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If you know of traditional schools using Story of the World (SOTW), read inside pls.

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I need to talk to some schools which use SOTW. I contacted PHP and they advised me to post this inquiry on the board, so here it is.


If you know of a traditional classroom school using SOTW, would you please e-mail me or PM me? I would like you to provide me with the school name and address and contact info.


I plan to bump this post for a while, so please be patient as it reappears.



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I need to talk to some schools which use SOTW. I contacted PHP and they advised me to post this inquiry on the board, so here it is.


If you know of a traditional classroom school using SOTW, would you please e-mail me or PM me? I would like you to provide me with the school name and address and contact info.


I plan to bump this post for a while, so please be patient as it reappears.




Mars Hill Classical School in Cincinnati uses SOTW.

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This is the first year using SOTW in our school. We want to communicate with other schools which are using it to see how they are implementing a schedule. Are they able to use all the chapters in one school year? If so, how have they arranged their schedule to accomplish it? Which activities have they found the most advantageous for classroom use? Do you test after every chapter or after every two? Questions like this.


We knew going into a change of curriculum that we would never "finish the book" the first year. And our goal is to get as much out of each volume to insure as thorough a foundation as possible for the next volume to build upon.


We knew we would be tweaking things for a couple of years. We want to get as much tweaking done this year to ensure a better one next.


That's why.:) And besides, the contact from PHP advised me to take this course of inquiry. The answers have already been beneficial. Thanks so much, and please continue!

Edited by Janie
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My daughter attends Trinitas Classical Academy in Grand Rapids, MI and we use SOTW. I am actually a parent helper for history. :)

Our week looks like this: Monday: read chapter, ask review questions, ask one student to narrate.

Tuesday: review, color picture for timeline, mapwork

Wednesday: review, craft/ additional library book/ video of my choosing

Thursday: review game, color sheet

Friday: test


Also on Monday the students are given 1/2 sheet cards (on cardstock) with the major facts and dates from the chapter that they take home with them each night to study for homework.

We love history and we love SWB! :D


Hope that helps.



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Nova Classical Academy in St. Paul, Minnesota is a public charter school using The Well Trained Mind as the basis for its curriculum. I know many of the classrooms use SOTW but I don't know to what extent it is used (for example, I don't know if every chapter is read).


I'd love to hear the results of your information collection if you wish to post them.

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Thanks, Claire! These are just the little tweaks that can be done to enhance the curriculum. When we are in the thick of things (preparing lessons, actually teaching, grading papers, and the myriad of other details of a typical day), we are so brain-dead when it comes to long-term planning that we need to see what others have done. These are some great ideas!


What a wonderful resource the communication on these boards have been over the last ten years. Thanks for providing the avenue for these conversations, Susan!:)

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This is the first year using SOTW in our school. We want to communicate with other schools which are using it to see how they are implementing a schedule. Are they able to use all the chapters in one school year? If so, how have they arranged their schedule to accomplish it? Which activities have they found the most advantageous for classroom use? Do you test after every chapter or after every two? Questions like this.


We knew going into a change of curriculum that we would never "finish the book" the first year. And our goal is to get as much out of each volume to insure as thorough a foundation as possible for the next volume to build upon.


We knew we would be tweaking things for a couple of years. We want to get as much tweaking done this year to ensure a better one next.


That's why.:) And besides, the contact from PHP advised me to take this course of inquiry. The answers have already been beneficial. Thanks so much, and please continue!


What a great idea. I'd love to hear what you come up with, Janie.



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Trinitas only goes through 8th grade, so grades 1-8 use SOTW. SOTW 1 is used for 1st and 5th, SOTW 2 for 2nd and 6th, and so on. Obviously the tests are much harder for the upper grades and dates are required to be memorized.






I would love to hear how you test for grades 6th - 8th! :)

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But their website lists SOTW for lower grade history.




Also, FWIW, I was supposed to teach SOTW 1 to a first grade class this past year (didn't happen--long story). But I had already mapped out our year (no I couldn't fit every chapter in, so I skipped a couple). I went through the AG and selected additional reading for each chapter that was readily available at our local library. Finally, I went through the AG once more, selecting hands-on activities (approx. one for every week or two) that I thought would be enjoyable--mummifying the chicken, clay projects, coordinating art activities, etc. My proposed schedule was very much like Claire+3's. I think it would have been a really fun year.



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