than a year. Ds has now moved on to Oxford Latin with a Latin tutor. Yippee! Matin Latin was a great foundation!


In Matin Latin 1 & 2, there are several stories from the Old Testament: Joshua & Jericho, Daniel & the lion, Adam & Eve, Noah, Tower of Babel, Abraham & Isaac, Jacob & Esau. There is the Roman myth of Androcles and the lion, Ceres and Persephone, and the Roman god Bacchus. There are stories about Roman life and a girl named Julia who lives with her father by the seashore. There are no prayers to be memorized and chanted daily. The only specifically Christian content is Jesus Loves Me on a “just for fun†page along with the song America.



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Thanks for your in depth review! Also- enjoyed the Latin chart on what each one covers! I was thinking about Latin and talked to the Rosetta Stone people. They said RS is great for spoken languages more than Latin. They didn't say NOT to buy it for Latin but said Spanish, French, etc. would be great for their programs. I do like the Latin's Not So Tough, but really haven't gotten that in depth with it.


Thanks for your help!

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I bought 3 Latin programs before I ever had children or planned to homeschool! I actually taught myself a bit of Latin with Martha Wilson's Latin Primer (Mars Hill) before I lost my motivation.


I plan to start Latin with my children next year, that should help in the motivation department!


I bought Matin Latin last year because it was $1. I think the other 3 programs I own are better, but I couldn't help myself, I figured it might have something useful or something explained in a slightly different way that would be helpful, and it was $1.

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